Welcome to "Mobile App Development with Godot 4"! Complete beginner's guide to mobile app development using the powerful Godot 4 engine. Start by learning the essentials, including UI creation, scene management, and scripting with GDScript. This course will give you the tools and knowledge to create beautiful, functional mobile applications. Join us on this journey and unlock the potential of Godot 4 for mobile app development!
📌 Notice
This is kind of my learning diary, where I am compiling a series of lessons that bring together all the knowledge I have acquired from various scattered sources, including books, articles, websites, YouTube videos, and more. My goal is to create a comprehensive course that consolidates this information, making it easier for others to access and learn from as they progress in their journey of learning Mobile app development with Godot 4 from the basics to a level where they can confidently use it to build real apps. Hope this helps🙂
- Introduction to themes and styles
- Customizing UI elements with themes
- Handling user input
- Gestures and touch input
- Connecting signals to functions
- Creating interactive UI elements
- Implementing navigation between scenes
- Using the SceneTree and Viewport
- Implementing save and load functionality
- Saving user preferences
- Using JSON for data persistence
- SQLLite database connectivity
- Fetching data from APIs
- Parsing and displaying data in the app
- Basics of 2D animations in Godot
- Using the AnimationPlayer node
- Creating simple animations
- Using AnimationTree for complex animations
- Keyframe animations and transitions
- Animating UI components
- Adding animations to buttons, panels, and other UI elements
- Creating animated transitions between scenes
- Push notifications
- Accessing mobile hardware
- Introduction to Internationalization
- Multilingual support