Clone repository and check naming convention for multiple-word identifiers
This version of the script supports only github repository with python projects.
From command line:
$ python3 freq
- at least python 3.5
- nltk=>3.2.5
- GitPython=>2.1.10
just clone the project and install the requirements:
$ git clone
$ cd check_nc
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python -m nltk.downloader averaged_perceptron_tagger
Now we have only one sub-commands 'freq' and it means that we want to get statistic for part's of speech frequency in code.
In the future the script will have more options and features to analyze.
The script has 1 mandatory command to run:
options with freq
-p (--pos) - part of speech to analyze, two options available now: verbs, nouns
default: verbs
example: $ python3 freq -p nouns
-n (--node) - Select node to search names - functions of local variables, two options available now: func, var
default: func
example: $ python3 freq -p nouns -n func
Common script options
-o (--output) - Select format to output results, three options available now: text, json, csv
default: text
$ python3 -o json freq
-f (--file)" - We can choose path and name for file to store
default: stdout
$ python3 -o csv -f "results.csv" freq
-r (--repo) - web url for repository (for this version github repository only)
default: ''
example: $ python3 -r '' freq
--plang - programming language to parse, one options available now: python
default: python
example: $ python3 -plang python freq
-d (--dir) - select local directory for store repo
default: repos
example: $ python3 -d 'source' freq
-l (--log) - path and filename to store logs
default: stdout
example: $ python3 -l './logs' freq
--noclone - no clone from repo - take only from dir (-d)
default: False
example: $ python3 -d 'source' --noclone freq
--clear - clear repo after script finished
default: False
example: $ python3 --clear freq
To contribute, pick an issue to work on and leave a comment saying that you've taken the issue. Don't forget to mention when you want to submit the pull request.
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