It's a tool for Citrix administrators.
It's a PowerShell script with a GUI written in Windows Presentation Foudation based on Google Material Design theme.
This tool can't replace Studio of course, but it's not the purpose neither today or tomorow.
Actually, it ease the daily work, all farms data are accessible in the same window, it gives a quick access to information.
It"s a scalable tool.
Please see XD_tool screenshots in the screenshots folder.
You can refresh all the page or each item separatly.
View or edit publication settings.
List sessions connected to the publication. Kill, hide or shadow selected session
List servers on which it's published.
List groups and/or users access
Display a copy/paste view.
Export displayed data to XLSX file.
Refresh data.
View VDA details, enable/disable maintenane or turn on/turn off. Refresh data.
List sessions connected on the VDA. Kill, hide/unhide or shadow selected session. Display a copy/paste view. Export displayed data to XLSX file. Refresh data.
List publication published by the VDA.
List hotfixes installed on the VDA.
View Machine Catalog details.
List VDA in the MC. Enable/disable maintenane or turn on/turn off selected VDA. Display a copy/paste view. Export displayed data to XLSX file. Refresh data.
List sessions connected in the MC. Kill, hide/unhide or shadow selected session. Display a copy/paste view. Export displayed data to XLSX file. Refresh data.
Refresh data.
View Machine Catalog details.
List VDA in the MC. Enable/disable maintenane or turn on/turn off selected VDA. Display a copy/paste view. Export displayed data to XLSX file. Refresh data.
List sessions connected in the MC. Kill, hide/unhide or shadow selected session. Display a copy/paste view. Export displayed data to XLSX file. Refresh data.
Refresh data.
View Delivery Groups details. View or edit desktop and scheduled reboots
List VDA in the DG. Enable/disable maintenane or turn on/turn off selected VDA. Display a copy/paste view. Export displayed data to XLSX file. Refresh data.
List sessions connected in the DG. Kill, hide/unhide or shadow selected session. Display a copy/paste view. Export displayed data to XLSX file. Refresh data.
List publications published in the DG. Enable/disable, hide/unhide or delete selected publication. Display a copy/paste view. Export displayed data to XLSX file. Refresh data.
Refresh data.
View Delivery Groups details. View or edit desktop and scheduled reboots
List VDA in the DG. Enable/disable maintenane or turn on/turn off selected VDA. Display a copy/paste view. Export displayed data to XLSX file. Refresh data.
List sessions connected in the DG. Kill, hide/unhide or shadow selected session. Display a copy/paste view. Export displayed data to XLSX file. Refresh data.
List publications published in the DG. Enable/disable, hide/unhide or delete selected publication. Display a copy/paste view. Export displayed data to XLSX file. Refresh data.
Refresh data.
Enable/disable maintenane of the selected VDA.
Turn on/turn off selected VDA.
Display a copy/paste view of unregistered VDAs.
Export displayed data to XLSX file.
Refresh data.
Disable maintenane of the selected VDA.
Turn on/turn off selected VDA.
Display a copy/paste view of unregistered VDAs.
Export displayed data to XLSX file.
Refresh data.
Two methods to get XD_Tool
Easier one :
Other method, if you don't want to download a MSI :
C:\Program Files (x86)\PhoenixNBR\XD Tool
- XD_Tool.exe // PS1 compiled in exe
- Configuration folder
- assembly folder // dlls for Material Design
- MaterialDesignColors.dll
- MaterialDesignMessageBox.dll
- MaterialDesignThemes.Wpf.dll
- Pictures folder // images used in the tool
- PSExcel-master // Excel module
- XAML // XAML files in WPF
- Log_Errors.txt // errors will be logged in this file
- Configuration folder
- Config.xml // configuration file created at first launch
- Exports folder // XLSX export files created in the tool
At first launch if the configuration file is not found, you will have a popup to load or create a new one.
The config.xml file is located at C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\XD_Tool\Configuration
Click New to create configuration file.
Follow the HowTo instructions.
If you choose a logo it will replace the XD_Tool default logo.
An XLSX file export of the displayed datais available most of the time.
You can for exemple easily export all publications or VDAs on demand.
Human input errors or information are managed by message boxes.
Text written in red for erros and blue for information.
A loading spinner is displayed when a request is launched. If this loading spinner is too long, the script may have failed, in this case the error has been logged in the Log_Errors.txt at C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\XD_Tool
Even if I wrote all the PowerShell script and the XAML files, I have needed help to begin with Material Design.
So, I would like to thank :