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add shearheating 3D tests
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aelligp committed Feb 19, 2024
1 parent b57f7d0 commit acd3a10
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Showing 3 changed files with 242 additions and 4 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions miniapps/benchmarks/stokes3D/shear_heating/Shearheating3D.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ end
## END OF HELPER FUNCTION ------------------------------------------------------------

## BEGIN OF MAIN SCRIPT --------------------------------------------------------------
function main3D(igg; ar=8, ny=16, nx=ny*8, figdir="figs3D", save_vtk =false)
function main3D(igg; ar=8, ny=16, nx=ny*8, nz=ny*8, figdir="figs3D", save_vtk =false)

# Physical domain ------------------------------------
lx = 70e3 # domain length in x
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ function main3D(igg; ar=8, ny=16, nx=ny*8, figdir="figs3D", save_vtk =false)
# Time loop
t, it = 0.0, 0
while it < 1
while it < 10
# Update buoyancy and viscosity -
args = (; T = thermal.Tc, P = stokes.P, dt = Inf)
@parallel (@idx ni) compute_viscosity!(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -321,4 +321,4 @@ else

main3D(igg; ar=ar, ny=ny, nx=nx, figdir=figdir, save_vtk=save_vtk)
main3D(igg; ar=ar, ny=ny, nx=nx, nz=nz,figdir=figdir, save_vtk=save_vtk)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/test_shearheating2D.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -254,6 +254,6 @@ end

@testset "Shearheating2D" begin
iters, thermal = Shearheating2D()
@test passed = iters.err_evo1[end] < 1e-5
@test passed = iters.err_evo1[end] < 1e-4
# @test maximum.(thermal.shear_heating)
238 changes: 238 additions & 0 deletions test/test_shearheating3D.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
push!(LOAD_PATH, "..")
using Test

# Benchmark of Duretz et al. 2014
using JustRelax, JustRelax.DataIO
import JustRelax.@cell
using ParallelStencil
@init_parallel_stencil(Threads, Float64, 3) #or (CUDA, Float64, 3) or (AMDGPU, Float64, 3)

using JustPIC
using JustPIC._3D
# Threads is the default backend,
# to run on a CUDA GPU load CUDA.jl (i.e. "using CUDA") at the beginning of the script,
# and to run on an AMD GPU load AMDGPU.jl (i.e. "using AMDGPU") at the beginning of the script.
const backend = CPUBackend # Options: CPUBackend, CUDABackend, AMDGPUBackend

# setup ParallelStencil.jl environment
model = PS_Setup(:cpu, Float64, 3) #or (:CUDA, Float64, 3) or (:AMDGPU, Float64, 3)

# Load script dependencies
using Printf, LinearAlgebra, GeoParams, CellArrays

# Load file with all the rheology configurations
# Load file with all the rheology configurations

## SET OF HELPER FUNCTIONS PARTICULAR FOR THIS SCRIPT --------------------------------

import ParallelStencil.INDICES
const idx_k = INDICES[3]
macro all_k(A)

# Initial pressure profile - not accurate
@parallel function init_P!(P, ρg, z)
@all(P) = abs(@all(ρg) * @all_k(z)) * <(@all_k(z), 0.0)
return nothing
## END OF HELPER FUNCTION ------------------------------------------------------------

## BEGIN OF MAIN SCRIPT --------------------------------------------------------------
function Shearheating3D(nx=32, ny=32, nz=32)

init_mpi = JustRelax.MPI.Initialized() ? false : true
igg = IGG(init_global_grid(nx, ny, nz; init_MPI = init_mpi)...)
# Physical domain ------------------------------------
lx = 70e3 # domain length in x
ly = 70e3 # domain length in y
lz = 40e3 # domain length in y
ni = nx, ny, nz # number of cells
li = lx, ly, lz # domain length in x- and y-
di = @. li / (nx_g(),ny_g(),nz_g()) # grid step in x- and -y
origin = 0.0, 0.0, -lz # origin coordinates (15km f sticky air layer)
grid = Geometry(ni, li; origin = origin)
(; xci, xvi) = grid # nodes at the center and vertices of the cells
# ----------------------------------------------------

# Physical properties using GeoParams ----------------
rheology = init_rheologies(; is_TP_Conductivity=false)
κ = (4 / (rheology[1].HeatCapacity[1].Cp * rheology[1].Density[1].ρ))
dt = dt_diff = 0.5 * min(di...)^3 / κ / 3.01 # diffusive CFL timestep limiter
# ----------------------------------------------------

# Initialize particles -------------------------------
nxcell, max_xcell, min_xcell = 20, 40, 1
particles = init_particles(
backend, nxcell, max_xcell, min_xcell, xvi..., di..., ni...
# velocity grids
grid_vx, grid_vy, grid_vz = velocity_grids(xci, xvi, di)
# temperature
pT, pPhases = init_cell_arrays(particles, Val(2))
particle_args = (pT, pPhases)

# Elliptical temperature anomaly
xc_anomaly = lx/2 # origin of thermal anomaly
yc_anomaly = ly/2 # origin of thermal anomaly
zc_anomaly = 40e3 # origin of thermal anomaly
r_anomaly = 3e3 # radius of perturbation
init_phases!(pPhases, particles, xc_anomaly, yc_anomaly, zc_anomaly, r_anomaly)
phase_ratios = PhaseRatio(ni, length(rheology))
@parallel (@idx ni) phase_ratios_center(, pPhases)
# ----------------------------------------------------

# STOKES ---------------------------------------------
# Allocate arrays needed for every Stokes problem
stokes = StokesArrays(ni, ViscoElastic)
pt_stokes = PTStokesCoeffs(li, di; ϵ=1e-4, CFL = 0.9 / 3.1)
# ----------------------------------------------------

# TEMPERATURE PROFILE --------------------------------
thermal = ThermalArrays(ni)
thermal_bc = TemperatureBoundaryConditions(;
no_flux = (left = true , right = true , top = false, bot = false, front = true , back = true),
periodicity = (left = false, right = false, top = false, bot = false, front = false, back = false),

# Initialize constant temperature
@views thermal.T .= 273.0 + 400
thermal_bcs!(thermal.T, thermal_bc)

@parallel (JustRelax.@idx size(thermal.Tc)...) temperature2center!(thermal.Tc, thermal.T)
# ----------------------------------------------------

# Buoyancy forces
ρg = ntuple(_ -> @zeros(ni...), Val(3))

@parallel (JustRelax.@idx ni) compute_ρg!(ρg[3],, rheology, (T=thermal.Tc, P=stokes.P))
@parallel init_P!(stokes.P, ρg[3], xci[3])

# Rheology
η = @ones(ni...)
args = (; T = thermal.Tc, P = stokes.P, dt = Inf)
@parallel (@idx ni) compute_viscosity!(
η, 1.0,, @strain(stokes)..., args, rheology, (-Inf, Inf)
η_vep = deepcopy(η)

# PT coefficients for thermal diffusion
pt_thermal = PTThermalCoeffs(
rheology, phase_ratios, args, dt, ni, di, li; ϵ=1e-5, CFL=1e-3 / 3

# Boundary conditions
flow_bcs = FlowBoundaryConditions(;
free_slip = (left = true , right = true , top = true , bot = true , front = true , back = true ),
no_slip = (left = false, right = false, top = false, bot = false, front = false, back = false),
periodicity = (left = false, right = false, top = false, bot = false, front = false, back = false),
## Compression and not extension - fix this
εbg = 5e-14
stokes.V.Vx .= PTArray([ -(x - lx/2) * εbg for x in xvi[1], _ in 1:ny+2, _ in 1:nz+2])
stokes.V.Vy .= PTArray([ -(y - ly/2) * εbg for _ in 1:nx+2, y in xvi[2], _ in 1:nz+2])
stokes.V.Vz .= PTArray([ (lz - abs(z)) * εbg for _ in 1:nx+2, _ in 1:ny+2, z in xvi[3]])
flow_bcs!(stokes, flow_bcs) # apply boundary conditions
update_halo!(stokes.V.Vx, stokes.V.Vy, stokes.V.Vz)

grid2particle!(pT, xvi, thermal.T, particles)

# Time loop
t, it = 0.0, 0
local iters
while it < 5
# Update buoyancy and viscosity -
args = (; T = thermal.Tc, P = stokes.P, dt = Inf)
@parallel (@idx ni) compute_viscosity!(
η, 1.0,, @strain(stokes)..., args, rheology, (-Inf, Inf)
@parallel (JustRelax.@idx ni) compute_ρg!(ρg[3],, rheology, args)
# ------------------------------

# Stokes solver ----------------
iters = solve!(
iterMax = 100e3,
viscosity_cutoff=(-Inf, Inf)
@parallel (JustRelax.@idx ni) tensor_invariant!(stokes.ε.II, @strain(stokes)...)
dt = compute_dt(stokes, di, dt_diff)
# ------------------------------

# interpolate fields from particle to grid vertices
particle2grid!(thermal.T, pT, xvi, particles)

@parallel (@idx ni) compute_shear_heating!(
rheology, # needs to be a tuple

# Thermal solver ---------------
igg = igg,
phase = phase_ratios,
iterMax = 10e3,
nout = 1e2,
verbose = true,
# ------------------------------

# Advection --------------------
# advect particles in space
advection_RK!(particles, @velocity(stokes), grid_vx, grid_vy, grid_vz, dt, 2 / 3)
# advect particles in memory
move_particles!(particles, xvi, particle_args)
# interpolate fields from grid vertices to particles
grid2particle_flip!(pT, xvi, thermal.T, thermal.Told, particles)
# check if we need to inject particles
inject = check_injection(particles)
inject && inject_particles_phase!(particles, pPhases, (pT, ), (thermal.T,), xvi)
# update phase ratios
@parallel (@idx ni) phase_ratios_center(, particles.coords, xci, di, pPhases)

@show it += 1
t += dt
# ------------------------------


finalize_global_grid(; finalize_MPI = true)

return iters, thermal


@testset "Shearheating3D" begin
iters, thermal = Shearheating3D()
@test passed = iters.err_evo1[end] < 1e-4
# @test maximum.(thermal.shear_heating)

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