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feat: support string comparison for jwt-role-claim-key
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taimoorzaeem authored and steve-chavez committed Dec 12, 2024
1 parent 2df1676 commit af6b79d
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Showing 18 changed files with 371 additions and 30 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- #2858, Performance improvements when calling RPCs via GET using indexes in more cases - @wolfgangwalther
- #3560, Log resolved host in "Listening on ..." messages - @develop7
- #3727, Log maximum pool size - @steve-chavez
- #1536, Add string comparison feature for jwt-role-claim-key - @taimoorzaeem

### Fixed

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7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion docs/postgrest.dict
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Expand Up @@ -27,10 +27,12 @@ CSV
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,9 +70,11 @@ isdistinct
Expand All @@ -94,10 +98,11 @@ npm
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37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions docs/references/auth.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -161,6 +161,43 @@ JWT Claims Validation

PostgREST honors the :code:`exp` claim for token expiration, rejecting expired tokens.

.. _jwt_role_claim_key_extract:

JWT Role Claim Key Extraction

A JSPath DSL that specifies the location of the :code:`role` key in the JWT claims. This can be used to consume a JWT provided by a third party service like Auth0, Okta, Microsoft Entra or Keycloak.

The DSL follows the `JSONPath <>`_ expression grammar with extended string comparison operators. Supported operators are:

- ``==`` selects the first array element that exactly matches the right operand
- ``!=`` selects the first array element that does not match the right operand
- ``^==`` selects the first array element that starts with the right operand
- ``==^`` selects the first array element that ends with the right operand
- ``*==`` selects the first array element that contains the right operand

Usage examples:

.. code:: bash
# {"postgrest":{"roles": ["other", "author"]}}
# the DSL accepts characters that are alphanumerical or one of "_$@" as keys
jwt-role-claim-key = ".postgrest.roles[1]"
# {"": { "key": "author" }}
# non-alphanumerical characters can go inside quotes(escaped in the config value)
jwt-role-claim-key = ".\"\".key"
# {"postgrest":{"roles": ["other", "author"]}}
# `@` represents the current element in the array
# all the these match the string "author"
jwt-role-claim-key = ".postgrest.roles[?(@ == \"author\")]"
jwt-role-claim-key = ".postgrest.roles[?(@ != \"other\")]"
jwt-role-claim-key = ".postgrest.roles[?(@ ^== \"aut\")]"
jwt-role-claim-key = ".postgrest.roles[?(@ ==^ \"hor\")]"
jwt-role-claim-key = ".postgrest.roles[?(@ *== \"utho\")]"
JWT Security

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12 changes: 1 addition & 11 deletions docs/references/configuration.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -620,17 +620,7 @@ jwt-role-claim-key

*For backwards compatibility, this config parameter is also available without prefix as "role-claim-key".*

A JSPath DSL that specifies the location of the :code:`role` key in the JWT claims. This can be used to consume a JWT provided by a third party service like Auth0, Okta or Keycloak. Usage examples:

.. code:: bash
# {"postgrest":{"roles": ["other", "author"]}}
# the DSL accepts characters that are alphanumerical or one of "_$@" as keys
jwt-role-claim-key = ".postgrest.roles[1]"
# {"": { "key": "author }}
# non-alphanumerical characters can go inside quotes(escaped in the config value)
jwt-role-claim-key = ".\"\".key"
See :ref:`jwt_role_claim_key_extract` on how to specify key paths and usage examples.

.. _jwt-secret:

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16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion src/PostgREST/Auth.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS
import qualified Data.Cache as C
import qualified Data.Scientific as Sci
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vault.Lazy as Vault
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Jose.Jwk as JWT
Expand All @@ -46,7 +47,8 @@ import System.TimeIt (timeItT)

import PostgREST.AppState (AppState, AuthResult (..), getConfig,
getJwtCache, getTime)
import PostgREST.Config (AppConfig (..), JSPath, JSPathExp (..))
import PostgREST.Config (AppConfig (..), FilterExp (..), JSPath,
JSPathExp (..))
import PostgREST.Error (Error (..))

import Protolude
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,8 +123,20 @@ parseClaims AppConfig{..} jclaims@(JSON.Object mclaims) = do
walkJSPath x [] = x
walkJSPath (Just (JSON.Object o)) (JSPKey key:rest) = walkJSPath (KM.lookup (K.fromText key) o) rest
walkJSPath (Just (JSON.Array ar)) (JSPIdx idx:rest) = walkJSPath (ar V.!? idx) rest
walkJSPath (Just (JSON.Array ar)) [JSPFilter (EqualsCond txt)] = findFirstMatch (==) txt ar
walkJSPath (Just (JSON.Array ar)) [JSPFilter (NotEqualsCond txt)] = findFirstMatch (/=) txt ar
walkJSPath (Just (JSON.Array ar)) [JSPFilter (StartsWithCond txt)] = findFirstMatch T.isPrefixOf txt ar
walkJSPath (Just (JSON.Array ar)) [JSPFilter (EndsWithCond txt)] = findFirstMatch T.isSuffixOf txt ar
walkJSPath (Just (JSON.Array ar)) [JSPFilter (ContainsCond txt)] = findFirstMatch T.isInfixOf txt ar
walkJSPath _ _ = Nothing

findFirstMatch matchWith pattern = foldr checkMatch Nothing
checkMatch (JSON.String txt) acc
| pattern `matchWith` txt = Just $ JSON.String txt
| otherwise = acc
checkMatch _ acc = acc

unquoted :: JSON.Value -> BS.ByteString
unquoted (JSON.String t) = encodeUtf8 t
unquoted v = LBS.toStrict $ JSON.encode v
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/PostgREST/Config.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ module PostgREST.Config
, Environment
, JSPath
, JSPathExp(..)
, FilterExp(..)
, LogLevel(..)
, OpenAPIMode(..)
, Proxy(..)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,8 +55,9 @@ import System.Posix.Types (FileMode)

import PostgREST.Config.Database (RoleIsolationLvl,
import PostgREST.Config.JSPath (JSPath, JSPathExp (..),
dumpJSPath, pRoleClaimKey)
import PostgREST.Config.JSPath (FilterExp (..), JSPath,
JSPathExp (..), dumpJSPath,
import PostgREST.Config.Proxy (Proxy (..),
isMalformedProxyUri, toURI)
import PostgREST.SchemaCache.Identifiers (QualifiedIdentifier, dumpQi,
Expand Down
79 changes: 64 additions & 15 deletions src/PostgREST/Config/JSPath.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-do-bind #-}
module PostgREST.Config.JSPath
( JSPath
, JSPathExp(..)
, FilterExp(..)
, dumpJSPath
, pRoleClaimKey
) where
Expand All @@ -14,38 +16,85 @@ import Text.Read (read)
import Protolude

-- | full jspath, e.g. .property[0].attr.detail
-- | full jspath, e.g. .property[0].attr.detail[?(@ == "role1")]
type JSPath = [JSPathExp]

-- | jspath expression, e.g. .property, .property[0] or ."property-dash"
-- NOTE: We only accept one JSPFilter expr (at the end of input)
-- | jspath expression
data JSPathExp
= JSPKey Text
| JSPIdx Int
= JSPKey Text -- .property or ."property-dash"
| JSPIdx Int -- [0]
| JSPFilter FilterExp -- [?(@ == "match")]

data FilterExp
= EqualsCond Text
| NotEqualsCond Text
| StartsWithCond Text
| EndsWithCond Text
| ContainsCond Text

dumpJSPath :: JSPathExp -> Text
-- TODO: this needs to be quoted properly for special chars
dumpJSPath (JSPKey k) = "." <> show k
dumpJSPath (JSPIdx i) = "[" <> show i <> "]"
dumpJSPath (JSPFilter cond) = "[?(@" <> expr <> ")]"
expr =
case cond of
EqualsCond text -> " == " <> show text
NotEqualsCond text -> " != " <> show text
StartsWithCond text -> " ^== " <> show text
EndsWithCond text -> " ==^ " <> show text
ContainsCond text -> " *== " <> show text

-- Used for the config value "role-claim-key"
pRoleClaimKey :: Text -> Either Text JSPath
pRoleClaimKey selStr =
mapLeft show $ P.parse pJSPath ("failed to parse role-claim-key value (" <> toS selStr <> ")") (toS selStr)

pJSPath :: P.Parser JSPath
pJSPath = toJSPath <$> (period *> pPath `P.sepBy` period <* P.eof)
toJSPath :: [(Text, Maybe Int)] -> JSPath
toJSPath = concatMap (\(key, idx) -> JSPKey key : maybeToList (JSPIdx <$> idx))
period = P.char '.' <?> "period (.)"
pPath :: P.Parser (Text, Maybe Int)
pPath = (,) <$> pJSPKey <*> P.optionMaybe pJSPIdx
pJSPath = P.many1 pJSPathExp <* P.eof

pJSPathExp :: P.Parser JSPathExp
pJSPathExp = pJSPKey <|> pJSPFilter <|> pJSPIdx

pJSPKey :: P.Parser JSPathExp
pJSPKey = do
P.char '.'
val <- toS <$> P.many1 (P.alphaNum <|> P.oneOf "_$@") <|> pQuotedValue
return (JSPKey val) <?> "pJSPKey: JSPath attribute key"

pJSPIdx :: P.Parser JSPathExp
pJSPIdx = do
P.char '['
num <- read <$> P.many1 P.digit
P.char ']'
return (JSPIdx num) <?> "pJSPIdx: JSPath array index"

pJSPKey :: P.Parser Text
pJSPKey = toS <$> P.many1 (P.alphaNum <|> P.oneOf "_$@") <|> pQuotedValue <?> "attribute name [a..z0..9_$@])"
pJSPFilter :: P.Parser JSPathExp
pJSPFilter = do
P.try $ P.string "[?("
condition <- pFilterConditionParser
P.char ')'
P.char ']'
P.eof -- this should be the last jspath expression
return (JSPFilter condition) <?> "pJSPFilter: JSPath filter exp"

pJSPIdx :: P.Parser Int
pJSPIdx = P.char '[' *> (read <$> P.many1 P.digit) <* P.char ']' <?> "array index [0..n]"
pFilterConditionParser :: P.Parser FilterExp
pFilterConditionParser = do
P.char '@'
filt <- matchOperator
filt <$> pQuotedValue
matchOperator =
P.try (P.string "==^" $> EndsWithCond)
<|> P.try (P.string "==" $> EqualsCond)
<|> P.try (P.string "!=" $> NotEqualsCond)
<|> P.try (P.string "^==" $> StartsWithCond)
<|> P.try (P.string "*==" $> ContainsCond)

pQuotedValue :: P.Parser Text
pQuotedValue = toS <$> (P.char '"' *> P.many (P.noneOf "\"") <* P.char '"')
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions test/io/configs/expected/jwt-role-claim-key1.config
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
db-aggregates-enabled = false
db-anon-role = ""
db-channel = "pgrst"
db-channel-enabled = true
db-extra-search-path = "public"
db-hoisted-tx-settings = "statement_timeout,plan_filter.statement_cost_limit,default_transaction_isolation"
db-max-rows = ""
db-plan-enabled = false
db-pool = 10
db-pool-acquisition-timeout = 10
db-pool-max-lifetime = 1800
db-pool-max-idletime = 30
db-pool-automatic-recovery = true
db-pre-request = ""
db-prepared-statements = true
db-root-spec = ""
db-schemas = "public"
db-config = true
db-pre-config = ""
db-tx-end = "commit"
db-uri = "postgresql://"
jwt-aud = ""
jwt-role-claim-key = ".\"roles\"[?(@ == \"role1\")]"
jwt-secret = ""
jwt-secret-is-base64 = false
jwt-cache-max-lifetime = 0
log-level = "error"
openapi-mode = "follow-privileges"
openapi-security-active = false
openapi-server-proxy-uri = ""
server-cors-allowed-origins = ""
server-host = "!4"
server-port = 3000
server-trace-header = ""
server-timing-enabled = false
server-unix-socket = ""
server-unix-socket-mode = "660"
admin-server-host = "!4"
admin-server-port = ""
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions test/io/configs/expected/jwt-role-claim-key2.config
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
db-aggregates-enabled = false
db-anon-role = ""
db-channel = "pgrst"
db-channel-enabled = true
db-extra-search-path = "public"
db-hoisted-tx-settings = "statement_timeout,plan_filter.statement_cost_limit,default_transaction_isolation"
db-max-rows = ""
db-plan-enabled = false
db-pool = 10
db-pool-acquisition-timeout = 10
db-pool-max-lifetime = 1800
db-pool-max-idletime = 30
db-pool-automatic-recovery = true
db-pre-request = ""
db-prepared-statements = true
db-root-spec = ""
db-schemas = "public"
db-config = true
db-pre-config = ""
db-tx-end = "commit"
db-uri = "postgresql://"
jwt-aud = ""
jwt-role-claim-key = ".\"roles\"[?(@ != \"role1\")]"
jwt-secret = ""
jwt-secret-is-base64 = false
jwt-cache-max-lifetime = 0
log-level = "error"
openapi-mode = "follow-privileges"
openapi-security-active = false
openapi-server-proxy-uri = ""
server-cors-allowed-origins = ""
server-host = "!4"
server-port = 3000
server-trace-header = ""
server-timing-enabled = false
server-unix-socket = ""
server-unix-socket-mode = "660"
admin-server-host = "!4"
admin-server-port = ""
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions test/io/configs/expected/jwt-role-claim-key3.config
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
db-aggregates-enabled = false
db-anon-role = ""
db-channel = "pgrst"
db-channel-enabled = true
db-extra-search-path = "public"
db-hoisted-tx-settings = "statement_timeout,plan_filter.statement_cost_limit,default_transaction_isolation"
db-max-rows = ""
db-plan-enabled = false
db-pool = 10
db-pool-acquisition-timeout = 10
db-pool-max-lifetime = 1800
db-pool-max-idletime = 30
db-pool-automatic-recovery = true
db-pre-request = ""
db-prepared-statements = true
db-root-spec = ""
db-schemas = "public"
db-config = true
db-pre-config = ""
db-tx-end = "commit"
db-uri = "postgresql://"
jwt-aud = ""
jwt-role-claim-key = ".\"roles\"[?(@ ^== \"role1\")]"
jwt-secret = ""
jwt-secret-is-base64 = false
jwt-cache-max-lifetime = 0
log-level = "error"
openapi-mode = "follow-privileges"
openapi-security-active = false
openapi-server-proxy-uri = ""
server-cors-allowed-origins = ""
server-host = "!4"
server-port = 3000
server-trace-header = ""
server-timing-enabled = false
server-unix-socket = ""
server-unix-socket-mode = "660"
admin-server-host = "!4"
admin-server-port = ""

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