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2. Creating Command

Nont Nonnipat edited this page Nov 20, 2024 · 1 revision

Simple way to create a command using SimpleCommand

The SimpleCommand Can handle multiple commands in one class. So you can add multiple commands in one class!

public class SomeCommand extends SimpleCommand {

    public SomeCommand() {
        this.addCommand(new SimpleCommandManager("a") {
            public Map<Integer, List<String>> args() {
                return Map.of(0, List.of("args1", "args2", "args3"));

            public void execute(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
                sender.sendMessage("Hello World!");
        }, CommandSenderType.BOTH);



This method is used to provide a list of strings that can be used as arguments in the command.

You can edit the way it works by overriding the tabComplete method.

This method is working the same as the onTabComplete method in the TabCompleter interface.

public SomeCommand() {
    this.addCommand(new SimpleCommandManager("a") {
        // rest of the code ...

        public List<String> tabComplete(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) {
            // Provide a list of strings that can be used as arguments in the command
    }, CommandSenderType.BOTH);


This is a simple way to add arguments to the command, so you don't have to wasting time by checking strings length for providing an argument.


This method works the same as the onCommand method in the CommandExecutor interface.


I saw that when ever I create a command, I always need to check if the command can be executed by console or player. So I created a CommandSenderType to make it easier to check if the command can be executed by console or player.

  • CommandSenderType.BOTH - Command can be executed by both console and player
  • CommandSenderType.CONSOLE - Command can only be executed by console
  • CommandSenderType.PLAYER - Command can only be executed by player

Coming soon full version on 2025!

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