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🌊 Superfluid

Tutorial info

Author: nook Source code: TODO Intended audience: Beginners Topics: Token streaming, Superfluid


A component that uses @superfluid-finance/js-sdk to upgrade/downgrade super tokens, create new flows, and start streaming money in real time 🏄.


Make sure you have some kovan ETH.


Clone the repo

git clone

Get dependencies

yarn install

Edit 'packages/react-app/src/App.jsx' with one of the available networks (Kovan by default)

const targetnetwork = networks.kovan; // <------- select your target frontend network (localhost, rinkeby, xdai, mainnet)

Start the frontend, and open http://localhost:3000

yarn start

Superfluid component

<Superfluid />: A dashboard to create and view Superfluid money streams.

The superfluid component is already initialized for you in 'packages/react-app/src/App.jsx'


  • address: the current user address or ENS
  • provider: web3 provider
  • tokens: the list desired tokens
      tokens={["fDAI", "fUSDC"]}

The superfluid/js-sdk will take care of calling the resolver contract and retrieve the corresponding token contracts for the selected network, so no need to manually provide the contract addresses.

Fake token faucet


Adding a flow recipient and sending a stream

After adquiring fake tokens, they can be upgraded to super tokens, to do this first make a token approval transaction by clicking the Approve unlimited spending button.

After approving, enter the desired amount to upgrade and click the Upgrade to super token button.

The superfluid/js-sdk will take care of calling the resolver contract and retrieve the corresponding token contracts for the selected network, so no need to manually provide the contract addresses.

Fake token faucet


Adding a flow recipient and sending a stream

After adquiring fake tokens, they can be upgraded to super tokens, to do this first make a token approval transaction by clicking the Approve unlimited spending button.

After approving, enter the desired amount to upgrade and click the Upgrade to super token button.

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Add a new stream recipient

Lets create Bob as our first recipient. To do this enter Bob's name and a valid ethereum address in the form shown below.

After adding Bob as a recipient, a new panel with his flows will appear.

Send a new flow to Bob

Lets stream $1000 fDAI to Bob for a month.

To start the new flow, select fDAI from the dropdown shown below, and set the flow rate to 385802469135802, this corresponds to $1000 fDAI per month. Finally, click the Create new flow button and sign the transaction to start the stream.

After doing this, you can see the new flow in the fDAI outflows section of your flow panel, and as an fDAI inflow on Bob's pannel.


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