This demo shows how to start in Docker an ODM topology using Docker Compose.
First, you need to install Docker and Docker Compose.
To run the demo, you just need to start Docker Compose:
docker-compose up
This command creates tree docker containers:
- 1 for the DB Derby base
- 1 for the Decision Server runtime.
- 1 for the Decision Server console.
You can access the application with the URL: RES Console (resAdmin/resAdmin) and Decision Server runtime
You can check the containers status using the command:
docker-compose ps
You can check the RES console and DecisionService runtime link in the res console serverinfo tab. You should perform at one execution to activate the DecisionSer
To run the demo, you just need to start Docker Compose:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-cluster.yml up
This command creates 4 docker containers:
- 1 for the DB Derby base
- 1 for the load balancer
- 1 for the Decision Server runtime.
- 1 for the Decision Server console.
You can access the application with the URL: RES Console (resAdmin/resAdmin) / Decision Server runtime / The load balancer stats
To add a node to the cluster:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-cluster.yml scale decisionserverruntimer=2
You should see 2 runtime attach to the RES console. The load balancer is configured with the round robin algorithm.
Settings in this part is immutable, you have to redeploy Operation Decision service to make the changes take effects
Image Name | Environment Variable | Default | Description |
DecisionServerConsole | DECISION_SERVICE_URL | http://localhost:9090/DecisionService |