#React Native Cookbook By Packt
This is the code repository for React Native Cookbook, published by Packt Publishing. It contains all the required files to run the code.
##Who this book is for? This book is intended for developers who may be either just starting out or already experienced with React Native development. Existing knowledge of JavaScript ES2015 is highly recommended. A basic understanding of iOS development with Objective-C or Swift and Java for Android development is optional, but may help readers when adding custom native functionality.
##System requirements
- Python >= 2.5.0 < 3.0.0
- Windows SDK 8.1
- node v5.10.1
- npm 3.8.3
- rnpm 1.9.0
- react-native-cli 1.0.0
- Android API 23
##Running recipes In order to run a recipe you need to open a terminal, go to the recipe folder, install dependencies using npm and run the app using react-native cli.
$ cd ch1/tip1/ContainersText
$ npm install
$ react-native run-ios
$ react-native run-android
Make sure to install Android SKD and define the ANDROID_HOME in your environment, pointing to the SDK root folder, for example:
# ~/.bash_profile
export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/YOUR_USER_HOME/Library/Android/sdk;
To run the iOS version make sure to have the latest version of XCode installed in your system.
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