Assignment 1
Find out if a Tree is Balanced
Find Minimum depth of all the leaves in a tree
Print all the leaves of a tree
Print sum of all the left leaves
Assignment 2
Swap Nodes in Pairs
Delete a node in link list
Even Odd Link List
Split Linked List in Parts
Insert into a Sorted Circular Linked List
Assignment 3
Merge in between links
Swap Nodes in link list
Remove link list element
Delete n nodes after m nodes
Design and implement double link list
Assignment 4
Find intersection of 2 unsorted arrays
Find nth Smallest of an unsorted array
Sort colors
Pancake sort
Assignment 5
Find K Closest Elements
Find Intersection of 2 sorted arrays
Peak Index in a mountain
Reorganize string
Count number of 1's in sorted binary array
Assignment 6
Subtree of Another Tree
Asteroid Collision
Generate Parentheses
Reverse Nodes in k-Group
Assignment 7
Rotate Image
Reverse words in a String
Set Matrix Zeroes
Valid Anagram
Longest common Prefix
Find shortest paths from source to all vertices in the given graph
Course Schedule
Word Ladder
Number of Islands