- Formerly, this Repository was forked from Kagamia's repository. I am migrating to a new fork from KENNYSOFT's repository, and this will remain archived.
- WzComparerR2
- WzComparerR2.Common
- WzComparerR2.PluginBase
- WzComparerR2.WzLib
- CharaSimResource
- WzComparerR2.LuaConsole
- WzComparerR2.MapRender
- WzComparerR2.Avatar
- 2.x: Win7sp1+/.net4.6.2+/dx11.0
- 1.x: WinXp+/.net2.0+/dx9.0
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 git://github.com/PirateIzzy/WzComparerR2.git
Clone repository with submodules.
- vs2017 or higher
Download WzComparerR2.zip from Releases and extract the ZIP to a location of your choice (note that you may need to make adjustments in your AntiVirus's settings for it to work).
To view WZ files
Launch WzComparerR2, click the main menu, and select "Options".
Under General Settings -> WzLoading, set WZ version verification to "Fast". (This will speed up the load time of MapleStory WZ files)
Navigate to your MapleStory folder's Base folder (e.g.
C:\<MapleStory Folder>\Data\Base
) and open the Base.wz file. Right click and Sort to organize the files alphanumerically (if not automatically sorted already). -
Under Modules, click the QuickView dropdown and select AutoQuickView (for easier viewing).
Take a look at the data of your choice under the WzView tab.
To compare WZ files
Open two of the same .wz file from the same MapleStory version (for example, 2 Base.wz files of GMS 192 and 193). Note that Base.wz will provide all the changes.
Select the WzCompare tab and check/uncheck the 4 boxes. Uncheck ResolvePngLink to make the comparison faster, and click EasyCompare.
Select the location for your comparisons. After doing so, select the old/new .wz files in the prompt box. Click OK to start the comparison (note: will take a while for some versions of MapleStory)
Note for Mob.wz
I removed the display of Knockback and Avoidability because these two stats are irrelevant as of the V update, and have no impact on monsters now. As to why Nexon keeps including it, who knows. I also have no clue what mobType is for.
The last part of the Mob AutoQuickView, ILFSHDP, refers to elements Ice, Lightning, Fire, Poison, Holy, Dark, Physical (respectively). - 0=Neutral (no special elemental advantages/penalties), 1=Immune (element does 1 damage), 2=Resistant (element does half damage), 3=Weak (element does +50% final damage)
- Fiel (Southperry)
- Index (Exrpg)
- DotNetBar
- SharpDX & Monogame
- BassLibrary
- IMEHelper
- Spine-Runtime
- EmptyKeysUI
- @KENNYSOFT and his WcR2-KMS version.
- @Kagamia and his WcR2-CMS version.
- @Spadow and his assistance on translations.