Disclaimer: This is practise done by me to know, how to make Chromium/Chrome extension. This is NOT my "original" idea. I learned it from YouTube.
What this extension do?
After installation, when you click on the extension, it will give a live update of:
i) Number of Actice COVID Case in Nepal
ii) Number of Confirmed COVID Case in Nepal
iii) Number of Death caused by COVID
Steps to install extension in Chromuim based browser, like Chrome, Brave, Edge, etc:
i) Go to the menu.
ii) Select "More Tools" option and select "Extension" option.
iii) Turn on "Developer mode" which is usually on right top side the browser.
iv) Then you will see three option, out of which select "Load unpacked" option.
v) Go to the folder where you have download and select it. And press "Open".
This will install the extension in the browser.
Since you need to click on extension to get the information from the extension, so pin the extension in the browser.