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Add fixedpoint interface for PEPSOptimize, add NLocalOperator type wi…
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…th AbstractInteractions, unroll gauge-fixing explicitly to fix AD, update ctmrg_gradient to be more efficient
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pbrehmer committed Mar 7, 2024
1 parent c544431 commit 3e190cb
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Showing 9 changed files with 270 additions and 258 deletions.
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions examples/heisenberg.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ function square_lattice_heisenberg(; Jx=-1, Jy=1, Jz=-1)
Jy * σy[-1, -2] * σy[-3, -4] +
Jz * σz[-1, -2] * σz[-3, -4]

return H
return NLocalOperator{NearestNeighbor}(H)

# Initialize InfinitePEPS with random & complex entries by default
Expand All @@ -32,15 +32,17 @@ H = square_lattice_heisenberg(; Jx=-1, Jy=1, Jz=-1)
χbond = 2
χenv = 20
ctmalg = CTMRG(; trscheme=truncdim(χenv), tol=1e-10, miniter=4, maxiter=100, verbosity=2)
optalg = PEPSOptimize{LinSolve}(;
alg = PEPSOptimize{LinSolve}(;
optimizer=LBFGS(4; maxiter=100, gradtol=1e-4, verbosity=2),

# Ground state search
ψinit = init_peps(2, χbond, 1, 1)
envinit = leading_boundary(ψinit, ctmalg, CTMRGEnv(ψinit; Venv=^χenv))
result = groundsearch(H, ctmalg, optalg, ψinit, envinit)
@show result.E
ψ₀ = init_peps(2, χbond, 1, 1)
env₀ = leading_boundary(ψ₀, ctmalg, CTMRGEnv(ψ₀; Venv=^χenv))
result = fixedpoint(ψ₀, H, alg, env₀)
@show result.E
23 changes: 3 additions & 20 deletions examples/test_gauge_fixing.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,22 +2,6 @@ using LinearAlgebra
using TensorKit, MPSKitModels, OptimKit
using PEPSKit

# Square lattice Heisenberg Hamiltonian
function square_lattice_heisenberg(; Jx=-1.0, Jy=1.0, Jz=-1.0)
Sx, Sy, Sz, _ = spinmatrices(1//2)
Vphys =^2
σx = TensorMap(Sx, Vphys, Vphys)
σy = TensorMap(Sy, Vphys, Vphys)
σz = TensorMap(Sz, Vphys, Vphys)

@tensor H[-1 -3; -2 -4] :=
Jx * σx[-1, -2] * σx[-3, -4] +
Jy * σy[-1, -2] * σy[-3, -4] +
Jz * σz[-1, -2] * σz[-3, -4]

return H

# Initialize InfinitePEPS with random & complex entries by default
function init_peps(d, D, Lx, Ly, finit=randn, dtype=ComplexF64)
Pspaces = fill(ℂ^d, Lx, Ly)
Expand All @@ -27,17 +11,16 @@ function init_peps(d, D, Lx, Ly, finit=randn, dtype=ComplexF64)

# Initialize PEPS and environment
H = square_lattice_heisenberg()
χbond = 2
χenv = 20
ctmalg = CTMRG(; trscheme=truncdim(χenv), tol=1e-10, miniter=4, maxiter=50, verbosity=2)
ψ = init_peps(2, χbond, 3, 1)
ctmalg = CTMRG(; trscheme=truncdim(χenv), tol=1e-10, miniter=4, maxiter=100, verbosity=2)
ψ = init_peps(2, χbond, 2, 2)
env = leading_boundary(ψ, ctmalg, CTMRGEnv(ψ; Venv=^χenv))

println("\nBefore gauge-fixing:")
env′, = PEPSKit.ctmrg_iter(ψ, env, ctmalg)
PEPSKit.check_elementwise_conv(env, env′)

println("\nAfter gauge-fixing:")
envfix = PEPSKit.gauge_fix(env, env′)
envfix = PEPSKit.gauge_fix(env, env′);
PEPSKit.check_elementwise_conv(env, envfix)
19 changes: 9 additions & 10 deletions examples/test_gradients.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ function square_lattice_heisenberg(; Jx=-1.0, Jy=1.0, Jz=-1.0)
Jy * σy[-1, -2] * σy[-3, -4] +
Jz * σz[-1, -2] * σz[-3, -4]

return H
return NLocalOperator{NearestNeighbor}(H)

# Initialize InfinitePEPS with random & complex entries by default
Expand All @@ -36,27 +36,26 @@ env = leading_boundary(ψ, ctmalg, CTMRGEnv(ψ; Venv=ℂ^χenv))

# Compute CTM gradient in four different ways (set reuse_env=false to not mutate environment)
println("\nFP gradient using naive AD:")
alg_naive = PEPSOptimize{NaiveAD}(; verbosity=2, reuse_env=false)
@time _, g_naive = PEPSKit.ctmrg_gradient((ψ, env), H, ctmalg, alg_naive)
g_naive = InfinitePEPS(g_naive...) # Convert NamedTuple to InfinitePEPS
alg_naive = PEPSOptimize{NaiveAD}(; boundary_alg=ctmalg, verbosity=2, reuse_env=false)
@time _, g_naive = PEPSKit.ctmrg_gradient((ψ, env), H, alg_naive)

println("\nFP gradient using explicit evaluation of the geometric sum:")
alg_geomsum = PEPSOptimize{GeomSum}(;
fpgrad_tol=1e-6, fpgrad_maxiter=100, verbosity=2, reuse_env=false
boundary_alg=ctmalg, fpgrad_tol=1e-6, fpgrad_maxiter=100, verbosity=2, reuse_env=false
@time _, g_geomsum = PEPSKit.ctmrg_gradient((ψ, env), H, ctmalg, alg_geomsum)
@time _, g_geomsum = PEPSKit.ctmrg_gradient((ψ, env), H, alg_geomsum)

println("\nFP gradient using manual iteration of the linear problem:")
alg_maniter = PEPSOptimize{ManualIter}(;
fpgrad_tol=1e-6, fpgrad_maxiter=100, verbosity=2, reuse_env=false
boundary_alg=ctmalg, fpgrad_tol=1e-6, fpgrad_maxiter=100, verbosity=2, reuse_env=false
@time _, g_maniter = PEPSKit.ctmrg_gradient((ψ, env), H, ctmalg, alg_maniter)
@time _, g_maniter = PEPSKit.ctmrg_gradient((ψ, env), H, alg_maniter)

println("\nFP gradient using GMRES to solve the linear problem:")
alg_linsolve = PEPSOptimize{LinSolve}(;
fpgrad_tol=1e-6, fpgrad_maxiter=100, verbosity=2, reuse_env=false
boundary_alg=ctmalg, fpgrad_tol=1e-6, fpgrad_maxiter=100, verbosity=2, reuse_env=false
@time _, g_linsolve = PEPSKit.ctmrg_gradient((ψ, env), H, ctmalg, alg_linsolve)
@time _, g_linsolve = PEPSKit.ctmrg_gradient((ψ, env), H, alg_linsolve)

@show norm(g_geomsum - g_naive) / norm(g_naive)
@show norm(g_maniter - g_naive) / norm(g_naive)
Expand Down
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions src/PEPSKit.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ include("mpskit_glue/transferpepo_environments.jl")


Expand All @@ -34,14 +35,16 @@ module Defaults
const ctmrg_maxiter = 100
const ctmrg_miniter = 4
const ctmrg_tol = 1e-12
const grad_maxiter = 100
const grad_tol = 1e-6
const fpgrad_maxiter = 100
const fpgrad_tol = 1e-6

export CTMRG, CTMRGEnv
export leading_boundary, expectation_value
export NLocalOperator, OnSite, NearestNeighbor
export expectation_value, costfun
export leading_boundary
export PEPSOptimize, NaiveAD, GeomSum, ManualIter, LinSolve
export groundsearch
export fixedpoint
export InfinitePEPS, InfiniteTransferPEPS
export InfinitePEPO, InfiniteTransferPEPO
export initializeMPS, initializePEPS
Expand Down
189 changes: 100 additions & 89 deletions src/algorithms/ctmrg.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@

# Compute CTMRG environment for a given state
# function MPSKit.leading_boundary(state, alg::CTMRG, envinit=CTMRGEnv(state))
function MPSKit.leading_boundary(state, alg::CTMRG, envinit=CTMRGEnv(state))
normold = 1.0
CSold = map(x -> tsvd(x; alg=TensorKit.SVD())[2], envinit.corners)
Expand All @@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ function MPSKit.leading_boundary(state, alg::CTMRG, envinit=CTMRGEnv(state))
# Compute convergence criteria and take max (TODO: How should we handle logging all of this?)
Δϵ = abs((ϵold - ϵ) / ϵold)
normnew = norm(state, env)
Δnorm = abs(normold - normnew)
Δnorm = abs(normold - normnew) / abs(normold)
CSnew = map(c -> tsvd(c; alg=TensorKit.SVD())[2], env.corners)
ΔCS = maximum(norm.(CSnew - CSold))
TSnew = map(t -> tsvd(t; alg=TensorKit.SVD())[2], env.edges)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,103 +88,119 @@ function gauge_fix(envprev::CTMRGEnv{C,T}, envfinal::CTMRGEnv{C,T}) where {C,T}

# Fix global phase
cornersgfix = map(zip(envprev.corners, cornersfix)) do (Cprev, Cfix)
# φ = sign(sum( / sum( # TODO: make sum( differentiable
φ = sign(tr(Cprev) / tr(Cfix))
φ * Cfix
φ = dot(Cprev, Cfix)
φ' * Cfix
edgesgfix = map(zip(envprev.edges, edgesfix)) do (Tprev, Tfix)
# φ = sign(sum( / sum(
φ = sign((@tensor Tprev[1 2 2; 1]) / (@tensor Tfix[1 2 2; 1]))
φ * Tfix
φ = dot(Tprev, Tfix)
φ' * Tfix
envfix = CTMRGEnv(cornersgfix, edgesgfix)

return envfix

# Explicit version
# function fix_relative_phases(e::CTMRGEnv, signs)
# cornersfix = map(Iterators.product(axes(e.corners)...)) do (dir, r, c)
# if dir == 1
# return @tensor Cfix[-1; -2] :=
# Explicit unrolling of for loop from previous version to fix AD
# TODO: Does not yet properly work for Lx,Ly > 2
function fix_relative_phases(envfinal::CTMRGEnv, signs)
e1 = envfinal
σ1 = signs
C1 = map(Iterators.product(axes(e1.corners)[2:3]...)) do (r, c)
@tensor Cfix[-1; -2] :=
σ1[WEST, _prev(r, end), c][-1 1] *
e1.corners[NORTHWEST, r, c][1; 2] *
conj(σ1[NORTH, r, c][-2 2])
T1 = map(Iterators.product(axes(e1.edges)[2:3]...)) do (r, c)
@tensor Tfix[-1 -2 -3; -4] :=
σ1[NORTH, r, c][-1 1] *
e1.edges[NORTH, r, c][1 -2 -3; 2] *
conj(σ1[NORTH, r, _next(c, end)][-4 2])

e2 = rotate_north(envfinal, EAST)
σ2 = rotate_north(signs, EAST)
C2 = map(Iterators.product(axes(e2.corners)[2:3]...)) do (r, c)
@tensor Cfix[-1; -2] :=
σ2[WEST, _prev(r, end), c][-1 1] *
e2.corners[NORTHWEST, r, c][1; 2] *
conj(σ2[NORTH, r, c][-2 2])
C2 = rotate_north(C2, WEST)
T2 = map(Iterators.product(axes(e2.edges)[2:3]...)) do (r, c)
@tensor Tfix[-1 -2 -3; -4] :=
σ2[NORTH, r, c][-1 1] *
e2.edges[NORTH, r, c][1 -2 -3; 2] *
conj(σ2[NORTH, r, _next(c, end)][-4 2])
T2 = rotate_north(T2, WEST)

e3 = rotate_north(envfinal, SOUTH)
σ3 = rotate_north(signs, SOUTH)
C3 = map(Iterators.product(axes(e3.corners)[2:3]...)) do (r, c)
@tensor Cfix[-1; -2] :=
σ3[WEST, _prev(r, end), c][-1 1] *
e3.corners[NORTHWEST, r, c][1; 2] *
conj(σ3[NORTH, r, c][-2 2])
C3 = rotate_north(C3, SOUTH)
T3 = map(Iterators.product(axes(e3.edges)[2:3]...)) do (r, c)
@tensor Tfix[-1 -2 -3; -4] :=
σ3[NORTH, r, c][-1 1] *
e3.edges[NORTH, r, c][1 -2 -3; 2] *
conj(σ3[NORTH, r, _next(c, end)][-4 2])
T3 = rotate_north(T3, SOUTH)

e4 = rotate_north(envfinal, WEST)
σ4 = rotate_north(signs, WEST)
C4 = map(Iterators.product(axes(e4.corners)[2:3]...)) do (r, c)
@tensor Cfix[-1; -2] :=
σ4[WEST, _prev(r, end), c][-1 1] *
e4.corners[NORTHWEST, r, c][1; 2] *
conj(σ4[NORTH, r, c][-2 2])
C4 = rotate_north(C4, EAST)
T4 = map(Iterators.product(axes(e4.edges)[2:3]...)) do (r, c)
@tensor Tfix[-1 -2 -3; -4] :=
σ4[NORTH, r, c][-1 1] *
e4.edges[NORTH, r, c][1 -2 -3; 2] *
conj(σ4[NORTH, r, _next(c, end)][-4 2])
T4 = rotate_north(T4, EAST)

return stack([C1, C2, C3, C4]; dims=1), stack([T1, T2, T3, T4]; dims=1)

# Semi-working version analogous to left_move with rotations
# function fix_relative_phases(envfinal::CTMRGEnv, signs)
# cornersfix = deepcopy(envfinal.corners)
# edgesfix = deepcopy(envfinal.edges)
# for _ in 1:4
# corners = map(Iterators.product(axes(envfinal.corners)[2:3]...)) do (r, c)
# @tensor Cfix[-1; -2] :=
# signs[WEST, _prev(r, end), c][-1 1] *
# e.corners[NORTHWEST, r, c][1; 2] *
# envfinal.corners[NORTHWEST, r, c][1; 2] *
# conj(signs[NORTH, r, c][-2 2])
# elseif dir == 2
# return @tensor Cfix[-1; -2] :=
# signs[NORTH, _prev(r, end), _prev(c, end)][-1 1] *
# e.corners[NORTHEAST, r, c][1; 2] *
# conj(signs[EAST, r, c][-2 2])
# elseif dir == 3
# return @tensor Cfix[-1; -2] :=
# signs[EAST, _prev(r, end), c][-1 1] *
# e.corners[SOUTHEAST, r, c][1; 2] *
# conj(signs[SOUTH, r, c][-2 2])
# elseif dir == 4
# return @tensor Cfix[-1; -2] :=
# signs[SOUTH, _prev(r, end), c][-1 1] *
# e.corners[SOUTHWEST, r, c][1; 2] *
# conj(signs[WEST, r, c][-2 2])
# end
# end

# edgesfix = map(Iterators.product(axes(e.edges)...)) do (dir, r, c)
# if dir == 1
# return @tensor Tfix[-1 -2 -3; -4] :=
# @diffset cornersfix[NORTHWEST, :, :] .= corners
# edges = map(Iterators.product(axes(envfinal.edges)[2:3]...)) do (r, c)
# @tensor Tfix[-1 -2 -3; -4] :=
# signs[NORTH, r, c][-1 1] *
# e.edges[NORTH, r, c][1 -2 -3; 2] *
# envfinal.edges[NORTH, r, c][1 -2 -3; 2] *
# conj(signs[NORTH, r, _next(c, end)][-4 2])
# elseif dir == 2
# return @tensor Tfix[-1 -2 -3; -4] :=
# signs[EAST, r, c][-1 1] *
# e.edges[EAST, r, c][1 -2 -3; 2] *
# conj(signs[EAST, _next(r, end), c][-4 2])
# elseif dir == 3
# return @tensor Tfix[-1 -2 -3; -4] :=
# signs[SOUTH, r, c][-1 1] *
# e.edges[SOUTH, r, c][1 -2 -3; 2] *
# conj(signs[SOUTH, _next(r, end), _next(c, end)][-4 2])
# elseif dir == 4
# return @tensor Tfix[-1 -2 -3; -4] :=
# signs[WEST, r, c][-1 1] *
# e.edges[WEST, r, c][1 -2 -3; 2] *
# conj(signs[WEST, _prev(r, end), c][-4 2])
# end
# end
# @diffset edgesfix[NORTH, :, :] .= edges

# # Rotate east-wards
# envfinal = rotate_north(envfinal, EAST)
# cornersfix = rotate_north(cornersfix, EAST)
# edgesfix = rotate_north(edgesfix, EAST)
# signs = rotate_north(signs, EAST) # TODO: Fix AD problem here
# end
# return cornersfix, edgesfix
# end

# Semi-working version analogous to left_move with rotations
function fix_relative_phases(envfinal::CTMRGEnv, signs)
cornersfix = deepcopy(envfinal.corners)
edgesfix = deepcopy(envfinal.edges)
for _ in 1:4
corners = map(Iterators.product(axes(envfinal.corners)[2:3]...)) do (r, c)
@tensor Cfix[-1; -2] :=
signs[WEST, _prev(r, end), c][-1 1] *
envfinal.corners[NORTHWEST, r, c][1; 2] *
conj(signs[NORTH, r, c][-2 2])
@diffset cornersfix[NORTHWEST, :, :] .= corners
edges = map(Iterators.product(axes(envfinal.edges)[2:3]...)) do (r, c)
@tensor Tfix[-1 -2 -3; -4] :=
signs[NORTH, r, c][-1 1] *
envfinal.edges[NORTH, r, c][1 -2 -3; 2] *
conj(signs[NORTH, r, _next(c, end)][-4 2])
@diffset edgesfix[NORTH, :, :] .= edges

# Rotate east-wards
envfinal = rotate_north(envfinal, EAST)
cornersfix = rotate_north(cornersfix, EAST)
edgesfix = rotate_north(edgesfix, EAST)
signs = rotate_north(signs, EAST) # TODO: Fix AD problem here
return cornersfix, edgesfix

# Explicitly check if element-wise difference of fixed and final environment tensors are below some tolerance
function check_elementwise_conv(
envfinal::CTMRGEnv, envfix::CTMRGEnv; atol::Real=1e-6, print_conv=true
Expand All @@ -208,14 +225,8 @@ function check_elementwise_conv(
@warn "no elementwise convergence up to ϵ < $atol:"
for dir in 1:4
"dir=$dir: all |Cⁿ⁺¹ - Cⁿ|ᵢⱼ < ϵ: ",
Cerr[dir],# maximum.(ΔC[dir, :, :])
"dir=$dir: all |Tⁿ⁺¹ - Tⁿ|ᵢⱼ < ϵ: ",
Terr[dir],# maximum.(ΔT[dir, :, :])
println("dir=$dir: all |Cⁿ⁺¹ - Cⁿ|ᵢⱼ < ϵ: ", Cerr[dir])
println("dir=$dir: all |Tⁿ⁺¹ - Tⁿ|ᵢⱼ < ϵ: ", Terr[dir])
println("maxᵢⱼ|Cⁿ⁺¹ - Cⁿ|ᵢⱼ = $ΔCmax")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -374,7 +385,7 @@ function grow_env_left(peps, Pl, Pr, C_sw, C_nw, T_s, T_w, T_n)

# Compute norm of the entire CMTRG enviroment
function LinearAlgebra.norm(peps, env::CTMRGEnv)
function LinearAlgebra.norm(peps::InfinitePEPS, env::CTMRGEnv)
total = one(scalartype(peps))

for r in 1:size(peps, 1), c in 1:size(peps, 2)
Expand Down

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