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pbrehmer authored Jul 15, 2024
2 parents ccb1f95 + 9e53fc8 commit 741f4de
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Showing 8 changed files with 251 additions and 73 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ ChainRulesCore = "d360d2e6-b24c-11e9-a2a3-2a2ae2dbcce4"
Compat = "34da2185-b29b-5c13-b0c7-acf172513d20"
KrylovKit = "0b1a1467-8014-51b9-945f-bf0ae24f4b77"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
LoggingExtras = "e6f89c97-d47a-5376-807f-9c37f3926c36"
MPSKit = "bb1c41ca-d63c-52ed-829e-0820dda26502"
OptimKit = "77e91f04-9b3b-57a6-a776-40b61faaebe0"
Printf = "de0858da-6303-5e67-8744-51eddeeeb8d7"
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/PEPSKit.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ using Accessors
using VectorInterface
using TensorKit, KrylovKit, MPSKit, OptimKit, TensorOperations
using ChainRulesCore, Zygote
using LoggingExtras
using MPSKit: loginit!, logiter!, logfinish!, logcancel!

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308 changes: 245 additions & 63 deletions src/algorithms/ctmrg.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,9 +35,10 @@ Algorithm struct that represents the CTMRG algorithm for contracting infinite PE
Each CTMRG run is converged up to `tol` where the singular value convergence of the
corners as well as the norm is checked. The maximal and minimal number of CTMRG iterations
is set with `maxiter` and `miniter`. Different levels of output information are printed
depending on `verbosity` (0, 1 or 2).
depending on `verbosity`, where `0` suppresses all output, `1` only prints warnings, `2`
gives information at the start and end, and `3` prints information every iteration.
The projectors are computed from `svd_alg` SVDs where the truncation scheme is set via
The projectors are computed from `svd_alg` SVDs where the truncation scheme is set via
In general, two different schemes can be selected with `ctmrgscheme` which determine how
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,75 +77,256 @@ Per default, a random initial environment is used.
function MPSKit.leading_boundary(state, alg::CTMRG)
return MPSKit.leading_boundary(CTMRGEnv(state, oneunit(spacetype(state))), state, alg)
function MPSKit.leading_boundary(envinit, state, alg::CTMRG{S}) where {S}
normold = 1.0
CSold = map(x -> tsvd(x; alg=TensorKit.SVD())[2], envinit.corners)
TSold = map(x -> tsvd(x; alg=TensorKit.SVD())[2], envinit.edges)
ϵold = 1.0
function MPSKit.leading_boundary(envinit, state, alg::CTMRG)
CS = map(x -> tsvd(x; alg=TensorKit.SVD())[2], envinit.corners)
TS = map(x -> tsvd(x; alg=TensorKit.SVD())[2], envinit.edges)

η = one(real(scalartype(state)))
N = norm(state, envinit)
env = deepcopy(envinit)
log = ignore_derivatives(() -> MPSKit.IterLog("CTMRG"))

return LoggingExtras.withlevel(; alg.verbosity) do
ctmrg_loginit!(log, η, N)
local iter
for outer iter in 1:(alg.maxiter)
env, = ctmrg_iter(state, env, alg) # Grow and renormalize in all 4 directions
η, CS, TS = calc_convergence(env, CS, TS)
N = norm(state, env)
ctmrg_logiter!(log, iter, η, N)

(iter > alg.miniter && η <= alg.tol) && break

for i in 1:(alg.maxiter)
env, info = ctmrg_iter(state, env, alg) # Grow and renormalize in all 4 directions

conv_condition, normold, CSold, TSold, ϵ = ignore_derivatives() do
# Compute convergence criteria and take max (TODO: How should we handle logging all of this?)
Δϵ = abs((ϵold - info.ϵ) / ϵold)
normnew = norm(state, env)
Δnorm = abs(normold - normnew) / abs(normold)
CSnew = map(c -> tsvd(c; alg=TensorKit.SVD())[2], env.corners)
ΔCS = maximum(zip(CSold, CSnew)) do (c_old, c_new)
# only compute the difference on the smallest part of the spaces
smallest = infimum(MPSKit._firstspace(c_old), MPSKit._firstspace(c_new))
e_old = isometry(MPSKit._firstspace(c_old), smallest)
e_new = isometry(MPSKit._firstspace(c_new), smallest)
return norm(e_new' * c_new * e_new - e_old' * c_old * e_old)
TSnew = map(t -> tsvd(t; alg=TensorKit.SVD())[2], env.edges)
ΔTS = maximum(zip(TSold, TSnew)) do (t_old, t_new)
MPSKit._firstspace(t_old) == MPSKit._firstspace(t_new) ||
return scalartype(t_old)(Inf)
# TODO: implement when spaces aren't the same
return norm(t_new - t_old)
# Do one final iteration that does not change the spaces
alg_fixed = @set alg.projector_alg.trscheme = FixedSpaceTruncation()
env′, = ctmrg_iter(state, env, alg_fixed)
envfix = gauge_fix(env, env′)

conv_condition = max(Δnorm, ΔCS, ΔTS) < alg.tol && i > alg.miniter

if alg.verbosity > 1 || (alg.verbosity == 1 && (i == 1 || conv_condition))
"CTMRG iter: %3d norm: %.2e Δnorm: %.2e ΔCS: %.2e ΔTS: %.2e ϵ: %.2e Δϵ: %.2e\n",
alg.verbosity > 0 &&
i == alg.maxiter &&
"CTMRG reached maximal number of iterations at (Δnorm=$Δnorm, ΔCS=$ΔCS, ΔTS=$ΔTS)"
return conv_condition, normnew, CSnew, TSnew, info.ϵ
η = calc_elementwise_convergence(envfix, env; atol=alg.tol^(1 / 2))
N = norm(state, envfix)

if η < alg.tol^(1 / 2)
ctmrg_logfinish!(log, iter, η, N)
ctmrg_logcancel!(log, iter, η, N)
conv_condition && break # Converge if maximal Δ falls below tolerance
return envfix

# Do one final iteration that does not change the spaces
alg_fixed = CTMRG(;
env′, = ctmrg_iter(state, env, alg_fixed)
envfix, = gauge_fix(env, env′)
check_elementwise_convergence(env, envfix; atol=alg.tol^(1 / 2)) ||
@warn "CTMRG did not converge elementwise."
return envfix
ctmrg_loginit!(log, η, N) = @infov 2 loginit!(log, η, N)
ctmrg_logiter!(log, iter, η, N) = @infov 3 logiter!(log, iter, η, N)
ctmrg_logfinish!(log, iter, η, N) = @infov 2 logfinish!(log, iter, η, N)
ctmrg_logcancel!(log, iter, η, N) = @warnv 1 logcancel!(log, iter, η, N)

@non_differentiable ctmrg_loginit!(args...)
@non_differentiable ctmrg_logiter!(args...)
@non_differentiable ctmrg_logfinish!(args...)
@non_differentiable ctmrg_logcancel!(args...)

gauge_fix(envprev::CTMRGEnv{C,T}, envfinal::CTMRGEnv{C,T}) where {C,T}
Fix the gauge of `envfinal` based on the previous environment `envprev`.
This assumes that the `envfinal` is the result of one CTMRG iteration on `envprev`.
Given that the CTMRG run is converged, the returned environment will be
element-wise converged to `envprev`.
function gauge_fix(envprev::CTMRGEnv{C,T}, envfinal::CTMRGEnv{C,T}) where {C,T}
# Check if spaces in envprev and envfinal are the same
same_spaces = map(Iterators.product(axes(envfinal.edges)...)) do (dir, r, c)
space(envfinal.edges[dir, r, c]) == space(envprev.edges[dir, r, c]) &&
space(envfinal.corners[dir, r, c]) == space(envprev.corners[dir, r, c])
@assert all(same_spaces) "Spaces of envprev and envfinal are not the same"

# Try the "general" algorithm from
signs = map(Iterators.product(axes(envfinal.edges)...)) do (dir, r, c)
# Gather edge tensors and pretend they're InfiniteMPSs
if dir == NORTH
Tsprev = circshift(envprev.edges[dir, r, :], 1 - c)
Tsfinal = circshift(envfinal.edges[dir, r, :], 1 - c)
elseif dir == EAST
Tsprev = circshift(envprev.edges[dir, :, c], 1 - r)
Tsfinal = circshift(envfinal.edges[dir, :, c], 1 - r)
elseif dir == SOUTH
Tsprev = circshift(reverse(envprev.edges[dir, r, :]), c)
Tsfinal = circshift(reverse(envfinal.edges[dir, r, :]), c)
elseif dir == WEST
Tsprev = circshift(reverse(envprev.edges[dir, :, c]), r)
Tsfinal = circshift(reverse(envfinal.edges[dir, :, c]), r)

# Random MPS of same bond dimension
M = map(Tsfinal) do t
TensorMap(randn, scalartype(t), codomain(t) domain(t))

# Find right fixed points of mixed transfer matrices
ρinit = TensorMap(
MPSKit._lastspace(Tsfinal[end])' MPSKit._lastspace(M[end])',
ρprev = transfermatrix_fixedpoint(Tsprev, M, ρinit)
ρfinal = transfermatrix_fixedpoint(Tsfinal, M, ρinit)

# Decompose and multiply
Qprev, = leftorth(ρprev)
Qfinal, = leftorth(ρfinal)

return Qprev * Qfinal'

cornersfix, edgesfix = fix_relative_phases(envfinal, signs)

# Fix global phase
cornersgfix = map(envprev.corners, cornersfix) do Cprev, Cfix
return dot(Cfix, Cprev) * Cfix
edgesgfix = map(envprev.edges, edgesfix) do Tprev, Tfix
return dot(Tfix, Tprev) * Tfix
return CTMRGEnv(cornersgfix, edgesgfix)

# this is a bit of a hack to get the fixed point of the mixed transfer matrix
# because MPSKit is not compatible with AD
function transfermatrix_fixedpoint(tops, bottoms, ρinit)
_, vecs, info = eigsolve(ρinit, 1, :LM, Arnoldi()) do ρ
return foldr(zip(tops, bottoms); init=ρ) do (top, bottom), ρ
return @tensor ρ′[-1; -2] := top[-1 4 3; 1] * conj(bottom[-2 4 3; 2]) * ρ[1; 2]
info.converged > 0 || @warn "eigsolve did not converge"
return first(vecs)

# Explicit fixing of relative phases (doing this compactly in a loop is annoying)
function _contract_gauge_corner(corner, σ_in, σ_out)
@autoopt @tensor corner_fix[χ_in; χ_out] :=
σ_in[χ_in; χ1] * corner[χ1; χ2] * conj(σ_out[χ_out; χ2])
function _contract_gauge_edge(edge, σ_in, σ_out)
@autoopt @tensor edge_fix[χ_in D_above D_below; χ_out] :=
σ_in[χ_in; χ1] * edge[χ1 D_above D_below; χ2] * conj(σ_out[χ_out; χ2])
function fix_relative_phases(envfinal::CTMRGEnv, signs)
C1 = map(Iterators.product(axes(envfinal.corners)[2:3]...)) do (r, c)
envfinal.corners[NORTHWEST, r, c],
signs[WEST, r, c],
signs[NORTH, r, _next(c, end)],
T1 = map(Iterators.product(axes(envfinal.edges)[2:3]...)) do (r, c)
envfinal.edges[NORTH, r, c],
signs[NORTH, r, c],
signs[NORTH, r, _next(c, end)],
C2 = map(Iterators.product(axes(envfinal.corners)[2:3]...)) do (r, c)
envfinal.corners[NORTHEAST, r, c],
signs[NORTH, r, c],
signs[EAST, _next(r, end), c],
T2 = map(Iterators.product(axes(envfinal.edges)[2:3]...)) do (r, c)
envfinal.edges[EAST, r, c], signs[EAST, r, c], signs[EAST, _next(r, end), c]
C3 = map(Iterators.product(axes(envfinal.corners)[2:3]...)) do (r, c)
envfinal.corners[SOUTHEAST, r, c],
signs[EAST, r, c],
signs[SOUTH, r, _prev(c, end)],
T3 = map(Iterators.product(axes(envfinal.edges)[2:3]...)) do (r, c)
envfinal.edges[SOUTH, r, c],
signs[SOUTH, r, c],
signs[SOUTH, r, _prev(c, end)],
C4 = map(Iterators.product(axes(envfinal.corners)[2:3]...)) do (r, c)
envfinal.corners[SOUTHWEST, r, c],
signs[SOUTH, r, c],
signs[WEST, _prev(r, end), c],
T4 = map(Iterators.product(axes(envfinal.edges)[2:3]...)) do (r, c)
envfinal.edges[WEST, r, c], signs[WEST, r, c], signs[WEST, _prev(r, end), c]

return stack([C1, C2, C3, C4]; dims=1), stack([T1, T2, T3, T4]; dims=1)

function calc_convergence(envs, CSold, TSold)
CSnew = map(x -> tsvd(x; alg=TensorKit.SVD())[2], envs.corners)
ΔCS = maximum(zip(CSold, CSnew)) do (c_old, c_new)
# only compute the difference on the smallest part of the spaces
smallest = infimum(MPSKit._firstspace(c_old), MPSKit._firstspace(c_new))
e_old = isometry(MPSKit._firstspace(c_old), smallest)
e_new = isometry(MPSKit._firstspace(c_new), smallest)
return norm(e_new' * c_new * e_new - e_old' * c_old * e_old)

TSnew = map(x -> tsvd(x; alg=TensorKit.SVD())[2], envs.edges)
ΔTS = maximum(zip(TSold, TSnew)) do (t_old, t_new)
MPSKit._firstspace(t_old) == MPSKit._firstspace(t_new) ||
return scalartype(t_old)(Inf)
return norm(t_new - t_old)

@debug "maxᵢ|Cⁿ⁺¹ - Cⁿ|ᵢ = $ΔCS maxᵢ|Tⁿ⁺¹ - Tⁿ|ᵢ = $ΔTS"

return max(ΔCS, ΔTS), CSnew, TSnew

@non_differentiable calc_convergence(args...)

calc_elementwise_convergence(envfinal, envfix; atol=1e-6)
Check if the element-wise difference of the corner and edge tensors of the final and fixed
CTMRG environments are below some tolerance.
function calc_elementwise_convergence(envfinal::CTMRGEnv, envfix::CTMRGEnv; atol::Real=1e-6)
ΔC = envfinal.corners .- envfix.corners
ΔCmax = norm(ΔC, Inf)
ΔCmean = norm(ΔC)
@debug "maxᵢⱼ|Cⁿ⁺¹ - Cⁿ|ᵢⱼ = $ΔCmax mean |Cⁿ⁺¹ - Cⁿ|ᵢⱼ = $ΔCmean"

ΔT = envfinal.edges .- envfix.edges
ΔTmax = norm(ΔT, Inf)
ΔTmean = norm(ΔT)
@debug "maxᵢⱼ|Tⁿ⁺¹ - Tⁿ|ᵢⱼ = $ΔTmax mean |Tⁿ⁺¹ - Tⁿ|ᵢⱼ = $ΔTmean"

# Check differences for all tensors in unit cell to debug properly
for (dir, r, c) in Iterators.product(axes(envfinal.edges)...)
"$((dir, r, c)): all |Cⁿ⁺¹ - Cⁿ|ᵢⱼ < ϵ: ",
all(x -> abs(x) < atol, convert(Array, ΔC[dir, r, c])),
"$((dir, r, c)): all |Tⁿ⁺¹ - Tⁿ|ᵢⱼ < ϵ: ",
all(x -> abs(x) < atol, convert(Array, ΔT[dir, r, c])),

return max(ΔCmax, ΔTmax)

@non_differentiable calc_elementwise_convergence(args...)

ctmrg_iter(state, env::CTMRGEnv{C,T}, alg::CTMRG) where {C,T}
Expand Down
8 changes: 2 additions & 6 deletions src/algorithms/peps_opt.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -85,38 +85,34 @@ based on the CTMRG gradient and updates the PEPS parameters. In this optimizatio
the CTMRG runs can be started on the converged environments of the previous optimizer
step by setting `reuse_env` to true. Otherwise a random environment is used at each
step. The CTMRG gradient itself is computed using the `gradient_alg` algorithm.
Different levels of output verbosity can be activated using `verbosity` (0, 1 or 2).
struct PEPSOptimize{G}

function PEPSOptimize( # Inner constructor to prohibit illegal setting combinations
) where {S,G}
if gradient_alg isa GradMode
if S == :sequential && G.parameters[1] == :fixed
throw(ArgumentError(":sequential and :fixed are not compatible"))
return new{G}(boundary_alg, optimizer, reuse_env, gradient_alg, verbosity)
return new{G}(boundary_alg, optimizer, reuse_env, gradient_alg)
function PEPSOptimize(;
return PEPSOptimize(boundary_alg, optimizer, reuse_env, gradient_alg, verbosity)
return PEPSOptimize(boundary_alg, optimizer, reuse_env, gradient_alg)

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/ctmrg/gaugefix.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ using Random
using PEPSKit
using TensorKit

using PEPSKit: ctmrg_iter, gauge_fix, check_elementwise_convergence
using PEPSKit: ctmrg_iter, gauge_fix, calc_elementwise_convergence

scalartypes = [Float64, ComplexF64]
unitcells = [(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 2)]
Expand Down

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