This goal with this template is to generate a hosts formatted file with the IP addresses
pointing to
and store all test result in a Travis-CI stored (cache) MariaDB sql
The hosts file will at the end of procressing a PullRequest (PR) output all :code:ACTIVE
from the test face with PyFunceble.
The tests that should be applied to any PullRequest is:
Ensure all punycoded domains are converted--syntax
Varify submitted domains is valid--dns
Using a CI installed local DNS recursor like dnsdist--databse mariadb
To store PyFunceble test results to your next submission.--hierarchical
keeping related domains collected around each other.
Currently this is the first template which just has made it's import face from a working copy.
@spirillen is working on the
script on a local environment.
Once his script is ready for testing the process will continue.
Have fun, and don't hesitate to contribute.