EscapeWild.Flutter is a Flutter project and works on all platforms, including Android, Windows, Linux, macOS and iOS.
- Want to build EscapeWild.Flutter? Please see the building guide.
- Want to work on Localization? Please see localization.
There's a few resources to get you started if you are not familiar with Flutter.
EscapeWild.Flutter uses easy_localization package, and it will retrieve localization files in assets.
The localization is formatted in yaml, which has a good-looking syntax.
The localizations of UI and game content are separate:
- The localization of UI folder: l10n.
- The localization of game content folder: l10n.
- The default UI localization file: en.yaml.
- The default game content localization file: en.yaml.
If your language is not listed in localization folder, please follow this step-by-step guide to create it.
Copy the
in the localization folder, and paste it in the same folder with a different name, for example, if the target language is French, you should rename it tofr.yaml
. -
Now do the localization! Just translate all English words to your language.
Please keep it in the same order with
. -
Finally, add locale into
in R class.static const supportedLocales = [ defaultLocale, const Locale("fr"), // add this ];
If your language is under l10n folder, but it lacks further localization, or you want to improve it, please follow this step-by-step guide.
- Find it under localization folder, UI or game content.
- Now do the localization! For missing words,
you can just copy from
, the default localization. - Please keep it in the same order with