Will Paginate with infinite scroll for Rails
Include the gem in your Gemfile:
gem 'will_paginate_infinite'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Adds to app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss
*= require will_paginate_infinite
And javascript to app/assets/javascripts/application.js
//= require will_paginate_infinite
In your index view pagination :
# app/views/news/index.html.erb
<h1>News List</h1>
<div class="list-news">
<% @news.each do |item| %>
<%= render item %>
<% end %>
<%= will_paginate @news, renderer: WillPaginateInfinite::InfinitePagination %>
Will paginate renderer: WillPaginateInfinite::InfinitePagination
In content partial view:
# app/views/news/_news.html.erb
<%= item.title %>
And in controller/action with items to be paginated:
# app/controllers/news_controller.rb
class NewsController < ApplicationController
def index
@news = News.order(:created_at).paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 30)
# ...
respond_to do |format|
Creates a javascript version from your index view:
# app/views/news/index.js.erb
<%= infinite_append ".list-news ul", @news %>
# app/views/news/index.js.erb
<%= infinite_append ".list-news ul", { partial: "news/news", collection: @news } %>
Example using will_paginate_infinite with Rails 4: https://github.com/Godoy/will_paginate_infinite_example
- Fork it (https://github.com/PlanBCom/will_paginate_infinite/fork).
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
). - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
). - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
). - Create a new Pull Request.