A plugin for DanRuta/xVASynth
Link to plugin on Nexus Mods page: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/107142?tab=description
During TTS synthesis, the plugin adjusts the 4 possible emotional modifier values of phonemes equaly for xVAPitch (v3) models.
- Text is given to DeepMoji for analysis and it returns the probabilities of what emojis would humans attach to that text. Also a previous sentence is added for better flow.
- By default, 10 out of the 64 highest probable emojis are taken from the DeepMoji analysis
- emoji_unicode_emotions.csv file contains the 64 emojis and how they may affect the 4 emotional modifiers of xVASynth. 0-100
- The 10 emojis are compared against the CSV and their values summed up
- Emotional modifiers (Angry, Happy, Sad) are exclusive, only the highest scored one gets applied.
- Surprise emotion is always somewhat applied. Unless when the sum of Surprise and Happy values are too high, then only one is applied. "More than happy" 😬
- There is also a ratio amplifier. Which gets increased if there are one or more exclamation marks within the sentence. This ratio is multiplied with the final emotional modifier values.
- At a certain sadness value threshold, the audio length will be increased.
After applied, these values can be seen in the xVASynth editor as well.