For this exercise I had to create a random password generator.
When the button is clicked it would generate a password.
I had to present a series of prompts for the following:
- Length of password (Between 8-128 characters long).
- Give a choice of character types (Lowercase, Uppercase, Numeric and Special characters ($@*%&, etc)).
- The code should validate for each input, making sure at least 1 character type is selected.
- After all prompts have been answered then the password can be created.
- This will then input the password into the textbox on screen.
The website can be accessed here
To view the results you have to:
- Open the link up in the browser.
- Click on Generate Password button.
- Input your selected password length in the prompt box shown.
- Select OK to at least 1 of the options for character types.
- After all prompts, your password should appear on the screen
Bro Code - This page helped me understand the logic and steps of generating a password when I got stuck
MDN - This helped me further understand working with objects and arrays.
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