MONAI Label 0.7.0
Multi Users authentication and KeyCloak Integration
- MONAI Label APIs with Keycloak integration for user authentication and role based access.
- Login support for 3D Slicer via MONAILabel + KeyClock.
- Segmenting 104 anatomies in 4 seconds!
MONAI Bundle Support Improvements
- Support visualization of bundle config option.
- Enhancement of monai-zoo access.
- Support bundle downloading from NGC.
- Enhacement of multi-gpu training of bundles.
New MONAI Label Tutorial Series
- Quickstart tutorials and installation instructions in notebooks.
Documentation enhancements
Updated pretrained models:
- segmentation
- deepedit
CI/CD and tests
- blossom CI/CD and pre-merge pipeline enabled.
- Increased Unit tests coverage to 80%.