Combining data from two tables (Facebook and Google ad campaigns) in the PostgreSQL database, the analysis aims to:
- Extract the campaign name (
) from theurl_parameters
string. - Decode Cyrillic characters in
. - Calculate the following metrics for the campaigns: CTR (Click-Through Rate), CPC (Cost Per Click), CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions), ROMI (Return on Marketing Investment).
- Determine the differences for
, andROMI
in the current month compared to the previous month in percentage terms. - Build an interactive Dashboard using Looker Studio to display the results.
- CTEs (Common Table Expressions): To structure the query and make it more readable.
- COALESCE Function: To handle missing values by replacing them with
. - Substring and Case Functions: To extract and handle the
. - Custom Function:
to decode Cyrillic characters. - Aggregation and Grouping: To calculate the metrics by month.
- Self-Join: To shift the metrics by one month for comparison.
- Conditional Logic: To avoid division by zero and handle edge cases in percentage change calculations.
Click the image below to view the interactive Dashboard on Looker Studio website.
The results of the analysis are visualized using an interactive dashboard built with Looker Studio. The dashboard displays:
- Monthly metrics (CTR, CPC, CPM, ROMI) for each campaign.
- The percentage change in
, andROMI
compared to the previous month.
Create Temporary Function
- Function:
- Purpose: Decodes Cyrillic characters in the URL parameters to make the campaign names readable.
- Code:
create or replace function public.decode_cyrillic_url(url_encoded_text text) returns text language plpgsql as $function$ declare decoded_text TEXT := upper(url_encoded_text); begin decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D0%87', 'ї'); -- ї decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D0%B0', 'а'); -- а decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D0%B1', 'б'); -- б decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D0%B2', 'в'); -- в decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D0%B3', 'г'); -- г decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D0%B4', 'д'); -- д decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D0%B5', 'е'); -- е decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D0%B6', 'ж'); -- ж decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D0%B7', 'з'); -- з decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D0%B8', 'и'); -- и decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D0%B9', 'й'); -- й decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D0%BA', 'к'); -- к decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D0%BB', 'л'); -- л decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D0%BC', 'м'); -- м decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D0%BD', 'н'); -- н decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D0%BE', 'о'); -- о decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D0%BF', 'п'); -- п decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D1%80', 'р'); -- р decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D1%81', 'с'); -- с decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D1%82', 'т'); -- т decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D1%83', 'у'); -- у decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D1%84', 'ф'); -- ф decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D1%85', 'х'); -- х decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D1%86', 'ц'); -- ц decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D1%87', 'ч'); -- ч decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D1%88', 'ш'); -- ш decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D1%89', 'щ'); -- щ decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D1%8C', 'ь'); -- ь decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D1%8D', 'э'); -- э decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D1%8E', 'ю'); -- ю decoded_text := REPLACE(decoded_text, '%D1%8F', 'я'); -- я return lower(decoded_text); end; $function$;
- Function:
Combine Data from Facebook and Google Ad Campaigns
- Common Table Expression (CTE) #1:
- Purpose: Unite Facebook and Google campaigns from two tables and fill in missing values with
using theCOALESCE
function. - Code:
with fgc as ( select ad_date, url_parameters, coalesce(spend, 0) as spend, coalesce(impressions, 0) as impressions, coalesce(reach, 0) as reach, coalesce(clicks, 0) as clicks, coalesce(leads, 0) as leads, coalesce(value, 0) as value from facebook_ads_basic_daily union select ad_date, url_parameters, coalesce(spend, 0) as spend, coalesce(impressions, 0) as impressions, coalesce(reach, 0) as reach, coalesce(clicks, 0) as clicks, coalesce(leads, 0) as leads, coalesce(value, 0) as value from google_ads_basic_daily order by 1 ),
- Common Table Expression (CTE) #1:
Calculate Metrics
- Common Table Expression (CTE) #2:
- Purpose: Calculate metrics such as CTR, CPC, CPM, and ROMI, grouped by month.
- Code:
metrics as ( select date(date_trunc('month', ad_date)) as add_month, case lower(substring(url_parameters, 'utm_campaign=([^&#$]+)')) when 'nan' then null else lower(substring(url_parameters, 'utm_campaign=([^&#$]+)')) end as utm_campaign, sum(spend) as spend, sum(impressions) as impressions, sum(clicks) as clicks, sum(value) as value, avg(case impressions when 0 then null else round(clicks/impressions::numeric,2) end) as ctr, avg(case clicks when 0 then null else round(spend/clicks::numeric,2) end) as cpc, avg(case clicks when 0 then null else round(spend/clicks::numeric,2)*1000 end) as cpm, avg(case spend when 0 then null else round((value-spend)/spend::numeric,2) end) as romi from fgc group by 1,2 ),
- Common Table Expression (CTE) #2:
Shift Metrics by One Month
- Common Table Expression (CTE) #3:
- Purpose: Self-join the metrics table with a one-month shift to calculate the previous month's metrics.
- Code:
shifted as ( select m.add_month, case when m.utm_campaign like '%\%%' then decode_cyrillic_url(m.utm_campaign) else m.utm_campaign end as utm_campaign, m3.utm_campaign as utm_campaign_prev, m.spend, m.impressions, m.clicks, m.value, m.cpc, m.cpm, m.ctr, m.romi, m3.cpm as prev_cpm, m3.ctr as prev_ctr, m3.romi as prev_romi from metrics m left join metrics as m3 on m.add_month = m3.add_month + interval '1 month' and m.utm_campaign = m3.utm_campaign where m.utm_campaign is not null )
- Common Table Expression (CTE) #3:
Final Query to Calculate Monthly Differences
- Purpose: Calculate the differences in
, andROMI
for the current month compared to the previous month in percentage terms, and convert values from cents to dollars where applicable. - Code:
select add_month, utm_campaign, spend/100 as spend, impressions, clicks, value/100 as value, round(cpc/100, 2) as cpc, round(cpm/100, 2) as cpm, round(ctr, 2) as ctr, round(romi, 2) as romi, case when cpm > 0 then round(cpm::numeric / prev_cpm - 1, 2) * 100 when cpm = 0 and prev_cpm > 0 then -100 end as "cpm_diff_%", case when prev_ctr > 0 then round(ctr::numeric / prev_ctr - 1, 2) * 100 when ctr = 0 and prev_ctr > 0 then -100 end as "ctr_diff_%", case when prev_romi > 0 then round(romi::numeric / prev_romi - 1, 2) * 100 when romi = 0 and prev_romi > 0 then -100 end as "romi_diff_%" from shifted
- Purpose: Calculate the differences in