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refactor: improve disambiguation error message
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* reverse backwards relationships
* remove redundancy from getJoinSelects
* properly name Cardinality constructors
  • Loading branch information
steve-chavez committed Nov 16, 2019
1 parent 8b35115 commit 72af769
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Showing 6 changed files with 187 additions and 187 deletions.
100 changes: 51 additions & 49 deletions src/PostgREST/DbRequestBuilder.hs
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Expand Up @@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ rootWithRelations schema rootTableName allRels action = case action of
-- To enable embedding in the sourceCTEName cases we need to replace the foreign key tableName in the Relation
-- with {sourceCTEName}. This way findRelation can find Relations with sourceCTEName.
toSourceRelation :: Relation -> Maybe Relation
toSourceRelation r@Relation{relFTable=ft}
| rootTableName == tableName ft = Just $ r {relFTable=ft {tableName=sourceCTEName}}
| otherwise = Nothing
toSourceRelation r@Relation{relTable=t}
| rootTableName == tableName t = Just $ r {relTable=t {tableName=sourceCTEName}}
| otherwise = Nothing

-- Build the initial tree with a Depth attribute so when a self join occurs we can differentiate the parent and child tables by having
-- an alias like "table_depth", this is related to
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,21 +102,22 @@ addRelations :: Schema -> [Relation] -> Maybe ReadRequest -> ReadRequest -> Eith
addRelations schema allRelations parentNode (Node (query@Select{from=tbl}, (nodeName, _, alias, relationDetail, depth)) forest) =
case parentNode of
Just (Node (Select{from=parentNodeQi}, _) _) ->
let newFrom r = if qiName tbl == nodeName then tableQi (relTable r) else tbl
let newFrom r = if qiName tbl == nodeName then tableQi (relFTable r) else tbl
newReadNode = (\r -> (query{from=newFrom r}, (nodeName, Just r, alias, Nothing, depth))) <$> rel
parentNodeTable = qiName parentNodeQi
results = findRelation schema allRelations nodeName parentNodeTable relationDetail
results = findRelation schema allRelations parentNodeTable nodeName relationDetail
rel :: Either ApiRequestError Relation
rel = case results of
[] -> Left $ NoRelBetween parentNodeTable nodeName
[r] -> Right r
rs ->
-- Temporary hack for handling a self reference relationship. In this case we get a parent and child rel with the same relTable/relFtable.
-- We output the child rel, the parent can be obtained by using the fk column as an embed hint.
-- Hack for handling a self reference relationship.
-- In this case we get an O2M and M2O rels with the same relTable and relFtable.
-- We output the O2M rel, the M2O rel can be obtained by using the fk column as an embed hint in findRelation.
let rel0 = head rs
rel1 = rs !! 1 in
if length rs == 2 && relTable rel0 == relTable rel1 && relFTable rel0 == relFTable rel1
then note (NoRelBetween parentNodeTable nodeName) (find (\r -> relType r == Child) rs)
then note (NoRelBetween parentNodeTable nodeName) (find (\r -> relType r == O2M) rs)
else Left $ AmbiguousRelBetween parentNodeTable nodeName rs
Node <$> newReadNode <*> (updateForest . hush $ Node <$> newReadNode <*> pure forest)
Expand All @@ -127,8 +128,8 @@ addRelations schema allRelations parentNode (Node (query@Select{from=tbl}, (node
updateForest :: Maybe ReadRequest -> Either ApiRequestError [ReadRequest]
updateForest rq = mapM (addRelations schema allRelations rq) forest

findRelation :: Schema -> [Relation] -> NodeName -> TableName -> Maybe RelationDetail -> [Relation]
findRelation schema allRelations nodeTableName parentNodeTableName relationDetail =
findRelation :: Schema -> [Relation] -> TableName -> NodeName -> Maybe RelationDetail -> [Relation]
findRelation schema allRelations parentTableName nodeName relationDetail =
filter (\Relation{relTable, relColumns, relFTable, relFColumns, relType, relLinkTable} ->
-- Both relation ends need to be on the exposed schema
schema == tableSchema relTable && schema == tableSchema relFTable &&
Expand All @@ -137,82 +138,83 @@ findRelation schema allRelations nodeTableName parentNodeTableName relationDetai

-- (request) => projects { ..., clients{...} }
-- will match
-- (relation type) => parent
-- (relation type) => M2O
-- (entity) => clients {id}
-- (foriegn entity) => projects {client_id}
nodeTableName == tableName relTable && -- match relation table name
parentNodeTableName == tableName relFTable -- match relation foreign table name
parentTableName == tableName relTable && -- projects
nodeName == tableName relFTable -- clients
) ||

-- (request) => projects { ..., client_id{...} }
-- will match
-- (relation type) => parent
-- (relation type) => M2O
-- (entity) => clients {id}
-- (foriegn entity) => projects {client_id}
parentNodeTableName == tableName relFTable &&
length relFColumns == 1 &&
parentTableName == tableName relTable && -- projects
length relColumns == 1 &&
-- match common foreign key names(table_name_id, table_name_fk) to table_name
(toS ("^" <> colName (unsafeHead relFColumns) <> "_?(?:|[iI][dD]|[fF][kK])$") :: BS.ByteString) =~ (toS nodeTableName :: BS.ByteString)
(toS ("^" <> colName (unsafeHead relColumns) <> "_?(?:|[iI][dD]|[fF][kK])$") :: BS.ByteString) =~
(toS nodeName :: BS.ByteString) -- client_id

-- (request) => project_id { ..., client_id{...} }
-- will match
-- (relation type) => parent
-- (relation type) => M2O
-- (entity) => clients {id}
-- (foriegn entity) => projects {client_id}
-- this case works becasue before reaching this place
-- addRelation will turn project_id to project so the above condition will match

Just rd ->

-- (request) => clients { ..., projects.client_id{...} }
-- (request) => clients { ..., projects!client_id{...} }
-- will match
-- (relation type) => child
-- (relation type) => O2M
-- (entity) => clients {id}
-- (foriegn entity) => projects {client_id}
relType == Child &&
nodeTableName == tableName relTable && -- match relation table name
parentNodeTableName == tableName relFTable && -- match relation foreign table name
length relColumns == 1 &&
rd == colName (unsafeHead relColumns)
relType == O2M &&
parentTableName == tableName relTable && -- clients
nodeName == tableName relFTable && -- projects
length relFColumns == 1 &&
rd == colName (unsafeHead relFColumns) -- rd is client_id
) ||

-- (request) => message { ..., person_detail.sender{...} }
-- (request) => message { ..., person_detail!sender{...} }
-- will match
-- (relation type) => parent
-- (relation type) => M2O
-- (entity) => message {sender}
-- (foriegn entity) => person_detail {id}
relType == Parent &&
nodeTableName == tableName relTable && -- match relation table name
parentNodeTableName == tableName relFTable && -- match relation foreign table name
length relFColumns == 1 &&
rd == colName (unsafeHead relFColumns)
relType == M2O &&
parentTableName == tableName relTable && -- message
nodeName == tableName relFTable && -- person_detail
length relColumns == 1 &&
rd == colName (unsafeHead relColumns) -- rd is sender
) ||

-- (request) => tasks { ..., users.tasks_users{...} }
-- will match
-- (relation type) => many
-- (relation type) => M2M
-- (entity) => users
-- (foriegn entity) => tasks
relType == Many &&
nodeTableName == tableName relTable && -- match relation table name
parentNodeTableName == tableName relFTable && -- match relation foreign table name
rd == tableName (fromJust relLinkTable)
relType == M2M &&
parentTableName == tableName relTable && -- tasks
nodeName == tableName relFTable && -- users
rd == tableName (fromJust relLinkTable) -- rd is tasks_users
) allRelations

-- previousAlias is only used for the case of self joins
addJoinConditions :: Maybe Alias -> ReadRequest -> Either ApiRequestError ReadRequest
addJoinConditions previousAlias (Node node@(query@Select{from=tbl}, nodeProps@(_, relation, _, _, depth)) forest) =
case relation of
Just rel@Relation{relType=Parent} -> Node (augmentQuery rel, nodeProps) <$> updatedForest
Just rel@Relation{relType=Child} -> Node (augmentQuery rel, nodeProps) <$> updatedForest
Just rel@Relation{relType=Many, relLinkTable=lTable} ->
Just rel@Relation{relType=O2M} -> Node (augmentQuery rel, nodeProps) <$> updatedForest
Just rel@Relation{relType=M2O} -> Node (augmentQuery rel, nodeProps) <$> updatedForest
Just rel@Relation{relType=M2M, relLinkTable=lTable} ->
case lTable of
Just linkTable ->
let rq = augmentQuery rel in
Expand All @@ -237,20 +239,20 @@ addJoinConditions previousAlias (Node node@(query@Select{from=tbl}, nodeProps@(_
getJoinConditions :: Maybe Alias -> Maybe Alias -> Relation -> [JoinCondition]
getJoinConditions previousAlias newAlias (Relation Table{tableSchema=tSchema, tableName=tN} cols Table{tableName=ftN} fCols typ lt lc1 lc2) =
case typ of
Child ->
O2M ->
zipWith (toJoinCondition tN ftN) cols fCols
Parent ->
M2O ->
zipWith (toJoinCondition tN ftN) cols fCols
Many ->
M2M ->
let ltN = maybe "" tableName lt in
zipWith (toJoinCondition tN ltN) cols (fromMaybe [] lc1) ++ zipWith (toJoinCondition ftN ltN) fCols (fromMaybe [] lc2)
toJoinCondition :: Text -> Text -> Column -> Column -> JoinCondition
toJoinCondition tb ftb c fc =
let qi1 = removeSourceCTESchema tSchema tb
qi2 = removeSourceCTESchema tSchema ftb in
JoinCondition (maybe qi1 (QualifiedIdentifier mempty) newAlias, colName c)
(maybe qi2 (QualifiedIdentifier mempty) previousAlias, colName fc)
JoinCondition (maybe qi1 (QualifiedIdentifier mempty) previousAlias, colName c)
(maybe qi2 (QualifiedIdentifier mempty) newAlias, colName fc)

-- On mutation and calling proc cases we wrap the target table in a WITH {sourceCTEName}
-- if this happens remove the schema `FROM "schema"."{sourceCTEName}"` and use only the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -361,10 +363,10 @@ returningCols rr@(Node _ forest) = returnings
-- So this adds the foreign key columns to ensure the embedding succeeds, result would be `RETURNING name, client_id`.
-- This also works for the other relType's.
fkCols = concat $ mapMaybe (\case
Node (_, (_, Just Relation{relFColumns=cols, relType=relTyp}, _, _, _)) _ -> case relTyp of
Parent -> Just cols
Child -> Just cols
Many -> Just cols
Node (_, (_, Just Relation{relColumns=cols, relType=relTyp}, _, _, _)) _ -> case relTyp of
O2M -> Just cols
M2O -> Just cols
M2M -> Just cols
_ -> Nothing
) forest
-- However if the "client_id" is present, e.g. mutateRequest to /projects?select=client_id,name,clients(name)
Expand Down

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