rippl-AI is an open toolbox of Artifical Intelligence (AI) resources for detection of hippocampal neurophysiological signals, in particular sharp-wave ripples (SWR). This toolbox offers multiple successful plug-and-play machine learning (ML) models from 5 different architectures (1D-CNN, 2D-CNN, LSTM, SVM and XGBoost) that are ready to use to detect SWRs in hippocampal recordings. Moreover, there is an additional package that allows easy re-training, so that models are updated to better detect particular features of your own recordings. More details in Navas-Olive, Rubio, et al. Commun Biol 7, 211 (2024)!
Sharp-wave ripples (SWRs) are transient fast oscillatory events (100-250Hz) of around 50ms that appear in the hippocampus, that had been associated with memory consolidation. During SWRs, sequential firing of ensembles of neurons are replayed, reactivating memory traces of previously encoded experiences. SWR-related interventions can influence hippocampal-dependent cognitive function, making their detection crucial to understand underlying mechanisms. However, existing SWR identification tools mostly rely on using spectral methods, which remain suboptimal.
Because of the micro-circuit properties of the hippocampus, CA1 SWRs share a common profile, consisting of a ripple in the stratum pyramidale (SP), and a sharp-wave deflection in stratum radiatum that reflects the large excitatory input that comes from CA3. Yet, SWRs can extremely differ depending on the underlying reactivated circuit. This continuous recording shows this variability:
In this project, we take advantage of supervised machine learning approaches to train different AI architectures so they can unbiasedly learn to identify signature SWR features on raw Local Field Potential (LFP) recordings. These are the explored architectures:
This toolbox contains three main blocks: detection, re-training and exploration. These three packages can be used jointly or separatedly. We will proceed to describe each of their purpose and usage.
In previous works (Navas-Olive, Amaducci et al, 2022), we demonstrated that using feature-based algorithms to detect electrophysiological events, such as SWRs, had several advantages:
- Performance lies within the expert range
- It is more stable and less biased than spectral methods
- It can detect a wider variety of SWRs
- It can be used as an interpretation tool All this is available in our cnn-ripple repository.
In this toolbox, we widen the machine learning spectrum, by offering multiple plug-and-play models, from very different AI architectures: 1D-CNN, 2D-CNN, LSTM, SVM and XGBoost. We performed an exhaustive parametric search to find different architecture
solutions (i.e. model
s) that achieve:
- High performance, so detections were as similar as manually labeled SWRs
- High stability, so performance does not depend on threshold selection
- High generability, so performance remains good on very different contexts
This respository contains the best five model
s from each of these five architecture
s. These model
s are already trained using mice data, and can be found in the optimized_models/ folder.
The rippl_AI python module contains all the necessary functions to easily use any model
to detect SWRs. Additionally, we also provide some auxiliary functions in the aux_fcn module, that contains useful code to process LFP and evaluate performance detection.
Moreover, several usage examples of all functions can be found in the examples_detection.ipynb python notebook.
The python function predict(LFP, sf, arch='CNN1D', model_number=1, channels=np.arange(8), d_sf=1250)
of the rippl_AI
module computes the SWR probability for a give LFP.
In the figure below, you can see an example of a high-density LFP recording (top) with manually labeled data (gray). The objective of these model
s is to generate an output signal that most similarly matches the manually labeled signal. The output of the uploaded optimized models can be seen in the bottom, where outputs go from 0 (low probability of SWR) to 1 (high probability of SWR) for each LFP sample.
The rippl_AI.predict()
input and output variables are:
Mandatory inputs:
: LFP recorded data (np.array
). Although there are no restrictions inn_channels
, some considerations should be taken into account (seechannels
). Data does not need to be normalized, because it will be internally be z-scored (seeaux_fcn.process_LFP()
: sampling frequency (in Hz).
Optional inputs:
: Name of the AI architecture to use (string
). It can be:CNN1D
: Number of the model to use (integer
). There are six different models for each architecture, sorted by performance, being1
the best, and5
the last.model_number=6
model can be used if single-channel data needs to be used.channels
: Channels to be used for detection (np.array
). This is the most senstive parameter, because models will be looking for specific spatial features over all channels. Counting starts in0
. The two main remarks are:- All models have been trained to look at features in the pyramidal layer (SP), so for them to work at their maximum potential, the selected channels would ideally be centered in the SP, with a postive deflection on the first channels (upper channels) and a negative deflection on the last channels (lower channels). The image above can be used as a visual reference of how to choose channels.
- For all combinations of
has to be of size 8. There is only one exception, forarchitecture = 2D-CNN
withmodels = {3, 4, 5}
, that needs to have 3 channels. - If you are using a high-density probe, then we recommend to use equi-distant channels from the beginning to the end of the SP. For example, for Neuropixels in mice, a good set of channels would be
+ [-8,-6,-4,-2,0,2,4,6]. - In the case of linear probes or tetrodes, there are not enough density to cover the SP with 8 channels. For that, interpolation or recorded channels can be done without compromising performance. New artificial interpolated channels will be add to the LFP wherever there is a
. For example, ifpyr_channel=11
in your linear probe, so that 10 is in stratum oriens and 12 in stratum radiatum, then we could definechannels=[10,-1,-1,11,-1,-1,-1,12]
, where 2nd and 3rd channels will be an interpolation of SO and SP channels, and 5th to 7th an interpolation of SP and SR channels. For tetrodes, organising channels according to their spatial profile is very convenient to assure best performance. These interpolations are done using the functionaux_fcn.interpolate_channels()
. - Several examples of all these usages can be found in the examples_detection.ipynb python notebook.
: Other re-trained model you want to use for detection. If you have used our re-train function to adapt the optimized models to your own data (seerippl_AI.retrain()
for more details), you can input thenew_model
here to use that model to predict your events.d_sf
: Desired subsampling frequency in Hz (int
). By default all works in 1250 Hz, but can be changed if you retrain your models usingrippl_AI.retrain_model
: model output for every sample of the LFP (np.array
x 1). It can be interpreted as the confidence or probability of a SWR event, so values close to 0 mean that themodel
is certain that there are not SWRs, and values close to 1 that the model is very sure that there is a SWR hapenning.LFP_norm
: LFP data used as an input to the model (np.array
). It is undersampled to 1250Hz, z-scored, and transformed to used the channels specified inchannels
The python function get_intervals(SWR_prob, LFP_norm=None, sf=1250, win_size=100, threshold=None, file_path=None, merge_win=0)
of the rippl_AI
module takes the output of rippl_AI.predict()
(i.e. the SWR probability), and identifies SWR beginnings and ends by stablishing a threshold. In the figure below, you can see how the threshold can decisevely determine what events are being detected. For example, lowering the threshold to 0.5 would have result in XGBoost correctly detecting the first SWR, and the 1D-CNN detecting the sharp-wave that has no ripple.
Mandatory inputs:
: output ofrippl_AI.predict()
. If this is the only input, the function will display a histogram of all SWR probability values (i.e.n_samples
), and a draggable threshold to set a threshold based on the values of this particular session. When 'Done' button is pressed, the GUI takes the value of the draggable as the threshold, and computes the beginning and ends of the events.
Optional inputs - Setting the threshold Depending on the inputs, different possibilities arise:
: Threshold of predictions (float
: Normalized input signal of the model (np.array
). It is recommended to useLFP_norm
: Absolute path of the folder where the .txt with the predictions will be generated (string
). Leave empty if you don't want to generate the file.win_size
: Length of the displayed ripples in miliseconds (integer
). By default 100 ms.sf
: Sampling frequency (Hz) ofLFP_norm
). By default 1250 Hz (i.e., sampling frequency ofLFP_norm
: Minimal length of the interval in miliseconds between predictions (float
). If two detections are closer in time than this parameter, they will be merged together
There are 4 possible use cases, depending on which parameter combination is used when calling the function.
: a histogram of the output is displayed, you drag a vertical bar to selecct yourthreshold
: no GUI is displayed, the predictions are gererated automaticallyrippl_AI.get_intervals(SWR_prob,LFP_norm)
: some examples of detected events are displayed next to the histogramrippl_AI.get_intervals(SWR_prob,LFP_norm,threshold)
: same case as 3, but the initial location of the bar isthreshold
get_intervals(SWR_prob, LFP_norm=LFP_norm, sf=sf, win_size=win_size)
: asLFP_norm
is also added as an input, then the GUI adds up to 50 examples of SWR detections. If the 'Update' button is pressed, another 50 random detections are shown. When 'Save' button is pressed, the GUI takes the value of the draggable as the threshold. Sampling frequencysf
(in Hz) and window sizewin_size
(in milliseconds) can be used to set the window length of the displayed examples. It automatically discards false positives due to drifts, but if you want to set it off, you can setdiscard_drift
. By default, it discards noises whose mean LFP is abovestd_discard
times the standard deviation, which by default is 1SD. This parameter can also be changed.get_intervals(SWR_prob, 'threshold', threshold)
: if a threshold is given, then it takes that threshold without displaying any GUI.
: Returns the time (in seconds) of the begining and end of each vents. (n_events
x 2)
The python function aux_fcn.manual_curation(events, data, file_path, win_size=100, gt_events=None, sf=1250)
of the aux_fcn
module allows doing a manual curation of the detected events. It displays an interactive GUI to manually select/discard the events.
Mandatory inputs:
: array with events begining and end times in seconds (2
: normalized array with the input data (n,n_channels
: absolute path of the folder where the .txt with the curated predictions will be saved (str
: length of the displayed ripples in miliseconds (int
: ground truth events beginning and end times in seconds (2
: sampling frequency (Hz) of the data/model output (int
). Change if different than 1250 Hz.
Output: It always writes the curated events begin and end times in file_path.
- curated_ids: boolean array with
for events that have been selected, andFalse
for events that had been discarded (#events
- curated_ids: boolean array with
Use cases:
- If no GT events are provided, a the detected events will be provided, you can select which ones you want to keep (highligted in green) and which ones to discard (in red)
- If GT events are provided, true positive detections (TP) will be displayed in green. If for any reason you want to discard correct detections, they will be displayed in yellow
The python function aux_fcn.plot_all_events(t_events, lfp, sf, win=0.1, title='', savefig='')
of the aux_fcn
module plots all events in a single plot. It can be used as a fast summary/check after detection and/or curation.
Mandatory inputs:
: numpy array of size (#events
) with all times of eventslfp
: formated lfp with all channelssf
: sampling frequency oflfp
Optional inputs:
: window size at each side of the center of the ripple (float
: if provided, displays this title (string
: if provided, saves the image in the savefig directory (string
).Full name required: e.g. images/session1_events.png
The python function process_LFP(FP, sf, d_sf, channels)
of the aux_fcn
module processes the LFP before it is input to the algorithm. It downsamples LFP to d_sf
, and normalizes each channel separately by z-scoring them.
Mandatory inputs:
: LFP recorded data (np.array
: sampling frequency (in Hz).d_sf
: Desired subsampling frequency in Hz (int
). By default all works in 1250 Hz, but can be changed if you retrain your models usingrippl_AI.retrain_model
: channel to which compute the undersampling and z-score normalization. Counting starts in0
. Ifchannels
contains any-1
, interpolation will be also applied. Seechannels
of rippl_AI.predict(), oraux_fcn.interpolate_channels()
for more information.
: normalized LFP (np.array
). It is undersampled to 1250Hz, z-scored, and transformed to used the channels specified inchannels
The python function interpolate_channels(LFP, channels)
of the aux_fcn
module allows creating more intermediate channels using interpolation.
Because these models best performed using a richer spatial profile, all combinations of architectures
and model_numbers
work with 8 channels. There is only one exception, for architecture = 2D-CNN
with models = {3, 4, 5}
, that needs to have 3 channels. However, some times it's not possible to get such number of channels in the pyramidal layer, like when using linear probes (only 2 oe 3 channels fit in the pyramidal layer) or tetrodes (there are 4 recording channels). For this, we developed this interpolation function, that creates new channels between any pair of your recording channels. Using this approach, we can successfully use the already built algorithms with an equally high performance.
Mandatory inputs:
: LFP recorded data (np.array
: list of channels over which to make interpolations (np.array
: 1 x# channels needed by the model
- 8 in most cases). Interpolated channels will be created in the positions of the-1
elements of the list. Examples:- Let's say we have only 4 channels, so
x 4. We can interpolate to get 8 functional channels. We will interpolate 1 channel between the first two, another one between 2nd and 3rd, and two more interpolated channels between the last two:# Define channels channels_interpolation = [0,-1,1,-1,2,-1,-1,3] # Make interpolation LFP_interpolated = aux_fcn.interpolate_channels(LFP, channels_interpolation)
- Let's say we have 8 channels, but channels 2 and 5 are dead. Then we want to interpolate them to get 8 fuctional channels:
# Define channels channels_interpolation = [0,1,-1,3,4,-1,6,7,8] # Make interpolation LFP_interpolated = aux_fcn.interpolate_channels(LFP, channels_interpolation)
- More usage examples can be found in the examples_detection.ipynb python notebook.
- Let's say we have only 4 channels, so
- LFP_interpolated: Interpolated LFP (
- LFP_interpolated: Interpolated LFP (
The python function get_performance(predictions, true_events, threshold=0, exclude_matched_trues=False, verbose=True)
of the aux_fcn
module computes several performance metrics:
- precision: also called positive predictive value is computed as (# good detections) / (# all detections)
- recall: also called sensitivity is computed as (# good detections) / (# all ground truth events)
- F1: computed as the harmonic mean between precision and recall, is a conservative and fair measure of performance. If any of precision or recall is low, F1 will be low. F1=1 only happens if detected events exactly match ground truth events.
Therefore, this function can be used only when some ground truth (i.e. events that we are considering the truth) is given. In order to check if a true event has been predicted, it computes the Intersection over Union (IoU). This index metric measures how much two intervals intersect with respect of the union of their size. So if pred_events = [[2,3], [6,7]]
and true_events = [[2,4]],[8,9]]
, then we would expect that the IoU(pred_events[0], true_events[0]) > 0
, while the rest will be zero.
Mandatory inputs:
: detected events (np.array
x 2). First column are beginnings of the events (in seconds), second columns are ends of events (in seconds). This should be the output ofrippl_AI.get_intervals()
: ground truth events (np.array
x 2). Same format aspredictions
Optional inputs:
: Threshold for the IoU (bool
). By default is 0, so any intersection will be consider a match.exclude_matched_trues
: Boolean to determine if true events that had been already match to one prediction can be considered for other predicted events (bool
). By default isFalse
, so one true can match many predictions.verbose
: Print results (bool
: Metric indicating the percentage of correct predictions out of total predictionsrecall
: Metric indicating the percentage of true events predicted correctlyF1
: Metric with a measure that combines precision and recall.TP
: True Positives (np.array
x 1). It indicates whichpred_event
detected atrue_event
, soTrue
are true positives, andFalse
are false negatives.FN
: False Negatives (np.array
x 1). It indicates whichtrue_event
was not detected bypred_event
, soTrue
are false negatives, andFalse
are true positives.IOU
: IoU matrix (np.array
). This can be used to know the matching indexes betweenpred_event
Here, we provide a unique toolbox to easily re-train model
s and adapt them to new datasets. These models have been selected because their architectural parameters are best fit to look for electrophysiological high-frequency events. So both if you are interested in finding SWRs or other electrophysiological events, these toolbox offers you the possility to skip all the parametric search and parameter tuning just by running this scripts. The advantages of the re-training module are:
- Avoid starting from scratch in making your own feature-based detection algorithm
- Easily plug-and-play to re-train already tested algorithms
- Extend detection to other events such as pathological fast ripples or interictal spikes
- Extend detection to human recordings
The python function rippl_AI.retrain_model(train_data, train_GT, test_data, test_GT, arch, parameters=None, save_path=None, d_sf=1250, merge_win=0)
of the rippl_AI
module re-trains the best model of a given architecture
to re-learn the optimal features to detect the new ground truth events annotated in the ground truth events.
Mandatory inputs:
: LFP recorded data that will be used to train the model (np.array
). If several sessions needed, concatenate them to get the specified format.train_GT
: ground truth events corresponding to thetrain_data
x 2). If several sessions were used, don't forget to readjust the times to properly refer totrain_data
.. Same format aspredictions
: LFP recorded data that will be used to test the re-trained model (list()
: ground truth events corresponding to thetest_data
x 2). Event times refer to each element of thetest_data
Optional inputs:
: Name of the AI architecture to use (string
). It can be:CNN1D
: dictionary, with the parameters that will be use in each specific architecture retraining - In 'XGBOOST': not needed - In 'SVM':
parameters['Undersampler proportion']. Any value between 0 and 1. This parameter eliminates samples where no ripple is present untill the desired proportion is achieved: Undersampler proportion= Positive samples/Negative samples - In 'LSTM', 'CNN1D' and 'CNN2D': parameters['Epochs']. The number of times the training data set will be used to train the model parameters['Training batch']. The number of windows that will be processed before updating the weightssave_path
: string, path where the retrained model will be savedd_sf
: Desired subsampling frequency in Hz (int
). By default all works in 1250 Hz, but this function allows using different subsampling frequencies.merge_win
: Minimal length of the interval in miliseconds between predictions (float
). If two detections are closer in time than this parameter, they will be merged together
Usage examples can be found in the examples_retraining.ipynb python notebook.
Finally, as a further explotation of this toolbox, we also offer an exploration module, in which you can create your own model. In the examples_explore folder, you can see how different architectures can be modified by multiple parameters to create infinite number of other models, that can be better adjusted to the need of your desired events. For example, if you are interested in lower frequency events, such as theta cycles, this exploratory module will be of utmost convenience to find an AI architecture that better adapts to the need of your research. Here, we specify the most common parameters to explore for each architecture:
- Channels: number of LFP channel
- Window size: LFP window size to evaluate: LFP window size to evaluate
- Kernel factor
- Batch size
- Number of epochs
- Channels: number of LFP channel
- Window size: LFP window size to evaluate
- Channels: number of LFP channel
- Window size: LFP window size to evaluate
- Bidirectionality
- Number of layers
- Number of units per layer
- Number of epochs
- Channels: number of LFP channel
- Window size: LFP window size to evaluate
- Undersampling
- Channels: number of LFP channel
- Window size: LFP window size to evaluate
- Maximum tree depth
- Learning rate
- Gamma
- Lambda regularity
- Scale
- Install miniconda, following the tutorial:
- Launch the anaconda console, typing anaconda promp in the windows/linux search bar.
- In the anaconda prompt, create a conda environment (e.g.
conda create -n rippl_AI_env python=3.9.15
- This will create a enviroment in your miniconda3 enviroments folder, usually:
- Check that the enviroment
has been created by typing:
conda env list
- Activate the enviroment with:
conda activate rippl_AI_env
In case you want to launch the scripts from the command prompt. If you are using Visual Studio Code, you need to select the python interpreterrippl_AI_env
- Next step after activating the enviroment, is to install every necessary python package:
conda install pip
pip install tensorflow==2.11 keras==2.11 xgboost==1.6.1 imblearn numpy matplotlib pandas scipy
pip install -U scikit-learn==1.1.2
To download the lab data from figshare (not normalized, sampled with the original frequency of 30 000 Hz):
git clone
cd figshare
python install
The package versions compatible with the toolbox are:
- h5py==3.11.0
- imbalanced-learn==0.12.2
- imblearn==0.0
- ipython==8.18.1
- keras==2.11.0
- numpy==1.26.4
- pandas==2.2.2
- pip==23.3.1
- python==3.9.19
- scikit-learn==1.1.2
- scipy==1.13.0
- tensorflow==2.11.0
- xgboost==1.6.1