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Generate Qiskit 1.0.1 (#877)
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`npm run gen-api -- -p qiskit -v 1.0.1`
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Eric-Arellano authored Feb 26, 2024
1 parent 9832c8a commit 097da08
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Showing 31 changed files with 114 additions and 26 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/api/qiskit/_package.json
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"name": "qiskit",
"version": "1.0.0"
"version": "1.0.1"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/api/qiskit/
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Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Create an incoming node

`static semantic_eq(node1, node2, bit_indices1, bit_indices2)`

Check if DAG nodes are considered equivalent, e.g., as a node\_match for [`rustworkx.is_isomorphic_node_match()`]( "(in rustworkx v0.14.0)").
Check if DAG nodes are considered equivalent, e.g., as a node\_match for [`rustworkx.is_isomorphic_node_match()`]( "(in rustworkx v0.14)").


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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/api/qiskit/
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Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Create a node

`static semantic_eq(node1, node2, bit_indices1, bit_indices2)`

Check if DAG nodes are considered equivalent, e.g., as a node\_match for [`rustworkx.is_isomorphic_node_match()`]( "(in rustworkx v0.14.0)").
Check if DAG nodes are considered equivalent, e.g., as a node\_match for [`rustworkx.is_isomorphic_node_match()`]( "(in rustworkx v0.14)").


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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/api/qiskit/
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Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Returns the Instruction name corresponding to the op for this node

`static semantic_eq(node1, node2, bit_indices1, bit_indices2)`

Check if DAG nodes are considered equivalent, e.g., as a node\_match for [`rustworkx.is_isomorphic_node_match()`]( "(in rustworkx v0.14.0)").
Check if DAG nodes are considered equivalent, e.g., as a node\_match for [`rustworkx.is_isomorphic_node_match()`]( "(in rustworkx v0.14)").


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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/api/qiskit/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Create an outgoing node

`static semantic_eq(node1, node2, bit_indices1, bit_indices2)`

Check if DAG nodes are considered equivalent, e.g., as a node\_match for [`rustworkx.is_isomorphic_node_match()`]( "(in rustworkx v0.14.0)").
Check if DAG nodes are considered equivalent, e.g., as a node\_match for [`rustworkx.is_isomorphic_node_match()`]( "(in rustworkx v0.14)").


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26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions docs/api/qiskit/
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Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,32 @@ The resulting decomposition is parameterized by 3 Euler rotation angle parameter
| ‘U1X’ | $Z(\phi) Y(\theta) Z(\lambda)$ | $e^{i\gamma} U_1(\phi+\pi).R_X\left(\frac{\pi}{2}\right).$ $U_1(\theta+\pi).R_X\left(\frac{\pi}{2}\right).U_1(\lambda)$ |
| ‘RR’ | $Z(\phi) Y(\theta) Z(\lambda)$ | $e^{i\gamma} R\left(-\pi,\frac{\phi-\lambda+\pi}{2}\right).$ $R\left(\theta+\pi,\frac{\pi}{2}-\lambda\right)$ |

### \_\_call\_\_

<span id="qiskit.synthesis.OneQubitEulerDecomposer.__call__" />

`__call__(unitary, simplify=True, atol=1e-12)`

Decompose single qubit gate into a circuit.


* **unitary** ([*Operator*](qiskit.quantum_info.Operator "qiskit.quantum_info.Operator") *|*[*Gate*](qiskit.circuit.Gate "qiskit.circuit.Gate") *| np.ndarray*) – 1-qubit unitary matrix
* **simplify** ([*bool*]( "(in Python v3.12)")) – reduce gate count in decomposition \[Default: True].
* **atol** ([*float*]( "(in Python v3.12)")) – absolute tolerance for checking angles when simplifying returned circuit \[Default: 1e-12].


the decomposed single-qubit gate circuit

**Return type**

[QuantumCircuit](qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit "qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit")


[**QiskitError**](exceptions#qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError "qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError") – if input is invalid or synthesis fails.

Initialize decomposer

Supported bases are: `'U'`, `'PSX'`, `'ZSXX'`, `'ZSX'`, `'U321'`, `'U3'`, `'U1X'`, `'RR'`, `'ZYZ'`, `'ZXZ'`, `'XYX'`, `'XZX'`.
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27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions docs/api/qiskit/
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Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,33 @@ A class for decomposing 2-qubit unitaries into minimal number of uses of a 2-qub
* **euler\_basis** ([*str*]( "(in Python v3.12)")) – Basis string to be provided to [`OneQubitEulerDecomposer`](qiskit.synthesis.OneQubitEulerDecomposer "qiskit.synthesis.OneQubitEulerDecomposer") for 1Q synthesis. Valid options are \[`'ZYZ'`, `'ZXZ'`, `'XYX'`, `'U'`, `'U3'`, `'U1X'`, `'PSX'`, `'ZSX'`, `'RR'`].
* **pulse\_optimize** ([*bool*]( "(in Python v3.12)") *| None*) – If `True`, try to do decomposition which minimizes local unitaries in between entangling gates. This will raise an exception if an optimal decomposition is not implemented. Currently, only \[\{CX, SX, RZ}] is known. If `False`, don’t attempt optimization. If `None`, attempt optimization but don’t raise if unknown.

### \_\_call\_\_

<span id="qiskit.synthesis.TwoQubitBasisDecomposer.__call__" />

`__call__(unitary, basis_fidelity=None, approximate=True, *, _num_basis_uses=None)`

Decompose a two-qubit `unitary` over fixed basis and $SU(2)$ using the best approximation given that each basis application has a finite `basis_fidelity`.


* **unitary** ([*Operator*](qiskit.quantum_info.Operator "qiskit.quantum_info.Operator") *or ndarray*) – $4 \times 4$ unitary to synthesize.
* **basis\_fidelity** ([*float*]( "(in Python v3.12)") *or None*) – Fidelity to be assumed for applications of KAK Gate. If given, overrides `basis_fidelity` given at init.
* **approximate** ([*bool*]( "(in Python v3.12)")) – Approximates if basis fidelities are less than 1.0.
* **\_num\_basis\_uses** ([*int*]( "(in Python v3.12)")) – force a particular approximation by passing a number in \[0, 3].


Synthesized quantum circuit.

**Return type**

[QuantumCircuit](qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit "qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit")


[**QiskitError**](exceptions#qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError "qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError") – if `pulse_optimize` is True but we don’t know how to do it.

## Methods

### decomp0
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24 changes: 23 additions & 1 deletion docs/api/qiskit/
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Expand Up @@ -20,13 +20,35 @@ A class for optimal decomposition of 2-qubit unitaries into 2-qubit basis gates

* **basis\_fidelity** ([*dict*]( "(in Python v3.12)") *|*[*float*]( "(in Python v3.12)")) – available strengths and fidelity of each. Can be either (1) a dictionary mapping `XX` angle values to fidelity at that angle; or (2) a single float `f`, interpreted as `{pi: f, pi/2: f/2, pi/3: f/3}`.
* **euler\_basis** ([*str*]( "(in Python v3.12)")) – Basis string provided to [`OneQubitEulerDecomposer`](qiskit.synthesis.OneQubitEulerDecomposer "qiskit.synthesis.OneQubitEulerDecomposer") for 1Q synthesis. Defaults to `"U"`.
* **embodiments** ([*dict*]( "(in Python v3.12)")*\[*[*float*]( "(in Python v3.12)")*,* [*QuantumCircuit*](qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit "qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit")*] | None*) – A dictionary mapping interaction strengths alpha to native circuits which embody the gate $CAN(\alpha, 0, 0)$. Strengths are taken so that $pi/2$ represents the class of a full [`CXGate`](qiskit.circuit.library.CXGate "qiskit.circuit.library.CXGate").
* **embodiments** ([*dict*]( "(in Python v3.12)")*\[*[*float*]( "(in Python v3.12)")*,* [*QuantumCircuit*](qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit "qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit")*] | None*) – A dictionary mapping interaction strengths alpha to native circuits which embody the gate $CAN(\alpha, 0, 0)$. Strengths are taken so that $\pi/2$ represents the class of a full [`CXGate`](qiskit.circuit.library.CXGate "qiskit.circuit.library.CXGate").
* **backup\_optimizer** (*Callable\[...,* [*QuantumCircuit*](qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit "qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit")*] | None*) – If supplied, defers synthesis to this callable when [`XXDecomposer`](#qiskit.synthesis.XXDecomposer "qiskit.synthesis.XXDecomposer") has no efficient decomposition of its own. Useful for special cases involving 2 or 3 applications of $XX(\pi/2)$, in which case standard synthesis methods provide lower 1Q gate count.

<Admonition title="Note" type="note">
If `embodiments` is not passed, or if an entry is missing, it will be populated as needed using the method `_default_embodiment`.

### \_\_call\_\_

<span id="qiskit.synthesis.XXDecomposer.__call__" />

`__call__(unitary, basis_fidelity=None, approximate=True)`

Fashions a circuit which (perhaps approximately) models the special unitary operation `unitary`, using the circuit templates supplied at initialization as `embodiments`. The routine uses `basis_fidelity` to select the optimal circuit template, including when performing exact synthesis; the contents of `basis_fidelity` is a dictionary mapping interaction strengths (scaled so that $CX = RZX(\pi/2)$ corresponds to $\pi/2$) to circuit fidelities.


* **unitary** ([*Operator*](qiskit.quantum_info.Operator "qiskit.quantum_info.Operator") *or ndarray*) – $4 \times 4$ unitary to synthesize.
* **basis\_fidelity** ([*dict*]( "(in Python v3.12)") *or*[*float*]( "(in Python v3.12)")) – Fidelity of basis gates. Can be either (1) a dictionary mapping `XX` angle values to fidelity at that angle; or (2) a single float `f`, interpreted as `{pi: f, pi/2: f/2, pi/3: f/3}`. If given, overrides the basis\_fidelity given at init.
* **approximate** ([*bool*]( "(in Python v3.12)")) – Approximates if basis fidelities are less than 1.0 .


Synthesized circuit.

**Return type**

[QuantumCircuit](qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit "qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit")

## Methods

### num\_basis\_gates
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/api/qiskit/
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Expand Up @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ The undirected distance

Draws the coupling map.

This function calls the [`graphviz_draw()`]( "(in rustworkx v0.14.0)") function from the `rustworkx` package to draw the [`CouplingMap`](#qiskit.transpiler.CouplingMap "qiskit.transpiler.CouplingMap") object.
This function calls the [`graphviz_draw()`]( "(in rustworkx v0.14)") function from the `rustworkx` package to draw the [`CouplingMap`](#qiskit.transpiler.CouplingMap "qiskit.transpiler.CouplingMap") object.


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Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ EquivalenceLibrary

**param target\_basis**

Target basis names to unroll to, e.g. \[‘u3’, ‘cx’].
Target basis names to unroll to, e.g. `['u3', 'cx']`.

**type target\_basis**

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/api/qiskit/
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Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ python_api_name: qiskit.visualization.dag_drawer

Plot the directed acyclic graph (dag) to represent operation dependencies in a quantum circuit.

This function calls the [`graphviz_draw()`]( "(in rustworkx v0.14.0)") function from the `rustworkx` package to draw the DAG.
This function calls the [`graphviz_draw()`]( "(in rustworkx v0.14)") function from the `rustworkx` package to draw the DAG.


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47 changes: 30 additions & 17 deletions docs/api/qiskit/release-notes/
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Expand Up @@ -4,10 +4,38 @@ description: New features and bug fixes
# Qiskit 1.0 release notes

## 1.0.1

<span id="relnotes-1-0-1-prelude" />

### Prelude

Qiskit 1.0.1 is a patch release fixing a small number of bugs identified in the Qiskit 1.0.0 release.

<span id="relnotes-1-0-1-bug-fixes" />

<span id="id2" />

### Bug Fixes

* Fixed a bug in the conversion of custom pulse instructions to the legacy [`qiskit.qobj`](/api/qiskit/qobj#module-qiskit.qobj "qiskit.qobj") format. The bug was introduced in Qiskit 1.0.0 and caused conversion of instructions with custom pulse shapes to raise an error. After the fix, the conversion is carried out correctly, and the custom pulse is converted to a `pulse.Waveform` as it should. Fixed [#11828](

* Fixed an issue in the [`InverseCancellation`](/api/qiskit/qiskit.transpiler.passes.InverseCancellation "qiskit.transpiler.passes.InverseCancellation") transpiler pass where in some cases it would incorrectly cancel a self-inverse parameterized gate even if the parameter value didn’t match. Fixed [#11815](

* [``](/api/qiskit/qiskit.passmanager.BasePassManager#run "") will no longer leak the previous [`PropertySet`](/api/qiskit/qiskit.passmanager.PropertySet "qiskit.passmanager.PropertySet") into new workflows when called more than once. Previously, the same [`PropertySet`](/api/qiskit/qiskit.passmanager.PropertySet "qiskit.passmanager.PropertySet") as before would be used to initialize follow-on runs, which could mean that invalid property information was being given to tasks. The behavior now matches that of Qiskit 0.44. Fixed [#11784](

* A bug has been fixed in `convert_durations_to_dt()` where the function assumed its inputs were all in seconds, rather than reading the actual unit. This could lead to wrong orders of magnitude in the reported circuit durations.

<span id="relnotes-1-0-0" />

<span id="id3" />

## 1.0.0

<span id="relnotes-1-0-0-prelude" />

<span id="id4" />

### Prelude

We are very pleased to release Qiskit 1.0.0. This release is the culmination of 7 years of development to mature Qiskit into a stable, high- performance SDK for quantum computing, and is the start of a new era for the Qiskit project and community. Besides general performance and stability improvements, the most significant changes with the 1.0.0 release relate to the stability policy, release cycles, and versioning. Qiskit is now formally using [semantic versioning](, and this means that, for the entire lifecycle of the 1.x release series, the project is committed to maintaining backwards compatibility in its public documented APIs. We’re also now starting to offer bugfix support for major versions, so that you continue to have a supported branch for 6 months after the release of the next major version. This starts now with the 1.x and 0.x major series: the 0.46.x release will continue to be supported, with periodic patch releases that contain bug fixes, for 6 months after the release of 1.0. That is, 0.46.x will be supported until 2024-08. You can see the full details of the new policy here:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1047,6 +1075,8 @@ This guide is meant to complement the release notes and have a targeted advice f

<span id="relnotes-1-0-0-bug-fixes" />

<span id="id5" />

### Bug Fixes

* Fixed the return of improper measurement schedules when only a subset of qubits was requested. Previously, a measurement schedule for all qubits would be returned.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1137,20 +1167,3 @@ This guide is meant to complement the release notes and have a targeted advice f

* The [`TemplateOptimization`](/api/qiskit/qiskit.transpiler.passes.TemplateOptimization "qiskit.transpiler.passes.TemplateOptimization") pass will now return parametric expressions using the native symbolic expression format of [`ParameterExpression`](/api/qiskit/qiskit.circuit.ParameterExpression "qiskit.circuit.ParameterExpression"), rather than always using Sympy. For most supported platforms, this means that the expressions will be Symengine objects. Previously, the pass could return mismatched objects, which could lead to later failures in parameter-handling code.

<span id="relnotes-unreleased-notes-preview-stable-0-46" />

## Unreleased Notes Preview

<span id="relnotes-unreleased-notes-preview-stable-0-46-bug-fixes" />

<span id="id3" />

### Bug Fixes

* Update properties and configuration information of [`FakeOpenPulse2Q`](/api/qiskit/qiskit.providers.fake_provider.FakeOpenPulse2Q "qiskit.providers.fake_provider.FakeOpenPulse2Q") backend. Missing gate properties were added for some gates defined in the pulse defaults so that the gates defined in the two locations were consistent.

* [`InstructionDurations.from_backend()`](/api/qiskit/qiskit.transpiler.InstructionDurations#from_backend "qiskit.transpiler.InstructionDurations.from_backend") now returns an instance of any subclass of [`InstructionDurations`](/api/qiskit/qiskit.transpiler.InstructionDurations "qiskit.transpiler.InstructionDurations") instead of the base class.

<span id="relnotes-0-46-0-stable-0-46" />

<span id="id4" />
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