A module for patching (apllying security updates) Windows and Linux machines
Variable Name | Default value | Possible values | Documentation reference | Description |
package_manager_pre_delay | 0 | >=1 | How many secods to wait before installing the packages/updates (Linux only) |
force_reboot | false | true/false | If the server NEEDS to be rebooted (will reboot the server anyway)server_reboot_allowed needs to be true since it takes precedente |
package_manager_post_delay | 0 | >=1 | How many secods to wait after the installation of the packages/updates (Linux only) |
server_post_reboot_delay | 0 | >=1 | How many seconds to wait after the server is back up | |
package_manager_apt_do_autoremove | No | Yes No |
[apt/autoremove] | Autoremove the unneeded packages (a version of the kernel is kept anyway) (Debian-based distros only) |
server_reboot_allowed | Yes | Yes No |
Can the server reboot? | |
package_manager_excluded_packages | [] | [yum/exclude] [dpkg_selections/name] windows/blacklist |
Packages to exclude from the update | |
package_manager_needed_packages | [] | [yum/name] [apt/name] |
Packages that needs to be installed on the server (Linux only) |
windows_updates_source | "default" | default managed_server windows_update |
[[win_updates/server_selection](win_updates/category_names] | Server to use when searching and downloading the updates (Windows only) |
windows_category_names | [win_updates/category_names] | Windows udpate categories that needs to be installed. Defaults to any update found. (Windows only) |
server_timeout_seconds_value | 3600 | >=1 | [win_updates/reboot_timeout] [reboot/reboot_timeout] |
How much time to wait for the server to come back up in case of a reboot |
ram_test_enable | true | True False |
Weather to enable the check to make sure there is enough free RAM | |
ram_test_noreboot | false | True False |
If there is not enough RAM (and value is true), DO NOT reboot the server but rather fail the task | |
ram_test_min_free_mb | 400 | >= 1 | The needed MBs of RAM to check for (if there is not enough RAM, the server will be rebooted) |
Here you can find an example playbook to test the role
- name: patching
max_fail_percentage: 0
hosts: all
# On Windows the become can result in issues
become: "{{ not ansible_env.OS is defined and 'windows' in ansible_env.OS|lower }}"
- patching
Just remember to set the right variables for the Windows machines:
# Port 5985 for HTTP, Port 5986 for HTTPS
# Windows should implement SSH in their 2019 version of Windows server, for the moment we have WinRM
# To enable it, open Powershell and type: `Enable-PSRemoting`
# Refer to doc: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/windows_winrm.html
#ansible_winrm_transport: ntlm
#ansible_winrm_transport: basic
[email protected]
# Used for servers with no valid certificate
None :)
Pandry [email protected] github.com/Pandry