A super simple, super easy way to display more information on your discord profile.
I set it up so by default it can show static messages, your local time, and how long you've been awake.
You can run node wake
when you wake up to update the time in wake.json.
To start the main program, run node status
You will need to grab your user token. You can do so by opening inspect element, on most browsers you can right click in a page and click Inspect Element. If you are using the discord desktop app, you can do so by pressing Ctrl+Shift+i. Click on the Network Monitor tab (Commonly labled just "Network"). You can watch all the requests discord makes here. Go ahead and send a message somewhere on that client. You should see a new request labled "messages". Click on that, and scroll through the headers tab. You should see some entry labled "authorization", copy the value of that entry and paste it into config.json. The config is generated by the program. It is copied from config.default.json. You can either copy the file yourself or run the program.
Use of this software could be considered selfbotting under Discord's TOS. I am not liable for anything that may happen to you or your account by using this software.
Provided under the MIT license.