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Fix embedded filter silently getting ignored (#2133)
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When the embedded resource is not included in the request
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steve-chavez authored Jan 24, 2022
1 parent fae1e16 commit c7cadcd
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Showing 5 changed files with 75 additions and 44 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- #2107, Clarify error for failed schema cache load. - @steve-chavez
+ From `Database connection lost. Retrying the connection` to `Could not query the database for the schema cache. Retrying.`
- #2120, Fix reading database configuration properly when `=` is present in value - @wolfgangwalther
- #1771, Fix silently ignoring filter on a non-existent embedded resource - @steve-chavez

## [9.0.0] - 2021-11-25

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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/PostgREST/Error.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ instance PgrstError ApiRequestError where
status NoRpc{} = HTTP.status404
status (UnacceptableSchema _) = HTTP.status406
status (ContentTypeError _) = HTTP.status415
status (NotEmbedded _) = HTTP.status400

headers _ = [ContentType.toHeader CTApplicationJSON]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,6 +112,9 @@ instance JSON.ToJSON ApiRequestError where
"message" .= ("The schema must be one of the following: " <> T.intercalate ", " schemas)]
toJSON (ContentTypeError cts) = JSON.object [
"message" .= ("None of these Content-Types are available: " <> T.intercalate ", " (map T.decodeUtf8 cts))]
toJSON (NotEmbedded resource) = JSON.object [
"hint" .= ("Verify that '" <> resource <> "' is included in the 'select' query parameter." :: Text),
"message" .= ("Cannot apply filter because '" <> resource <> "' is not an embedded resource in this request" :: Text)]

compressedRel :: Relationship -> JSON.Value
compressedRel Relationship{..} =
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81 changes: 46 additions & 35 deletions src/PostgREST/Request/DbRequestBuilder.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,9 +64,12 @@ readRequest schema rootTableName maxRows allRels apiRequest =
mapLeft ApiRequestError $
treeRestrictRange maxRows =<<
augmentRequestWithJoin schema rootRels =<<
addFiltersOrdersRanges apiRequest (initReadRequest rootName sel)
addLogicTrees apiRequest =<<
addRanges apiRequest =<<
addOrders apiRequest =<<
addFilters apiRequest (initReadRequest rootName qsSelect)
sel = QueryParams.qsSelect $ iQueryParams apiRequest
QueryParams.QueryParams{..} = iQueryParams apiRequest
(rootName, rootRels) = rootWithRels schema rootTableName allRels (iAction apiRequest)

-- Get the root table name with its relationships according to the Action type.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,16 +254,11 @@ getJoinConditions previousAlias newAlias (Relationship Table{tableSchema=tSchema
removeSourceCTESchema :: Schema -> TableName -> QualifiedIdentifier
removeSourceCTESchema schema tbl = QualifiedIdentifier (if tbl == decodeUtf8 sourceCTEName then mempty else schema) tbl

addFiltersOrdersRanges :: ApiRequest -> ReadRequest -> Either ApiRequestError ReadRequest
addFiltersOrdersRanges ApiRequest{..} rReq = do
flip (foldr addLogicTree) qsLogic <$> (foldr addRange rOrds <$> ranges)
addFilters :: ApiRequest -> ReadRequest -> Either ApiRequestError ReadRequest
addFilters ApiRequest{..} rReq =
foldr addFilterToNode (Right rReq) flts
rFlts = foldr addFilter rReq flts
rOrds = foldr addOrder rFlts qsOrder
QueryParams.QueryParams{..} = iQueryParams
ranges :: Either ApiRequestError [(EmbedPath, NonnegRange)]
ranges = first QueryParamError $ QueryParams.pRequestRange `traverse` M.toList iRange
-- there can be no filters on the root table when we are doing insert/update/delete
flts =
case iAction of
ActionInvoke InvGet -> qsFilters
Expand All @@ -269,38 +267,51 @@ addFiltersOrdersRanges ApiRequest{..} rReq = do
ActionRead _ -> qsFilters
_ -> qsFiltersNotRoot

addFilterToNode :: Filter -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest
addFilterToNode flt (Node (q@Select {where_=lf}, i) f) = Node (q{where_=addFilterToLogicForest flt lf}::ReadQuery, i) f

addFilter :: (EmbedPath, Filter) -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest
addFilter = addProperty addFilterToNode
addFilterToNode :: (EmbedPath, Filter) -> Either ApiRequestError ReadRequest -> Either ApiRequestError ReadRequest
addFilterToNode =
updateNode (\flt (Node (q@Select {where_=lf}, i) f) -> Node (q{where_=addFilterToLogicForest flt lf}::ReadQuery, i) f)

addOrderToNode :: [OrderTerm] -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest
addOrderToNode o (Node (q,i) f) = Node (q{order=o}, i) f

addOrder :: (EmbedPath, [OrderTerm]) -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest
addOrder = addProperty addOrderToNode
addOrders :: ApiRequest -> ReadRequest -> Either ApiRequestError ReadRequest
addOrders ApiRequest{..} rReq =
foldr addOrderToNode (Right rReq) qsOrder
QueryParams.QueryParams{..} = iQueryParams

addRangeToNode :: NonnegRange -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest
addRangeToNode r (Node (q,i) f) = Node (q{range_=r}, i) f
addOrderToNode :: (EmbedPath, [OrderTerm]) -> Either ApiRequestError ReadRequest -> Either ApiRequestError ReadRequest
addOrderToNode = updateNode (\o (Node (q,i) f) -> Node (q{order=o}, i) f)

addRange :: (EmbedPath, NonnegRange) -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest
addRange = addProperty addRangeToNode
addRanges :: ApiRequest -> ReadRequest -> Either ApiRequestError ReadRequest
addRanges ApiRequest{..} rReq =
foldr addRangeToNode (Right rReq) =<< ranges
ranges :: Either ApiRequestError [(EmbedPath, NonnegRange)]
ranges = first QueryParamError $ QueryParams.pRequestRange `traverse` M.toList iRange

addLogicTreeToNode :: LogicTree -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest
addLogicTreeToNode t (Node (q@Select{where_=lf},i) f) = Node (q{where_=t:lf}::ReadQuery, i) f
addRangeToNode :: (EmbedPath, NonnegRange) -> Either ApiRequestError ReadRequest -> Either ApiRequestError ReadRequest
addRangeToNode = updateNode (\r (Node (q,i) f) -> Node (q{range_=r}, i) f)

addLogicTree :: (EmbedPath, LogicTree) -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest
addLogicTree = addProperty addLogicTreeToNode
addLogicTrees :: ApiRequest -> ReadRequest -> Either ApiRequestError ReadRequest
addLogicTrees ApiRequest{..} rReq =
foldr addLogicTreeToNode (Right rReq) qsLogic
QueryParams.QueryParams{..} = iQueryParams

addProperty :: (a -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest) -> (EmbedPath, a) -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest
addProperty f ([], a) rr = f a rr
addProperty f (targetNodeName:remainingPath, a) (Node rn forest) =
case pathNode of
Nothing -> Node rn forest -- the property is silenty dropped in the Request does not contain the required path
Just tn -> Node rn (addProperty f (remainingPath, a) tn:delete tn forest)
addLogicTreeToNode :: (EmbedPath, LogicTree) -> Either ApiRequestError ReadRequest -> Either ApiRequestError ReadRequest
addLogicTreeToNode = updateNode (\t (Node (q@Select{where_=lf},i) f) -> Node (q{where_=t:lf}::ReadQuery, i) f)

-- Find a Node of the Tree and apply a function to it
updateNode :: (a -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest) -> (EmbedPath, a) -> Either ApiRequestError ReadRequest -> Either ApiRequestError ReadRequest
updateNode f ([], a) rr = f a <$> rr
updateNode _ _ (Left e) = Left e
updateNode f (targetNodeName:remainingPath, a) (Right (Node rootNode forest)) =
case findNode of
Nothing -> Left $ NotEmbedded targetNodeName
Just target ->
(\node -> Node rootNode $ node : delete target forest) <$>
updateNode f (remainingPath, a) (Right target)
pathNode = find (\(Node (_,(nodeName,_,alias,_,_, _)) _) -> nodeName == targetNodeName || alias == Just targetNodeName) forest
findNode :: Maybe ReadRequest
findNode = find (\(Node (_,(nodeName,_,alias,_,_, _)) _) -> nodeName == targetNodeName || alias == Just targetNodeName) forest

mutateRequest :: Schema -> TableName -> ApiRequest -> [FieldName] -> ReadRequest -> Either Error MutateRequest
mutateRequest schema tName ApiRequest{..} pkCols readReq = mapLeft ApiRequestError $
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/PostgREST/Request/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ data ApiRequestError
| UnacceptableSchema [Text]
| ContentTypeError [ByteString]
| UnsupportedVerb -- Unreachable?
| NotEmbedded Text

data QPError = QPError Text Text

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32 changes: 23 additions & 9 deletions test/spec/Feature/QuerySpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -257,20 +257,34 @@ spec actualPgVersion = do
it "cannot access a computed column that is outside of the config schema" $
get "/items?always_false=is.false" `shouldRespondWith` 400

it "matches filtering nested items 2" $
get "/clients?select=id,projects(id,tasks2(id,name))&*" `shouldRespondWith`
[json| {
"hint":"Verify that 'projects' and 'tasks2' exist in the schema 'test' and that there is a foreign key relationship between them. If a new relationship was created, try reloading the schema cache.",
"message":"Could not find a relationship between 'projects' and 'tasks2' in the schema cache"}|]
{ matchStatus = 400
, matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson]

it "matches filtering nested items" $
get "/clients?select=id,projects(id,tasks(id,name))&*" `shouldRespondWith`
[json|[{"id":1,"projects":[{"id":1,"tasks":[{"id":1,"name":"Design w7"}]},{"id":2,"tasks":[{"id":3,"name":"Design w10"}]}]},{"id":2,"projects":[{"id":3,"tasks":[{"id":5,"name":"Design IOS"}]},{"id":4,"tasks":[{"id":7,"name":"Design OSX"}]}]}]|]
{ matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] }

it "errs when the embedded resource doesn't exist and an embedded filter is applied to it" $ do
get "/clients?select=*&*NonExistent*" `shouldRespondWith`
{"hint":"Verify that 'non_existent_projects' is included in the 'select' query parameter.",
"message":"Cannot apply filter because 'non_existent_projects' is not an embedded resource in this request"}|]
{ matchStatus = 400
, matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson]
get "/clients?select=*,amiga_projects:projects(*)&*Amiga*" `shouldRespondWith`
{"hint":"Verify that 'amiga_projectsss' is included in the 'select' query parameter.",
"message":"Cannot apply filter because 'amiga_projectsss' is not an embedded resource in this request"}|]
{ matchStatus = 400
, matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson]
get "/clients?select=id,projects(id,tasks(id,name))&*" `shouldRespondWith`
{"hint":"Verify that 'tasks2' is included in the 'select' query parameter.",
"message":"Cannot apply filter because 'tasks2' is not an embedded resource in this request"}|]
{ matchStatus = 400
, matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson]

it "matches with cs operator" $
get "/complex_items?select=id&arr_data=cs.{2}" `shouldRespondWith`
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