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Add FixedSVD, refactor build_projectors, improve SVD passing
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pbrehmer committed Jul 10, 2024
1 parent 14f8ac4 commit 8fe9183
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Showing 4 changed files with 116 additions and 111 deletions.
28 changes: 13 additions & 15 deletions src/algorithms/ctmrg.jl
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Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function CTMRG(;
return CTMRG{ctmrgscheme}(
tol, maxiter, miniter, verbosity, ProjectorAlg(; svd_alg, trscheme, verbosity)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,7 +133,6 @@ function MPSKit.leading_boundary(envinit, state, alg::CTMRG)
return envfix

ctmrg_iter(state, env::CTMRGEnv{C,T}, alg::CTMRG) where {C,T}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,7 +164,7 @@ function left_move(state, env::CTMRGEnv{C,T}, alg::ProjectorAlg) where {C,T}
corners::typeof(env.corners) = copy(env.corners)
edges::typeof(env.edges) = copy(env.edges)
ϵ = 0.0
Pleft, Pright = Zygote.Buffer.(projector_type(T, size(state))) # Use Zygote.Buffer instead of @diffset to avoid ZeroTangent errors in _setindex
P_top, P_bottom = Zygote.Buffer.(projector_type(T, size(state))) # Use Zygote.Buffer instead of @diffset to avoid ZeroTangent errors in _setindex

for col in 1:size(state, 2)
cprev = _prev(col, size(state, 2))
Expand All @@ -192,11 +191,10 @@ function left_move(state, env::CTMRGEnv{C,T}, alg::ProjectorAlg) where {C,T}

# SVD half-infinite environment
trscheme = if alg.trscheme isa FixedSpaceTruncation
truncspace(space(env.edges[WEST, row, cnext], 1))
truncspace(space(env.edges[WEST, row, col], 1))
@tensor QQ[-1 -2 -3; -4 -5 -6] := Q_sw[-1 -2 -3; 1 2 3] * Q_nw[1 2 3; -4 -5 -6]
@autoopt @tensor QQ[χ_EB D_EBabove D_EBbelow; χ_ET D_ETabove D_ETbelow] :=
Q_sw[χ_EB D_EBabove D_EBbelow; χ D1 D2] *
Q_nw[χ D1 D2; χ_ET D_ETabove D_ETbelow]
Expand All @@ -213,18 +211,18 @@ function left_move(state, env::CTMRGEnv{C,T}, alg::ProjectorAlg) where {C,T}

# Compute projectors
Pl, Pr = build_projectors(U, S, V, Q_sw, Q_nw)
Pleft[row, col] = Pl
Pright[row, col] = Pr
Pt, Pb = build_projectors(U, S, V, Q_sw, Q_nw)
P_top[row, col] = Pt
P_bottom[row, col] = Pb

# Use projectors to grow the corners & edges
for row in 1:size(state, 1)
rprev = _prev(row, size(state, 1))
C_sw, C_nw, T_w = grow_env_left(
state[row, col],
Pleft[rprev, col],
Pright[row, col],
P_left[rprev, col],
P_right[row, col],
env.corners[SOUTHWEST, row, cprev],
env.corners[NORTHWEST, row, cprev],
env.edges[SOUTH, row, col],
Expand All @@ -237,7 +235,7 @@ function left_move(state, env::CTMRGEnv{C,T}, alg::ProjectorAlg) where {C,T}

return CTMRGEnv(corners, edges), (; Pleft=copy(Pleft), Pright=copy(Pright), ϵ)
return CTMRGEnv(corners, edges), (; P_left=copy(P_top), P_right=copy(P_bottom), ϵ)

# Compute enlarged corners
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -276,12 +274,12 @@ end

# Build projectors from SVD and enlarged SW & NW corners
function build_projectors(
U::AbstractTensorMap{E,3,1}, S, V::AbstractTensorMap{E,1,3}, Q_SW, Q_NW
U::AbstractTensorMap{E,3,1}, S, V::AbstractTensorMap{E,1,3}, Q, Q_next
) where {E<:ElementarySpace}
isqS = sdiag_inv_sqrt(S)
P_bottom = Q_NW * V' * isqS
P_top = isqS * U' * Q_SW
return P_bottom, P_top
P_left = Q_next * V' * isqS
P_right = isqS * U' * Q
return P_left, P_right

# Apply projectors to entire left half-environment to grow SW & NW corners, and W edge
Expand Down
167 changes: 74 additions & 93 deletions src/algorithms/ctmrg_all_sides.jl
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@@ -1,15 +1,20 @@

struct IndexSelector{N} <: TensorKit.TruncationScheme

# One CTMRG iteration with both-sided application of projectors
function ctmrg_iter(state, env::CTMRGEnv, alg::CTMRG{:AllSides})
# Compute enlarged corners
Q = enlarge_corners_edges(state, env)

# Compute projectors if none are supplied
Pleft, Pright, info = build_projectors(Q, env, alg)
P_left, P_right, info = build_projectors(Q, env, alg)

# Apply projectors and normalize
corners, edges = renormalize_corners_edges(state, env, Q, Pleft, Pright)
corners, edges = renormalize_corners_edges(state, env, Q, P_left, P_right)

return CTMRGEnv(corners, edges), (; Pleft, Pright, info...)
return CTMRGEnv(corners, edges), (; P_left, P_right, info...)

# Compute enlarged corners and edges for all directions and unit cell entries
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,90 +57,66 @@ function enlarge_corners_edges(state, env::CTMRGEnv)

# Build projectors from SVD and enlarged corners
function build_projectors(Q, env::CTMRGEnv, alg::ProjectorAlg) # TODO: Add projector type annotations
Pleft, Pright = Zygote.Buffer.(projector_type(env.edges))
function build_projectors(Q, env::CTMRGEnv, alg::ProjectorAlg{A,T}) where {A,T} # TODO: Add projector type annotations
P_left, P_right = Zygote.Buffer.(projector_type(env.edges))
U, V = Zygote.Buffer.(projector_type(env.edges))
S = Zygote.Buffer(env.corners)
ϵ1, ϵ2, ϵ3, ϵ4 = 0, 0, 0, 0
for c in 1:size(env.corners, 3), r in 1:size(env.corners, 2)
Pl1, Pr1, info1 = build_projectors(
Q[1, r, c],
Q[2, r, _next(c, end)],
trunc=truncspace(space(env.edges[1, r, c], 1)),
envindex=(1, r, c),
Pl2, Pr2, info2 = build_projectors(
Q[2, r, c],
Q[3, _next(r, end), c],
trunc=truncspace(space(env.edges[2, r, c], 1)),
envindex=(2, r, c),
Pl3, Pr3, info3 = build_projectors(
Q[3, r, c],
Q[4, r, _prev(c, end)],
trunc=truncspace(space(env.edges[3, r, c], 1)),
envindex=(3, r, c),
Pl4, Pr4, info4 = build_projectors(
Q[4, r, c],
Q[1, _prev(r, end), c],
trunc=truncspace(space(env.edges[4, r, c], 1)),
envindex=(4, r, c),

Pleft[NORTH, r, c] = Pl1
Pright[NORTH, r, c] = Pr1
U[NORTH, r, c] = info1.U
S[NORTH, r, c] = info1.S
V[NORTH, r, c] = info1.V

Pleft[EAST, r, c] = Pl2
Pright[EAST, r, c] = Pr2
U[EAST, r, c] = info2.U
S[EAST, r, c] = info2.S
V[EAST, r, c] = info2.V

Pleft[SOUTH, r, c] = Pl3
Pright[SOUTH, r, c] = Pr3
U[SOUTH, r, c] = info3.U
S[SOUTH, r, c] = info3.S
V[SOUTH, r, c] = info3.V
ϵ = 0.0
rsize, csize = size(env.corners)[2:3]
for dir in 1:4, r in 1:rsize, c in 1:csize
# Row-column index of next enlarged corner
next_rc in if dir == 1
(r, _next(c, csize))
elseif dir == 2
(_next(r, rsize), c)
elseif dir == 3
(r, _prev(c, csize))
elseif dir == 4
(_prev(r, rsize), c)

Pleft[WEST, r, c] = Pl4
Pright[WEST, r, c] = Pr4
U[WEST, r, c] = info4.U
S[WEST, r, c] = info4.S
V[WEST, r, c] = info4.V
return copy(Pleft), copy(Pright), (; ϵ=max(ϵ1, ϵ2, ϵ3, ϵ4), U=copy(U), S=copy(S), V=copy(V))
function build_projectors(Qleft, Qright, alg::ProjectorAlg; kwargs...)
# SVD half-infinite environment
U, S, V, ϵ = PEPSKit.tsvd!(Qleft * Qright, alg.svd_alg; kwargs...)
ϵ /= norm(S)
# SVD half-infinite environment
trscheme = if T <: FixedSpaceTruncation
truncspace(space(env.edges[dir, r, c], 1))
svd_alg = if A <: SVDAdjoint{<:FixedSVD}
idx = (dir, r, c)
fwd_alg = alg.svd_alg.fwd_alg
fix_svd = FixedSVD(fwd_alg.U[idx...], fwd_alg.S[idx...], fwd_alg.V[idx...])
return SVDAdjoint(; fwd_alg=fix_svd, rrule_alg=nothing, broadening=nothing)
@autoopt @tensor QQ[χ_EB D_EBabove D_EBbelow; χ_ET D_ETabove D_ETbelow] :=
Q[dir, r, c][χ_EB D_EBabove D_EBbelow; χ D1 D2] *
Q[_next(dir, 4), next_rc...][χ D1 D2; χ_ET D_ETabove D_ETbelow]
U, S, V, ϵ_local = PEPSKit.tsvd!(QQ, svd_alg; trunc=trscheme)
ϵ = max(ϵ, ϵ_local / norm(S))

# Compute SVD truncation error and check for degenerate singular values
ignore_derivatives() do
if alg.verbosity > 1 && is_degenerate_spectrum(S)
svals = TensorKit.SectorDict(c => diag(b) for (c, b) in blocks(S))
@warn("degenerate singular values detected: ", svals)
# Compute SVD truncation error and check for degenerate singular values
ignore_derivatives() do
if alg.verbosity > 0 && is_degenerate_spectrum(S)
svals = TensorKit.SectorDict(c => diag(b) for (c, b) in blocks(S))
@warn("degenerate singular values detected: ", svals)

# Compute projectors
isqS = sdiag_inv_sqrt(S)
@tensor Pl[-1 -2 -3; -4] := Qright[-1 -2 -3; 1 2 3] * conj(V[4; 1 2 3]) * isqS[4; -4]
@tensor Pr[-1; -2 -3 -4] := isqS[-1; 1] * conj(U[2 3 4; 1]) * Qleft[2 3 4; -2 -3 -4]
# Compute projectors
Pl, Pr = build_projectors(U, S, V, Q_sw, Q_nw)
P_left[dir, r, c] = Pl
P_right[dir, r, c] = Pr
U[dir, r, c] = info.U
S[dir, r, c] = info.S
V[dir, r, c] = info.V

return Pl, Pr, (; ϵ, U, S, V)
return copy(P_left), copy(P_right), (; ϵ, U=copy(U), S=copy(S), V=copy(V))

# Apply projectors to renormalize corners and edges
function renormalize_corners_edges(state, env::CTMRGEnv, Q, Pleft, Pright)
function renormalize_corners_edges(state, env::CTMRGEnv, Q, P_left, P_right)
corners::typeof(env.corners) = copy(env.corners)
edges::typeof(env.edges) = copy(env.edges)
for c in 1:size(state, 2), r in 1:size(state, 1)
Expand All @@ -144,46 +125,46 @@ function renormalize_corners_edges(state, env::CTMRGEnv, Q, Pleft, Pright)
cprev = _prev(c, size(state, 2))
cnext = _next(c, size(state, 2))
@diffset @tensor corners[NORTHWEST, r, c][-1; -2] :=
Pright[WEST, rnext, c][-1; 1 2 3] *
P_right[WEST, rnext, c][-1; 1 2 3] *
Q[NORTHWEST, r, c][1 2 3; 4 5 6] *
Pleft[NORTH, r, c][4 5 6; -2]
P_left[NORTH, r, c][4 5 6; -2]
@diffset @tensor corners[NORTHEAST, r, c][-1; -2] :=
Pright[NORTH, r, cprev][-1; 1 2 3] *
P_right[NORTH, r, cprev][-1; 1 2 3] *
Q[NORTHEAST, r, c][1 2 3; 4 5 6] *
Pleft[EAST, r, c][4 5 6; -2]
P_left[EAST, r, c][4 5 6; -2]
@diffset @tensor corners[SOUTHEAST, r, c][-1; -2] :=
Pright[EAST, rprev, c][-1; 1 2 3] *
P_right[EAST, rprev, c][-1; 1 2 3] *
Q[SOUTHEAST, r, c][1 2 3; 4 5 6] *
Pleft[SOUTH, r, c][4 5 6; -2]
P_left[SOUTH, r, c][4 5 6; -2]
@diffset @tensor corners[SOUTHWEST, r, c][-1; -2] :=
Pright[SOUTH, r, cnext][-1; 1 2 3] *
P_right[SOUTH, r, cnext][-1; 1 2 3] *
Q[SOUTHWEST, r, c][1 2 3; 4 5 6] *
Pleft[WEST, r, c][4 5 6; -2]
P_left[WEST, r, c][4 5 6; -2]

@diffset @tensor edges[NORTH, r, c][-1 -2 -3; -4] :=
env.edges[NORTH, rprev, c][1 2 3; 4] *
state[r, c][9; 2 5 -2 7] *
conj(state[r, c][9; 3 6 -3 8]) *
Pleft[NORTH, r, c][4 5 6; -4] *
Pright[NORTH, r, cprev][-1; 1 7 8]
P_left[NORTH, r, c][4 5 6; -4] *
P_right[NORTH, r, cprev][-1; 1 7 8]
@diffset @tensor edges[EAST, r, c][-1 -2 -3; -4] :=
env.edges[EAST, r, _next(c, end)][1 2 3; 4] *
state[r, c][9; 7 2 5 -2] *
conj(state[r, c][9; 8 3 6 -3]) *
Pleft[EAST, r, c][4 5 6; -4] *
Pright[EAST, rprev, c][-1; 1 7 8]
P_left[EAST, r, c][4 5 6; -4] *
P_right[EAST, rprev, c][-1; 1 7 8]
@diffset @tensor edges[SOUTH, r, c][-1 -2 -3; -4] :=
env.edges[SOUTH, _next(r, end), c][1 2 3; 4] *
state[r, c][9; -2 7 2 5] *
conj(state[r, c][9; -3 8 3 6]) *
Pleft[SOUTH, r, c][4 5 6; -4] *
Pright[SOUTH, r, cnext][-1; 1 7 8]
P_left[SOUTH, r, c][4 5 6; -4] *
P_right[SOUTH, r, cnext][-1; 1 7 8]
@diffset @tensor edges[WEST, r, c][-1 -2 -3; -4] :=
env.edges[WEST, r, _prev(c, end)][1 2 3; 4] *
state[r, c][9; 5 -2 7 2] *
conj(state[r, c][9; 6 -3 8 3]) *
Pleft[WEST, r, c][4 5 6; -4] *
Pright[WEST, rnext, c][-1; 1 7 8]
P_left[WEST, r, c][4 5 6; -4] *
P_right[WEST, rnext, c][-1; 1 7 8]

@diffset corners[:, :, :] ./= norm.(corners[:, :, :])
Expand Down
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions src/utility/svd.jl
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Expand Up @@ -168,6 +168,24 @@ function ChainRulesCore.rrule(
return (U, S, V, ϵ), tsvd!_itersvd_pullback

struct FixedSVD
SVD struct containing a pre-computed decomposition or even multiple ones.
The call to `tsvd` just returns the pre-computed U, S and V. In the reverse
pass, the SVD adjoint is computed with these exact U, S, and V.
struct FixedSVD{Ut,St,Vt}

# Return pre-computed SVD
function TensorKit._tsvd!(_, alg::FixedSVD, ::NoTruncation, ::Real=2)
return alg.U, alg.S, alg.V, 0

struct NonTruncAdjoint(; lorentz_broadening = 0.0)
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14 changes: 11 additions & 3 deletions src/utility/util.jl
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Expand Up @@ -51,16 +51,24 @@ end

projector_type(T::DataType, size)
Create two arrays of specified `size` that contain undefined tensors representing
left and right acting projectors, respectively. The projector types are inferred
from the TensorMap type `T` which avoids having to recompute transpose tensors.
Alternatively, supply an array of edge tensors from which left and right projectors
are intialized explicitly with zeros.
function projector_type(T::DataType, size)
Pleft = Array{T,length(size)}(undef, size)
P_left = Array{T,length(size)}(undef, size)
Prtype = tensormaptype(spacetype(T), numin(T), numout(T), storagetype(T))
Pright = Array{Prtype,length(size)}(undef, size)
return Pleft, Pright
P_right = Array{Prtype,length(size)}(undef, size)
return P_left, P_right
function projector_type(edges::Array{<:AbstractTensorMap})
P_left = map(e -> TensorMap(zeros, scalartype(e), space(e)), edges)
P_right = map(e -> TensorMap(zeros, scalartype(e), domain(e), codomain(e)), edges)
return P_left, P_right

# There are no rrules for rotl90 and rotr90 in ChainRules.jl
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