This is a complete rip-off from Howtographql introduction tutorial, but modified further in depth to explore code-first development approach in graphql with the help of nexus & nexus-prisma
branch follows a "Schema-First" development of graphql-server while the entire logic is written using code-first approach in prisma-nexus-code-first
Hop on to whichever you like and setup the project.
You need to have Prisma installed globally in your environment.
sudo npm install -g prisma
You also need docker installed as well.
Clone the project locally.
git clone
Run docker-compose to spin up the containers.
docker-compose up -d
prisma deploy
to generate prisma client.
Run yarn install
to download depenedencies.
Run yarn dev
to start the server in development mode.
You can use http://localhost:4000 to explore the graphql playground.