This is my projects, they are my routine challenge to get a solid base in front end career
Let's iniciate from beggining, this projects are my principal tips for that person who want to start learning software development in web. They basic and challenging in the same time, this projects made me know more about how MDN, Stack Overflow work and how the development community support each other. This is my veredict about how awesome the technology community is. Thank you for your attention and let's get to the projects.
A simple way to change a background color based in RGBA scale, generating an event every time you click on a button.
A image carousel attached to a click event to show every image in a sequence
Double project with same logic, a analogic and digital clock, exploring the CSS Neuromorphism and some new properties to work with time in JavaScript
A number counter who trains mouse JavaScript event
A project that counts a number of letters written on a text input
Automatic image slider with smooth transaction between the carousel images
A personal list for shopping, tasks and everything you want!