Is a lightweight typesafe promised based react context for the management of nested panels. As panels are opened they are replaced in-place, a history is maintained for panel traversal. You can await the result of any opened panel allowing for values to be conveniently resolved in a child parent relationship. The original use case for the context was an administration portal.
Setup the context provider:
You can optionally configure the panels location, default is a right slide out.
<PanelManagerContextProvider> <ExampleChild /> </PanelManagerContextProvider>
Setup a panel:
A panel can be any type of react component that implements ManagedPanel as props. Close and dismiss functions are passed in as props and are required to be implemented, close() will clear the current panel, while dismiss() will clear all opened panels.
const CustomPanel: FunctionComponent<ManagedPanel> = ({ close, dismiss }) => { const controls = [ <Button onClick={() => close()}>Save</Button> ]; return ( <Panel actions={controls} title="Panel" onDismiss={() => dismiss()} > Content </Panel> ); }
Register and open the panel:
You can register as many panels as need, each panel requires a unique key, register() returns the function to open that panel.
const ExamplePage: FunctionComponent = () => { const { register } = usePanelManagerContext(); const open = register(({ dismiss, close}) => <CustomPanel key="panel" close={close} dismiss={dismiss} /> ) return (<Button onClick={() => open()}>Open Panel</Button>); }
Each open function returns a typed promise to await, a panel can resolve that promise by calling close with or without a value.
const CustomPanel: FunctionComponent<ManagedPanel<string>> = ({ close, dismiss }) => {
const stringValue = "Hello world";
const controls = [
<Button onClick={() => close(stringValue)}>Save</Button>
return (
onDismiss={() => dismiss()}
const ExamplePage: FunctionComponent = () => {
const { register } = usePanelManagerContext();
const open = register<string>(({ dismiss, close}) =>
<CustomPanel key="panel" close={close} dismiss={dismiss} />
return (
<Button onClick={() => {
const stringValue = await open();
Open Panel
You can pass any typed value into the open function which can then be mapped onto the panel as props.
const CustomPanel: FunctionComponent<ManagedPanel<void, string>> = ({ close, dismiss, props }) => {
const controls = [
<Button onClick={() => close()}>Save</Button>
return (
onDismiss={() => dismiss()}
const ExamplePage: FunctionComponent = () => {
const customProps = "Hello world";
const { register } = usePanelManagerContext();
const open = register<void, string>(({ dismiss, close, props }) =>
<CustomPanel key="panel" close={close} dismiss={dismiss} props={props} />
return (<Button onClick={() => open(customProps)}>Open Panel</Button>);
You can register sub panels within panels in nested child parent relationship.
const SubPanel: FunctionComponent<ManagedPanel> = ({ close, dismiss }) => {
const controls = [
<Button onClick={() => close()}>Save</Button>
return (
onDismiss={() => dismiss()}
A sub panel.
const CustomPanel: FunctionComponent<ManagedPanel> = ({ close, dismiss }) => {
const { register } = usePanelManagerContext();
const open = register<(({ dismiss, close}) =>
<SubPanel key="sub-panel" close={close} dismiss={dismiss} />
const controls = [
<Button onClick={() => close()}>Save</Button>
return (
onDismiss={() => dismiss()}
<Button onClick={() => open()}>Open Sub Panel</Button>
const ExamplePage: FunctionComponent = () => {
const { register } = usePanelManagerContext();
const open = register(({ dismiss, close}) =>
<CustomPanel key="panel" close={close} dismiss={dismiss} />
return (<Button onClick={() => open()}>Open Panel</Button>);
type OpenPanelFunction<ResultType, PropType = undefined> = PropType extends undefined
? () => Promise<ResultType | null>
: (props: PropType) => Promise<ResultType | null>;
type ClosePanelFunction<PropType = undefined> = PropType extends undefined
? () => void
: (props?: PropType) => void;
type RegisterPanelFunction<ResultType = void, PropType = undefined> = (
props: ManagedPanel<ResultType, PropType>
) => ReactElement<ManagedPanel<ResultType, PropType>>;
interface PanelManagerContext {
register: <ResultType = void, PropType = undefined>(
registerPanelFunction: RegisterPanelFunction<ResultType, PropType>
) => OpenPanelFunction<ResultType, PropType>;
dismiss: () => void;
type ManagedPanel<ResultType = void, PropType = undefined> = PropType extends undefined
? {
dismiss: () => void;
close: ClosePanelFunction<ResultType>;
: {
dismiss: () => void;
close: ClosePanelFunction<ResultType>;
props: PropType;
enum PanelManagerPosition {
interface PanelManagerContextProps {
position?: PanelManagerPosition;