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refactor: move media type logic to Plan module
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steve-chavez committed Sep 11, 2023
1 parent 8eed576 commit eb98881
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Showing 6 changed files with 121 additions and 108 deletions.
55 changes: 8 additions & 47 deletions src/PostgREST/ApiRequest.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ module PostgREST.ApiRequest
, Action(..)
, Target(..)
, Payload(..)
, PathInfo(..)
, userApiRequest
) where

Expand All @@ -26,7 +27,6 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.Csv as CSV
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmptyList
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
Expand All @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Data.Either.Combinators (mapBoth)

import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Data.Aeson.Types (emptyArray, emptyObject)
import Data.List (lookup, union)
import Data.List (lookup)
import Data.Ranged.Ranges (emptyRange, rangeIntersection,
import Network.HTTP.Types.Header (RequestHeaders, hCookie)
Expand All @@ -51,8 +51,7 @@ import PostgREST.ApiRequest.Types (ApiRequestError (..),
RangeError (..))
import PostgREST.Config (AppConfig (..),
OpenAPIMode (..))
import PostgREST.MediaType (MTPlanFormat (..),
MediaType (..))
import PostgREST.MediaType (MediaType (..))
import PostgREST.RangeQuery (NonnegRange, allRange,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,10 +127,11 @@ data ApiRequest = ApiRequest {
, iHeaders :: [(ByteString, ByteString)] -- ^ HTTP request headers
, iCookies :: [(ByteString, ByteString)] -- ^ Request Cookies
, iPath :: ByteString -- ^ Raw request path
, iPathInfo :: PathInfo -- ^ Cached info about the path
, iMethod :: ByteString -- ^ Raw request method
, iSchema :: Schema -- ^ The request schema. Can vary depending on profile headers.
, iNegotiatedByProfile :: Bool -- ^ If schema was was chosen according to the profile spec
, iAcceptMediaType :: MediaType -- ^ The media type in the Accept header
, iAcceptMediaType :: [MediaType] -- ^ The resolved media types in the Accept, considering quality(q) factors
, iContentMediaType :: MediaType -- ^ The media type in the Content-Type header

Expand All @@ -141,7 +141,6 @@ userApiRequest conf req reqBody = do
pInfo@PathInfo{..} <- getPathInfo conf $ pathInfo req
act <- getAction pInfo method
qPrms <- first QueryParamError $ QueryParams.parse (pathIsProc && act `elem` [ActionInvoke InvGet, ActionInvoke InvHead]) $ rawQueryString req
(acceptMediaType, contentMediaType) <- getMediaTypes conf hdrs act pInfo
(schema, negotiatedByProfile) <- getSchema conf hdrs method
(topLevelRange, ranges) <- getRanges method qPrms hdrs
(payload, columns) <- getPayload reqBody contentMediaType qPrms act pInfo
Expand All @@ -159,10 +158,11 @@ userApiRequest conf req reqBody = do
, iHeaders = iHdrs
, iCookies = iCkies
, iPath = rawPathInfo req
, iPathInfo = pInfo
, iMethod = method
, iSchema = schema
, iNegotiatedByProfile = negotiatedByProfile
, iAcceptMediaType = acceptMediaType
, iAcceptMediaType = maybe [MTAny] (map MediaType.decodeMediaType . parseHttpAccept) $ lookupHeader "accept"
, iContentMediaType = contentMediaType
Expand All @@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ userApiRequest conf req reqBody = do
lookupHeader = flip lookup hdrs
iHdrs = [ (CI.foldedCase k, v) | (k,v) <- hdrs, k /= hCookie]
iCkies = maybe [] parseCookies $ lookupHeader "Cookie"
contentMediaType = maybe MTApplicationJSON MediaType.decodeMediaType $ lookupHeader "content-type"

getPathInfo :: AppConfig -> [Text] -> Either ApiRequestError PathInfo
getPathInfo AppConfig{configOpenApiMode, configDbRootSpec} path =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,15 +205,6 @@ getAction PathInfo{pathIsProc, pathIsDefSpec} method =
"OPTIONS" -> Right ActionInfo
_ -> Left $ UnsupportedMethod method

getMediaTypes :: AppConfig -> RequestHeaders -> Action -> PathInfo -> Either ApiRequestError (MediaType, MediaType)
getMediaTypes conf hdrs action path = do
acceptMediaType <- negotiateContent conf action path accepts
pure (acceptMediaType, contentMediaType)
accepts = maybe [MTAny] (map MediaType.decodeMediaType . parseHttpAccept) $ lookupHeader "accept"
contentMediaType = maybe MTApplicationJSON MediaType.decodeMediaType $ lookupHeader "content-type"
lookupHeader = flip lookup hdrs

getSchema :: AppConfig -> RequestHeaders -> ByteString -> Either ApiRequestError (Schema, Bool)
getSchema AppConfig{configDbSchemas} hdrs method = do
case profile of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -346,34 +338,3 @@ payloadAttributes raw json =
_ -> Just emptyPJArray
emptyPJArray = ProcessedJSON (JSON.encode emptyArray) S.empty

-- | Do content negotiation. i.e. choose a media type based on the intersection of accepted/produced media types.
negotiateContent :: AppConfig -> Action -> PathInfo -> [MediaType] -> Either ApiRequestError MediaType
negotiateContent conf action path accepts =
case firstAcceptedPick of
Just MTAny -> Right MTApplicationJSON -- by default(for */*) we respond with json
Just mt -> Right mt
Nothing -> Left . MediaTypeError $ map MediaType.toMime accepts
-- if there are multiple accepted media types, pick the first
firstAcceptedPick = listToMaybe $ L.intersect accepts $ producedMediaTypes conf action path

producedMediaTypes :: AppConfig -> Action -> PathInfo -> [MediaType]
producedMediaTypes conf action path =
case action of
ActionRead _ -> defaultMediaTypes ++ rawMediaTypes
ActionInvoke _ -> invokeMediaTypes
ActionInfo -> defaultMediaTypes
ActionMutate _ -> defaultMediaTypes
ActionInspect _ -> inspectMediaTypes
inspectMediaTypes = [MTOpenAPI, MTApplicationJSON, MTArrayJSONStrip, MTAny]
invokeMediaTypes =
++ rawMediaTypes
++ [MTOpenAPI | pathIsRootSpec path]
defaultMediaTypes =
[MTApplicationJSON, MTArrayJSONStrip, MTSingularJSON True, MTSingularJSON False, MTGeoJSON, MTTextCSV] ++
[MTPlan MTApplicationJSON PlanText mempty | configDbPlanEnabled conf] ++ [MTAny]
rawMediaTypes = configRawMediaTypes conf `union` [MTOctetStream, MTTextPlain, MTTextXML]
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions src/PostgREST/App.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ handleRequest AuthResult{..} conf appState authenticated prepared pgVer apiReq@A
(ActionRead headersOnly, TargetIdent identifier) -> do
wrPlan <- liftEither $ Plan.wrappedReadPlan identifier conf sCache apiReq
resultSet <- runQuery roleIsoLvl (Plan.wrTxMode wrPlan) $ Query.readQuery wrPlan conf apiReq
return $ Response.readResponse headersOnly identifier apiReq resultSet
return $ Response.readResponse wrPlan headersOnly identifier apiReq resultSet

(ActionMutate MutationCreate, TargetIdent identifier) -> do
mrPlan <- liftEither $ Plan.mutateReadPlan MutationCreate apiReq identifier conf sCache
Expand All @@ -181,25 +181,26 @@ handleRequest AuthResult{..} conf appState authenticated prepared pgVer apiReq@A
(ActionMutate MutationUpdate, TargetIdent identifier) -> do
mrPlan <- liftEither $ Plan.mutateReadPlan MutationUpdate apiReq identifier conf sCache
resultSet <- runQuery roleIsoLvl (Plan.mrTxMode mrPlan) $ Query.updateQuery mrPlan apiReq conf
return $ Response.updateResponse apiReq resultSet
return $ Response.updateResponse mrPlan apiReq resultSet

(ActionMutate MutationSingleUpsert, TargetIdent identifier) -> do
mrPlan <- liftEither $ Plan.mutateReadPlan MutationSingleUpsert apiReq identifier conf sCache
resultSet <- runQuery roleIsoLvl (Plan.mrTxMode mrPlan) $ Query.singleUpsertQuery mrPlan apiReq conf
return $ Response.singleUpsertResponse apiReq resultSet
return $ Response.singleUpsertResponse mrPlan apiReq resultSet

(ActionMutate MutationDelete, TargetIdent identifier) -> do
mrPlan <- liftEither $ Plan.mutateReadPlan MutationDelete apiReq identifier conf sCache
resultSet <- runQuery roleIsoLvl (Plan.mrTxMode mrPlan) $ Query.deleteQuery mrPlan apiReq conf
return $ Response.deleteResponse apiReq resultSet
return $ Response.deleteResponse mrPlan apiReq resultSet

(ActionInvoke invMethod, TargetProc identifier _) -> do
cPlan <- liftEither $ Plan.callReadPlan identifier conf sCache apiReq invMethod
resultSet <- runQuery (fromMaybe roleIsoLvl $ pdIsoLvl (Plan.crProc cPlan))(Plan.crTxMode cPlan) $ Query.invokeQuery (Plan.crProc cPlan) cPlan apiReq conf pgVer
return $ Response.invokeResponse invMethod (Plan.crProc cPlan) apiReq resultSet
return $ Response.invokeResponse cPlan invMethod (Plan.crProc cPlan) apiReq resultSet

(ActionInspect headersOnly, TargetDefaultSpec tSchema) -> do
oaiResult <- runQuery roleIsoLvl Plan.inspectPlanTxMode $ Query.openApiQuery sCache pgVer conf tSchema
iPlan <- liftEither $ Plan.inspectPlan conf apiReq
oaiResult <- runQuery roleIsoLvl (Plan.ipTxmode iPlan) $ Query.openApiQuery sCache pgVer conf tSchema
return $ Response.openApiResponse (T.decodeUtf8 prettyVersion, docsVersion) headersOnly oaiResult conf sCache iSchema iNegotiatedByProfile

(ActionInfo, TargetIdent identifier) ->
Expand Down
69 changes: 58 additions & 11 deletions src/PostgREST/Plan.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,10 +19,11 @@ module PostgREST.Plan
( wrappedReadPlan
, mutateReadPlan
, callReadPlan
, inspectPlan
, WrappedReadPlan(..)
, MutateReadPlan(..)
, CallReadPlan(..)
, inspectPlanTxMode
, InspectPlan(..)
) where

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
Expand All @@ -40,10 +41,12 @@ import PostgREST.ApiRequest (Action (..),
ApiRequest (..),
InvokeMethod (..),
Mutation (..),
PathInfo (..),
Payload (..))
import PostgREST.Config (AppConfig (..))
import PostgREST.Error (Error (..))
import PostgREST.MediaType (MediaType (..))
import PostgREST.MediaType (MTPlanFormat (..),
MediaType (..))
import PostgREST.Query.SqlFragment (sourceCTEName)
import PostgREST.RangeQuery (NonnegRange, allRange,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,6 +83,7 @@ import PostgREST.Plan.Types

import qualified Hasql.Transaction.Sessions as SQL
import qualified PostgREST.ApiRequest.QueryParams as QueryParams
import qualified PostgREST.MediaType as MediaType

import Protolude hiding (from)

Expand All @@ -91,13 +95,15 @@ data WrappedReadPlan = WrappedReadPlan {
wrReadPlan :: ReadPlanTree
, wrTxMode :: SQL.Mode
, wrResAgg :: ResultAggregate
, wrMedia :: MediaType

Check warning on line 98 in src/PostgREST/Plan.hs

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L98 was not covered by tests

data MutateReadPlan = MutateReadPlan {
mrReadPlan :: ReadPlanTree
, mrMutatePlan :: MutatePlan
, mrTxMode :: SQL.Mode
, mrResAgg :: ResultAggregate
, mrMedia :: MediaType

Check warning on line 106 in src/PostgREST/Plan.hs

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L106 was not covered by tests

data CallReadPlan = CallReadPlan {
Expand All @@ -106,20 +112,28 @@ data CallReadPlan = CallReadPlan {
, crTxMode :: SQL.Mode
, crProc :: Routine
, crResAgg :: ResultAggregate
, crMedia :: MediaType

Check warning on line 115 in src/PostgREST/Plan.hs

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L115 was not covered by tests

data InspectPlan = InspectPlan {
ipMedia :: MediaType

Check warning on line 119 in src/PostgREST/Plan.hs

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L119 was not covered by tests
, ipTxmode :: SQL.Mode

wrappedReadPlan :: QualifiedIdentifier -> AppConfig -> SchemaCache -> ApiRequest -> Either Error WrappedReadPlan
wrappedReadPlan identifier conf sCache apiRequest = do
rPlan <- readPlan identifier conf sCache apiRequest
binField <- mapLeft ApiRequestError $ binaryField conf (iAcceptMediaType apiRequest) Nothing rPlan
return $ WrappedReadPlan rPlan SQL.Read $ mediaToAggregate (iAcceptMediaType apiRequest) binField apiRequest
mediaType <- mapLeft ApiRequestError $ negotiateContent conf (iAction apiRequest) (iPathInfo apiRequest) (iAcceptMediaType apiRequest)
binField <- mapLeft ApiRequestError $ binaryField conf mediaType Nothing rPlan
return $ WrappedReadPlan rPlan SQL.Read (mediaToAggregate mediaType binField apiRequest) mediaType

mutateReadPlan :: Mutation -> ApiRequest -> QualifiedIdentifier -> AppConfig -> SchemaCache -> Either Error MutateReadPlan
mutateReadPlan mutation apiRequest identifier conf sCache = do
rPlan <- readPlan identifier conf sCache apiRequest
binField <- mapLeft ApiRequestError $ binaryField conf (iAcceptMediaType apiRequest) Nothing rPlan
mPlan <- mutatePlan mutation identifier apiRequest sCache rPlan
return $ MutateReadPlan rPlan mPlan SQL.Write $ mediaToAggregate (iAcceptMediaType apiRequest) binField apiRequest
mediaType <- mapLeft ApiRequestError $ negotiateContent conf (iAction apiRequest) (iPathInfo apiRequest) (iAcceptMediaType apiRequest)
binField <- mapLeft ApiRequestError $ binaryField conf mediaType Nothing rPlan
return $ MutateReadPlan rPlan mPlan SQL.Write (mediaToAggregate mediaType binField apiRequest) mediaType

callReadPlan :: QualifiedIdentifier -> AppConfig -> SchemaCache -> ApiRequest -> InvokeMethod -> Either Error CallReadPlan
callReadPlan identifier conf sCache apiRequest invMethod = do
Expand All @@ -143,12 +157,18 @@ callReadPlan identifier conf sCache apiRequest invMethod = do
(InvPost, Routine.Immutable) -> SQL.Read
(InvPost, Routine.Volatile) -> SQL.Write
cPlan = callPlan proc apiRequest paramKeys args rPlan
binField <- mapLeft ApiRequestError $ binaryField conf (iAcceptMediaType apiRequest) (Just proc) rPlan
return $ CallReadPlan rPlan cPlan txMode proc $ mediaToAggregate (iAcceptMediaType apiRequest) binField apiRequest
mediaType <- mapLeft ApiRequestError $ negotiateContent conf (iAction apiRequest) (iPathInfo apiRequest) (iAcceptMediaType apiRequest)
binField <- mapLeft ApiRequestError $ binaryField conf mediaType (Just proc) rPlan
return $ CallReadPlan rPlan cPlan txMode proc (mediaToAggregate mediaType binField apiRequest) mediaType
Preferences{..} = iPreferences apiRequest
qsParams' = QueryParams.qsParams (iQueryParams apiRequest)

inspectPlan :: AppConfig -> ApiRequest -> Either Error InspectPlan
inspectPlan conf apiRequest = do
mediaType <- mapLeft ApiRequestError $ negotiateContent conf (iAction apiRequest) (iPathInfo apiRequest) (iAcceptMediaType apiRequest)
return $ InspectPlan mediaType SQL.Read

Search a pg proc by matching name and arguments keys to parameters. Since a function can be overloaded,
the name is not enough to find it. An overloaded function can have a different volatility or even a different return type.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,9 +226,6 @@ findProc qi argumentsKeys paramsAsSingleObject allProcs contentMediaType isInvPo
-- and can match any or none of the default parameters.
(reqParams, optParams) -> argumentsKeys `S.difference` S.fromList (ppName <$> optParams) == S.fromList (ppName <$> reqParams)

inspectPlanTxMode :: SQL.Mode
inspectPlanTxMode = SQL.Read

-- | During planning we need to resolve Field -> CoercibleField (finding the context specific target type and map function).
-- | ResolverContext facilitates this without the need to pass around a laundry list of parameters.
data ResolverContext = ResolverContext
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -873,3 +890,33 @@ mediaToAggregate mt binField apiReq@ApiRequest{iAction=act, iPreferences=Prefere
ActionRead _isHead -> _isHead -- no need for an aggregate on HEAD
ActionInvoke invMethod -> invMethod == InvHead
_ -> False

-- | Do content negotiation. i.e. choose a media type based on the intersection of accepted/produced media types.
negotiateContent :: AppConfig -> Action -> PathInfo -> [MediaType] -> Either ApiRequestError MediaType
negotiateContent conf action path accepts =
case firstAcceptedPick of
Just MTAny -> Right MTApplicationJSON -- by default(for */*) we respond with json
Just mt -> Right mt
Nothing -> Left . MediaTypeError $ map MediaType.toMime accepts
-- if there are multiple accepted media types, pick the first
firstAcceptedPick = listToMaybe $ L.intersect accepts $ producedMediaTypes conf action path

producedMediaTypes :: AppConfig -> Action -> PathInfo -> [MediaType]
producedMediaTypes conf action path =
case action of
ActionRead _ -> defaultMediaTypes ++ rawMediaTypes
ActionInvoke _ -> invokeMediaTypes
ActionInfo -> defaultMediaTypes
ActionMutate _ -> defaultMediaTypes
ActionInspect _ -> inspectMediaTypes
inspectMediaTypes = [MTOpenAPI, MTApplicationJSON, MTArrayJSONStrip, MTAny]
invokeMediaTypes =
++ rawMediaTypes
++ [MTOpenAPI | pathIsRootSpec path]
defaultMediaTypes =
[MTApplicationJSON, MTArrayJSONStrip, MTSingularJSON True, MTSingularJSON False, MTGeoJSON, MTTextCSV] ++
[MTPlan MTApplicationJSON PlanText mempty | configDbPlanEnabled conf] ++ [MTAny]
rawMediaTypes = configRawMediaTypes conf `L.union` [MTOctetStream, MTTextPlain, MTTextXML]

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