##biffy ###The missing editor for B1if
A Django/Python 2.7 web application to make editing and testing B1if XSL and XML fast and fun.
This is a work in progress, considered unstable alpha.
- Improve UI
- Save file version history
- Password protect the whole app
- Test XSLT in browser against local changes
- Save XML to use for XSLT testing
- Lint or PrettyPrint XML contents
- Loads of testing
- Install Documentation
- Save B1if server details
- List Scenarios
- List Flows
- List Files
- Show file contents
- Makup XML content
- Save file function
- widget_tweaks
Instructions coming soon, but this is a Django app, so something like:
- Install Django
- Clone this repository locally
- Run the following setup commands
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser
python manage.py runserver
- Add B1if servers at /admin
- Use the editor at /