PostgreSQL SPAR integration
This is an impltmentation of interacting with the SPAR API ( ). This is a service provided by the Swedish goverment for access to data about Swedish Citizens. The implementation is written to be fully run and utlized from within PostgreSQL using plpgsql and plperlu function calls.
Access to the API and services can be applied for using instructions on the SPAR website.
First and foremost, get access to the API from SPAR. Before going anywhere make sure you have your SSL certificate and other accound information that is needed to access the test servers.
Everything is run under PostgreSQL (developed using v9.1.9). Support for plpgsql and plperlu is required. You also need a working perl installation and WWW::Curl::Easy
For the testsuite to run you need perl and DBIx::Pg::CallFunction
Convert the certificate from Steria to a format usable for us:
$ openssl pkcs12 -in INPUT.p12 -clcerts -nodes -out OUTPUT.crt
$ vim populate.sql
This file is used by install.sql
below. This step can be skipped but you will get an error when running the install.sql
(the error can be ignored), you will need to enter valid data into the SPARConfig table before running the test suite..
$ psql -f install.sql
This will create an empty database called spartest (and drop it if it exists).
$ perl /usr/bin/prove t
This will run the tests defined in the documentation for querying a single personid in different ways.
There are a number of helper functions (that will not be covered here) along with a few main functions to call for processing data. On a high level there are functions for formatting the query to submit, a function for submitting it to SPAR, one for parsing the response and saving the data into tables in the database and one for fetching data from the database. All query responses are saved into the database for future use.
The following functions are used to build up the query to submit:
Then use this function to submit the query to SPAR:
Then parse the given result and save it into the database using:
It will return an array of personid's as returned from the SPAR system. No id's will be returned unless the query returned any persons.
To read up data from the tables use:
I also created a small utility function for extracting the selected first name from the list of names (if any).
Simple example:
$opsql spartest
spartest=# SELECT Parse_SPAR_PersonSokning_Response(HTTP_POST_XML('https://....', Format_SPAR_PersonID_Query('34908', '3458973489', 'Exempelforetag-458923', 'KATx', 'N', '934873459878'), 'spar.crt'));
(1 row)
spartest=# SELECT Get_SPAR_PersonData('934873459878');
-[ RECORD 1 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
spardata | (SE194812317401,N,2010-02-02,2010-02-02)
sparadress | {"(,SE194812317401,F,,2010-02-02,,,\"Gatan142 8\",,11146,STOCKHOLM,Sverige,01,80,04,2003-01-01)"}
sparperson | {"(,SE194812317401,2010-02-02,,\"Efternamn3542, Fornamn1 Fornamn2\",\"Fornamn1 Fornamn2\",20,\"Fornamn 3\",Efternamn3542,,,,,1993-01-30,K)"}