A daemon framework to protect:
- NSArray、NSMutableArray、NSDictionary、NSMutableDictionary、NSSet、NSMutableSet、NSCountedSet
- NSString、NSMutableString
- Unrecognized selector
- NSTimer: protect for retain cycle
- NSNotification: protect for the non removeObserver operation
- KVO: protect for not pair in
- Cocoapods
- specify it in your Profile -
pod 'PYAegis'
- specify it in your Profile -
- Manual
- add all code under
folder to your project
- add all code under
- iOS8+
- Please open an issue, when you found a bug. Also provide the step to reproduce is better.
- Please open an issue, when you have some feature request
- Welcome pull request when you want to contribute for PYAegis
Use cocoapods or manual add PYAegis to your project. Done!
PYAegis is released under the Apache License 2.0 license. See LICENSE for details.