An Azure Static Web App with API functions for uploading and returning plain text markdown files to be displayed on the site dynamically.
is used to handle the SWA frontend. These entries should be placed into your Github repo Secrets & Variables area as Variables
The following should be entered as Environment Variables in your Azure SWA dashboard.
- The URL that your website will be running under
- The Azure blob container name that you used in
- The Azure blob container name that you used in
- The Azure blob connection string that you find in the Azure control panel for your created blob storage
The upload function listens on /api/upload
for PUT or POST requests. The upload is stored in Azure blob storage and a UUID appended to a URL is returned to the client in the format
curl -T
curl -H "Content-Type: text/markdown" -T
curl -H "Content-Type: text/html" -T test.html
The get function listens on /api/get
and is only intended to be used by the SWA to request a blob based on the UUID in the URL.
Parameters for the ARM template.json
are defined in parameters.json
az login
az group create --name ExampleGroup --location eastus2
az deployment group create --name ExampleDeployment --resource-group ExampleGroup --template-file ./template.json --parameters ./parameters.json
Once deployed, the SWA will now be pointed at your repo and is waiting for a build to be submitted. You must create and configure your own GithubAction for this portion of the deployment.
is used to route all URLs back to index.html, this allows the React router to hand off UUID URLs to the API.