PlastiCode is an application that educates about the types of plastic along with their lifespan and level of danger. There are three main features in this application: plastic type detection, recommendations for plastic alternatives, and recommendations for plastic recycling locations. PlastiCode is built with Kotlin, TensorFlow Lite, and implements the Clean Code Architecture.
- Introduction
- Features
- Libraries
- Project Structure
- Splash Screen
- Login & Register
- Dashboard
- Plastic Type Detection
- Plastic Type Detection Result
- Detection Result Details
- Plastic Recycling Recommendations
- Menu
- Detection History
- Background Mode Setting
- Lifecycle & Livedata
- Retrofit
- Navigation Component
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Ok Http 3
- Glide
- Google Maps Services, Places API
- Fragment
- ViewModel
- TensorFlow Lite
- RxBinding
- data
- factory
- network
- ApiService
- GoogleMapsApiService
- ApiConfig
- GoogleMapsApiConfig
- preference
- response
- ui
- dashboard
- detection
- result
- login
- location
- main
- menu
- setting
- register
- history
- utils
- dataStore
- ml
- model.tflite