Release notes - Planorama - 3.7.1
PLAN-1015 for the back of badge report we should not replace the full title, we should have it replace the truncated title column. i.e. title should contain the whole long title, and the truncated title should have the short title or a truncation.
PLAN-1016 short title validation needs to exist on the field not just in the error message
PLAN-1026 People on Mismatched Sessions report is showing peopel whose attendance type is matching the session erroneously
PLAN-1029 Session Limits Missing from Person Profile
PLAN-1033 fix non-accepted people on sessions
PLAN-1034 Use HTTP 307 on publish etc
PLAN-1035 When you load plano on mobile, there is no way to tell there is content below the menu
PLAN-950 UI for human assisted matching Registrants from Clyde with People in Plano
PLAN-1018 on mobile, the dashboard should use a hamburger menu rather then displaying the menu at the top of the dashboard itself