A dashboard to keep track of your energy usage.
- Install app:
$ git clone git+https://github.com/peter-slump/[email protected] $ docker-compose up
- Create superuser:
$ docker exec -it energydashboard_energy-dashboard_1 ./energy_dashboard/manage.py createsuperuser
- Visit the admin
$ Log in and create some power meters.
- Visit the dashboard
- Create virtual environment (Optional but highly recommended):
$ mkdir -p ~/.virtualenvs && virtualenv --python=python2 ~/.virtualenvs/energy-dashboard
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/energy-dashboard/bin/activate
- Install app:
$ pip install git+https://github.com/peter-slump/[email protected]#egg=energy-dashboard
$ energy-dashboard install
- Run server:
$ cd energy_dashboard && ./manage.py runserver
Setup environment:
$ make install-python
Run Python tests:
$ python setup.py test
Load dummy data:
$ ./manage.py load_dynamic_fixtures
Build development front-end bundle:
$ npm run webpack-dev
Build production front-end bundle:
$ npm run webpack-prod