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A sequence library for Clarity.

The Clarity files in contracts implements variations of a function for a specific sequence size. As Clarity is strictly typed, the library provides function variations supporting different datatypes. Each file has a numerical suffix reflecting the number of bits in the max sequence length. For example, the contract named repeat7.clar provides functions supporting a max sequence length of 127 = (- (pow 2 7) 1) represented in signatures with the placeholder max-len.

The clarity code has been generated from the files in the src directory but is not yet optimized to minimize execution cost and code size.


Call the functions from Clarity using contract-call? on the extension contract with the function, as in:

(contract-call? 'ST165C6WB01M6CYJ2ZZESYBF51KQ01SVW3P7D1KM2.distinct7-00 
  distinct (list 1 2 3 3 2 1 4 5))

Alternatively, use Clarity.Tools with its extended syntax to call functions in the deployed contract:

(use {distinct} 'ST165C6WB01M6CYJ2ZZESYBF51KQ01SVW3P7D1KM2.distinct7-00)

(distinct (list 1 2 3 3 2 1 4 5))



Converts seq to a different sequence type.

(ascii-to-buff (seq (string-ascii max-len)))  
(buff-to-ascii (seq (buff max-len)))


(ascii-to-buff "abc") => 0x616263

(buff-to-ascii 0x616263) => "abc"

Testnet: ST165C6WB01M6CYJ2ZZESYBF51KQ01SVW3P7D1KM2.convert7-00


Returns a sequence without duplicate items.

The canonical variation removes duplicate items from a list of integers:

(distinct (seq (list max-len int)))


(distint (list 1 2 2 3 1 3)) => (1 2 3)

Other variations:

(distinct-uint (seq (list max-len uint)))
(distinct-bool (seq (list max-len bool)))
(distinct-buff (seq (buff max-len)))
(distinct-string (seq (string-utf8 max-len)))
(distinct-ascii (seq (string-ascii max-len)))

Testnet: ST165C6WB01M6CYJ2ZZESYBF51KQ01SVW3P7D1KM2.distinct7-00


Returns a sequence with all but the first n items in seq.

The canonical variation drops n items from a list of integers, with signature:

(drop (n int) (seq (list max-len int)))


(drop 3 (list 1 2 3 4 5)) => (4 5)

Other variations:

(drop-uint (n int) (seq (list max-len uint)))
(drop-bool (n int) (seq (list max-len bool)))
(drop-buff (n int) (seq (buff max-len)))
(drop-string (n int) (seq (string-utf8 max-len)))
(drop-ascii (n int) (seq (string-ascii max-len)))

Testnet: ST165C6WB01M6CYJ2ZZESYBF51KQ01SVW3P7D1KM2.drop7-01


Concatenates every item in a list.

The canonical variation concatenates a list of integer-lists:

(flatten (seq (list max-len (list max-len int))))


(flatten (list (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) (list 7 8 9))) => (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)

Other variations:

(flatten-uint (seq (list max-len (list max-len uint))))
(flatten-bool (seq (list max-len (list max-len bool))))

Testnet: ST165C6WB01M6CYJ2ZZESYBF51KQ01SVW3P7D1KM2.flatten7-00


Returns a list interleaving the items in two sequences.

The canonical variation interleaves two lists of integers:

(interleave (seq1 (list max-len int)) (seq2 (list max-len int)))


(interleave (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) => (1 4 2 5 3 6)

Other variations:

(interleave-uint (seq1 (list max-len uint)) (seq2 (list max-len uint)))
(interleave-bool (seq1 (list max-len bool)) (seq2 (list max-len bool)))

Testnet: ST165C6WB01M6CYJ2ZZESYBF51KQ01SVW3P7D1KM2.interleave7-00


Returns a list of the elements of seq separated by sep.

The canonical variation interposes an integer in a list of integers:

(interpose (sep int) (seq (list max-len int)))


(interpose 0 (list 1 2 3)) => (1 0 2 0 3)

Other variations:

(interpose-uint (sep uint) (seq (list max-len uint)))
(interpose-bool (sep bool) (seq (list max-len bool)))

Testnet: ST165C6WB01M6CYJ2ZZESYBF51KQ01SVW3P7D1KM2.interpose7-00


Returns a list of some values from a list of options.

The canonical variation returns a list of integers:

(keep-some (seq (list max-len int)))


(keep-some (list none (some 1) none (some 2) none) => (1 2)

Other variations:

(keep-uint (seq (list max-len (optional uint))))
(keep-bool (seq (list max-len (optional bool))))
(keep-buff (seq (list max-len (optional (buff 127)))))
(keep-string (seq (list max-len (optional (string-utf8 127)))))
(keep-ascii (seq (list max-len (optional (string-ascii 127)))))

Testnet: ST165C6WB01M6CYJ2ZZESYBF51KQ01SVW3P7D1KM2.keep-some7-00


Returns a list of sequences of up to n items each.

The canonical variation partitions a list of integers:

(partition (n int) (seq (list max-len int)))


(partition 3 (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)) => ((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9))

Other variations:

(partition-uint (n int) (seq (list max-len uint)))
(partition-bool (n int) (seq (list max-len bool)))
(partition-buff (n int) (seq (list max-len (buff 127))))
(partition-string (n int) (seq (list max-len (string-utf8 127))))
(partition-ascii (n int) (seq (list max-len (string-ascii 127))))

Testnet: ST165C6WB01M6CYJ2ZZESYBF51KQ01SVW3P7D1KM2.partition7-00


Returns a sequence in the inclusive range of the arguments.

The canonical variation generates a list of integers:

(range (first-item int) (last-item int))


(range 1 9) => (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)

Other variations:

(range-buff (first-item (buff 1)) (last-item (buff 1)))
(range-ascii (first-item (string-ascii 1)) (last-item (string-ascii 1)))

Testnet: ST165C6WB01M6CYJ2ZZESYBF51KQ01SVW3P7D1KM2.range7-00


Returns a list with item repeated n times, limited by the max sequence length.

The canonical variation repeats an integer n times, with signature:

(repeat (n int) (item int))


(repeat 3 0) => (0 0 0)


(repeat-uint (n int) (item uint))
(repeat-bool (n int) (item bool))
(repeat-string (n int) (item (string-utf8 max-len)))
(repeat-ascii (n int) (item (string-ascii max-len)))
(repeat-buff (n int) (item (buff max-len)))

Testnet: ST165C6WB01M6CYJ2ZZESYBF51KQ01SVW3P7D1KM2.repeat7-00


Returns a sequence substituting items in a keys sequence with corresponding replacement values.

The canonical variation replaces items in a list of integers, with signature:

(replace (seq (list max-len int)) (keys (list max-len int)) (replacements (list max-len int))


(replace (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 4) (list -2 -4)) => (1 -2 3 -4 5)


(replace-uint (seq (list max-len uint)) (keys (list max-len uint)) (replacements (list max-len uint))
(replace-bool (seq (list max-len bool)) (keys (list max-len bool)) (replacements (list max-len bool))
(replace-string (seq (buff max-len)) (keys (buff max-len)) (replacements (buff max-len)))
(replace-ascii (seq (string-ascii max-len)) (keys (string-ascii max-len)) (replacements (string-ascii max-len)))
(replace-buff (seq (buff max-len)) (keys (buff max-len)) (replacements (buff max-len)))

Testnet: ST165C6WB01M6CYJ2ZZESYBF51KQ01SVW3P7D1KM2.replace7-00


Returns a sequence in reverse order.

The canonical version reverses a list of integers:

(reverse (seq (list max-len int)))


(reverse (list 1 2 3)) => (3 2 1)

Other variations:

(reverse-uint (seq (list max-len uint)))
(reverse-bool (seq (list max-len bool)))
(reverse-buff (seq (buff max-len)))
(reverse-string (seq (string-utf8 max-len)))
(reverse-ascii (seq (string-ascii max-len)))

Testnet: ST165C6WB01M6CYJ2ZZESYBF51KQ01SVW3P7D1KM2.reverse7-00


Returns a sequence taking n items after dropping skip items.

The canonical version slices a list of integers:

(slice (seq (list max-len int)) (skip int) (n int))


(slice (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) 2 3) => (3 4 5)

(slice-uint (seq (list max-len uint)) (skip int) (n int) ))
(slice-bool (seq (list max-len bool)) (skip int) (n int))
(slice-buff (seq (list max-len (buff 127))) (skip int) (n int))
(slice-string (seq (list max-len (string-utf8 127))) (skip int) (n int))
(slice-ascii (seq (list max-len (string-ascii 127))) (skip int) (n int) ))

Testnet: ST165C6WB01M6CYJ2ZZESYBF51KQ01SVW3P7D1KM2.slice7-01


Returns a list of sequences of up to n items each, staggered step apart.

The canonical variation staggers a list of integers:

(stagger (n int) (step int) (seq (list max-len int)))


(stagger 3 2 (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)) => ((1 2 3) (3 4 5) (5 6 7) (7 8 9))

Other variations:

(stagger-uint (n int) (step int) (seq (list max-len uint)))
(stagger-bool (n int) (step int) (seq (list max-len bool)))
(stagger-buff (n int) (step int) (seq (list max-len (buff 127))))
(stagger-string (n int) (step int) (seq (list max-len (string-utf8 127))))
(stagger-ascii (n int) (step int) (seq (list max-len (string-ascii 127))))

Testnet: ST165C6WB01M6CYJ2ZZESYBF51KQ01SVW3P7D1KM2.stagger7-00


Returns a list of every nth element in a sequence.

The canonical version extracts every nth element from a list of integers:

(take-nth (step int) (seq (list max-len int)))


(take-nth 3 (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)) => (1 4 7)

Other variations:

(take-nth-uint (step int) (seq (list max-len uint))))
(take-nth-bool (step int) (seq (list max-len bool)))
(take-nth-buff (step int) (seq (list max-len (buff 127)))))
(take-nth-string (step int) (seq (list max-len (string-utf8 127)))))
(take-nth-ascii (step int) (seq (list max-len (string-ascii 127)))))

Testnet: ST165C6WB01M6CYJ2ZZESYBF51KQ01SVW3P7D1KM2.take-nth7-00


Returns a sequence with the first n items in seq, or all items if there are fewer than n.

The canonical variation takes n items from a list of integers, with signature:

(take (n int) (seq (list max-len int)))


(take 3 (list 1 2 3 4 5)) => (1 2 3)

Other variations:

(take-uint (n int) (seq (list max-len uint)))
(take-bool (n int) (seq (list max-len bool)))
(take-buff (n int) (seq (buff max-len)))
(take-string (n int) (seq (string-utf8 max-len)))
(take-ascii (n int) (seq (string-ascii max-len)))

Testnet: ST165C6WB01M6CYJ2ZZESYBF51KQ01SVW3P7D1KM2.take7-01


The implementation of this library was supported with a grant from the Stacks Foundation.


Sequence library for Clarity







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