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Folders and files

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15 Commits

Repository files navigation


First :

git init It init a new .git folder. Create a .gitignore file for unwatched files OR git clone [] If it already exists remotely

Once on a new PC :

git config --global "Piefou"
git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global color.ui auto
git config --global core.editor "editor_name"
git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout 900' (keep in memory 15 min)
git config --global credential.helper store (keep in clear at ~/.git-credentials)

Then :

git status What are the differences between my current working env and my local repo ?

git add [file.ext] Add this file to versioning, use '.' for all current files

git commit -m [commit message] Commit the changes to the local repo

git diff Git Status on per-line changes for untracked files, '--staged' flag for staged files

git rm [file.ext] I want to delete a file, remove it of versioning and from working dir, '--cached' flag for no physical deletion

git mv [file.ext] [new-file.ext] File has been moved/renamed, do it in Git

git show [commit] Show the details of the given reference

git cherry-pick [commit] Apply the changes of a specified commit to the current branche

History :

git log Show me the history

git diff --name-status [commit1] [commit2] Show the files changed between these two commits, with there status (added, modified, removed) and paths

Whoops :

git commit --amend Let me correct my last commit

git reset HEAD [file.ext] Don't wanna commit this file, remove from stage

git checkout -- [file.ext] Did crap, remove all the changes back to the local repo state

git revert [commit] Bad commit, create a new one which revert the changes

git reset --hard [remote/branch] Local branch is garbage, reset to remote

git stash Put aside my changes. 'stash list' cmd to see what is stashed. 'stash pop' to bring back the changes. 'stash clear' to delete all stashed changes.

Remotes :

git remote List the remote repos linked, '-v' flag for URLs, 'show [remote]' for details

git remote add [remoteAlias] [] Add a remote repo, default remote repo usually named 'origin'

git remote rename [remoteAlias] [newAlias] Rename a remote repo

git remote remove [remote] Remove a remote repo

git fetch [remote] Get all remote changes, but no merge

git pull --rebase [remote] Get all remote changes, AND merge. '--rebase' flag apply your changes on top of what's pulled, instead of creating a new merge commit

git push -u [remote] [branch] Send commits to the remote. '-u' flag so it enable the tracking of the remote branch

Tags :

git tag What are the tags on this branch ?

git tag -a [tag] -m [message] Add a new tag. '-d' to delete a tag.

git push [remote] [tag] Add the tag on the remote. '--tags' to push'em all. '--delete' to remove it.

git checkout [tag] Set current workdir to the tag state, but any commits will be orphan.

git checkout -b [branch] [tag] To create a branch from a tag

Branches :

git branch [branch] Create a new branch on the current commit. '-d' for deletion, '-a' to show local and remotes branches

git checkout [branch] Switch to another branch, '-b' to create if non-existent. If a remote branch exists with this name, it will follow its changes

git merge [branch] Merge the branch to your current workdir, and commit the result

git merge --squash [squash] Merge the branch to your current workdir, and set the changes in a unstaged state (you have to commit yourself the result)

git push [remote] --delete [branch] Delete the remote branch

git rebase [branch] Switch your current branch to the specified branch, then apply the changes you made

git fetch -p Remove all local branches that does not exists on the remote

Misc :

git config --global alias.[aliascmd] '[cmd]' To create an alias of a command

git diff --check Show whitespaces differences

git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all


Dummy repo to test git







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