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aelligp committed Oct 30, 2024
1 parent b833bfc commit 57b5d09
Showing 3 changed files with 115 additions and 83 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -73,16 +73,6 @@ function diffusion_2D(figdir; nx=32, ny=32, lx=100e3, ly=100e3, Cp0=1.2e3, K0=3.
ttot = 1 * Myr # total simulation time
dt = 50 * kyr # physical time step

# init_mpi = JustRelax.MPI.Initialized() ? false : true
# igg = IGG(init_global_grid(nx, ny, 1; select_device=false, init_MPI = init_mpi)...)

# # Physical domain
# ni = (nx, ny)
# li = (lx, ly) # domain length in x- and y-
# di = @. li / (nx_g(), ny_g()) # grid step in x- and -y
# grid = Geometry(ni, li; origin = (0, -ly))
# (; xci, xvi) = grid # nodes at the center and vertices of the cells

# Physical domain
ni = nx, ny
li = lx, ly # domain length in x- and y-
170 changes: 106 additions & 64 deletions miniapps/subduction/3D/Subduction3D_MPI.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ function main3D(li, origin, phases_GMG, igg; nx=16, ny=16, nz=16, figdir="figs3D

# Physical domain ------------------------------------
ni = nx, ny, nz # number of cells
di = @. li / ni # grid steps
di = @. li / (nx_g(), ny_g(), nz_g()) # grid steps
grid = Geometry(ni, li; origin = origin)
(; xci, xvi) = grid # nodes at the center and vertices of the cells
# ----------------------------------------------------
@@ -175,9 +175,11 @@ function main3D(li, origin, phases_GMG, igg; nx=16, ny=16, nz=16, figdir="figs3D
println("Stokes solver time ")
println(" Total time: $t_stokes s")
println(" Time/iteration: $(t_stokes / out.iter) s")
if == 0
println("Stokes solver time ")
println(" Total time: $t_stokes s")
println(" Time/iteration: $(t_stokes / out.iter) s")
dt = compute_dt(stokes, di)
# ------------------------------
@@ -219,76 +221,101 @@ function main3D(li, origin, phases_GMG, igg; nx=16, ny=16, nz=16, figdir="figs3D
inject_particles_phase!(particles, pPhases, (), (), xvi)
# update phase ratios
update_phase_ratios!(phase_ratios, particles, xci, xvi, pPhases)
if == 0
@show it += 1
t += dt
if do_vtk

@show it += 1
t += dt

# Data I/O and plotting ---------------------
if == 0 && (it == 1 || rem(it, 20) == 0)
# checkpointing(figdir, stokes, thermal.T, η, t)

if do_vtk
velocity2vertex!(Vx_v, Vy_v, Vz_v, @velocity(stokes)...)
phase_vertex = [argmax(p) for p in Array(phase_ratios.vertex)]
phase_center = [argmax(p) for p in Array(]

@views P_nohalo .= Array(stokes.P[2:end-1, 2:end-1, 2:end-1]) # Copy data to CPU removing the halo
@views τII_nohalo .= Array(stokes.τ.II[2:end-1, 2:end-1, 2:end-1]) # Copy data to CPU removing the halo
@views η_vep_nohalo .= Array(stokes.viscosity.η_vep[2:end-1, 2:end-1, 2:end-1]) # Copy data to CPU removing the halo
@views εII_nohalo .= Array(stokes.ε.II[2:end-1, 2:end-1, 2:end-1]) # Copy data to CPU removing the halo
@views phases_c_v .= Array(phase_center[2:end-1, 2:end-1, 2:end-1])
gather!(P_nohalo, P_v)
gather!(τII_nohalo, τII_v)
gather!(η_vep_nohalo, η_vep_v)
gather!(εII_nohalo, εII_v)
gather!(phases_c_nohalo, phases_c_v)
@views Vxv_nohalo .= Array(Vx_v[2:end-1, 2:end-1, 2:end-1]) # Copy data to CPU removing the halo
@views Vyv_nohalo .= Array(Vy_v[2:end-1, 2:end-1, 2:end-1]) # Copy data to CPU removing the halo
@views Vzv_nohalo .= Array(Vz_v[2:end-1, 2:end-1, 2:end-1]) # Copy data to CPU removing the halo
@views T_nohalo .= Array(thermal.T[2:end-1, 2:end-1, 2:end-1]) # Copy data to CPU removing the halo
@views phase_v_nohalo .= Array(phase_vertex[2:end-1, 2:end-1, 2:end-1])
gather!(Vxv_nohalo, Vxv_v)
gather!(Vyv_nohalo, Vyv_v)
gather!(Vzv_nohalo, Vzv_v)
gather!(T_nohalo, T_v)
gather!(phase_v_nohalo, phases_v_v)

velocity2vertex!(Vx_v, Vy_v, Vz_v, @velocity(stokes)...)
data_v = (;
T = T_v,
phases_v = phases_v_v,
T = zeros(ni.+1...),
phase_vertex = [argmax(p) for p in Array(]
data_c = (;
P = P_v,
τII = τII_v,
εII = εII_v,
η = η_vep_v,
phases = phases_c_v

# P = Array(stokes.P),
# τII = Array(stokes.τ.II),
# εII = Array(stokes.ε.II),
η = Array(stokes.viscosity.η),
phase_center = [argmax(p) for p in Array(]
velocity_v = (
joinpath(vtk_dir, "vtk_" * lpad("$it", 6, "0")),
joinpath(vtk_dir, "vtk_" * lpad("$(it)_$(", 6, "0")),
# Data I/O and plotting ---------------------
# if == 0 && (it == 1 || rem(it, 20) == 0)
# # checkpointing(figdir, stokes, thermal.T, η, t)

# if do_vtk
# velocity2vertex!(Vx_v, Vy_v, Vz_v, @velocity(stokes)...)
# phase_vertex = [argmax(p) for p in Array(phase_ratios.vertex)]
# phase_center = [argmax(p) for p in Array(]
# println("pv= $(size(phase_vertex)), pc= $(size(phase_center))")
# println("stokes P = $(size(stokes.P)), T = $(size(thermal.T))")
# # MPI
# #centers
# @views P_nohalo .= Array(stokes.P[2:end-1, 2:end-1, 2:end-1]) # Copy data to CPU removing the halo
# @views τII_nohalo .= Array(stokes.τ.II[2:end-1, 2:end-1, 2:end-1]) # Copy data to CPU removing the halo
# @views η_vep_nohalo .= Array(stokes.viscosity.η_vep[2:end-1, 2:end-1, 2:end-1]) # Copy data to CPU removing the halo
# @views εII_nohalo .= Array(stokes.ε.II[2:end-1, 2:end-1, 2:end-1]) # Copy data to CPU removing the halo
# # @views phases_c_v .= Array(phase_center[2:end-1, 2:end-1, 2:end-1])
# gather!(P_nohalo, P_v)
# gather!(τII_nohalo, τII_v)
# gather!(η_vep_nohalo, η_vep_v)
# gather!(εII_nohalo, εII_v)
# # gather!(phases_c_nohalo, phases_c_v)
# #vertices
# @views Vxv_nohalo .= Array(Vx_v[2:end-1, 2:end-1, 2:end-1]) # Copy data to CPU removing the halo
# @views Vyv_nohalo .= Array(Vy_v[2:end-1, 2:end-1, 2:end-1]) # Copy data to CPU removing the halo
# @views Vzv_nohalo .= Array(Vz_v[2:end-1, 2:end-1, 2:end-1]) # Copy data to CPU removing the halo
# @views T_nohalo .= Array(thermal.T[2:end-1, 2:end-1, 2:end-1]) # Copy data to CPU removing the halo
# # @views phase_v_nohalo .= Array(phase_vertex[2:end-1, 2:end-1, 2:end-1])
# gather!(Vxv_nohalo, Vxv_v)
# gather!(Vyv_nohalo, Vyv_v)
# gather!(Vzv_nohalo, Vzv_v)
# gather!(T_nohalo, T_v)
# # gather!(phase_v_nohalo, phases_v_v)

# # data_v = (;
# # T = T_v,
# # # phases_v = phases_v_v,
# # )
# # data_c = (;
# # P = P_v,
# # τII = τII_v,
# # εII = εII_v,
# # η = η_vep_v,
# # # phases = phases_c_v

# # )
# # velocity_v = (
# # Array(Vxv_v),
# # Array(Vyv_v),
# # Array(Vzv_v),
# # )
# # save_vtk(
# # joinpath(vtk_dir, "vtk_" * lpad("$it", 6, "0")),
# # xvi_v,
# # xci_v,
# # data_v,
# # data_c,
# # velocity_v
# # )
# end
# end
# ------------------------------

@@ -301,13 +328,28 @@ do_vtk = true # set to true to generate VTK files for ParaView
# nx,ny,nz = 50, 50, 50
nx,ny,nz = 32,32,32
# nx,ny,nz = 128, 32, 64
li, origin, phases_GMG, = GMG_only(nx+1, ny+1, nz+1)
igg = if !(JustRelax.MPI.Initialized()) # initialize (or not) MPI grid
IGG(init_global_grid(nx, ny, nz; init_MPI= true)...)

# Physical domain ------------------------------------
x = range(-3960, 500, nx_g());
y = range(0, 2640, ny_g());
air_thickness = 0.0
z = range(-660, air_thickness, nz_g());
origin = (x[1], y[1], z[1])
li = (abs(last(x)-first(x)), abs(last(y)-first(y)), abs(last(z)-first(z)))

ni = nx, ny, nz # number of cells
di = @. li / (nx_g(), ny_g(), nz_g()) # grid steps
grid = Geometry(ni, li; origin = origin)
(; xci, xvi) = grid # nodes at the center and vertices of the cells
li, origin, phases_GMG, = GMG_only(xvi,nx, ny, nz)
# li, origin, phases_GMG, = GMG_only(nx_g()+1, ny_g()+1, nz_g()+1)
# li, origin, phases_GMG, = GMG_only(Grid, nx+1, ny+1, nz+1)

# (Path)/folder where output data and figures are stored
figdir = "Subduction3D_$(nx)x$(ny)x$(nz)"
main3D(li, origin, phases_GMG, igg; figdir = figdir, nx = nx, ny = ny, nz = nz, do_vtk = do_vtk);
# figdir = "Subduction3D_$(nx_g())x$(ny_g())x$(nz_g())"
# main3D(li, origin, phases_GMG, igg; figdir = figdir, nx = nx, ny = ny, nz = nz, do_vtk = do_vtk);
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions miniapps/subduction/3D/Subduction3D_setup.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
using GeophysicalModelGenerator

function GMG_only(nx, ny, nz)
function GMG_only(xvi, nx, ny, nz)
# nx,ny,nz = 99, 33, 66
# nx, ny, nz = (nx,ny,nz) .+ 1
x = range(-3960, 500, nx);
y = range(0, 2640, ny);
air_thickness = 0.0
z = range(-660, air_thickness, nz);
x = range(minimum(xvi[1]), maximum(xvi[1]), nx);
y = range(minimum(xvi[2]), maximum(xvi[2]), ny);
z = range(minimum(xvi[3]), maximum(xvi[3]), nz);
Grid = CartData(xyz_grid(x,y,z));

println("Grid_$( created with $(nx) x $(ny) x $(nz) cells, $Grid")
# Now we create an integer array that will hold the `Phases` information (which usually refers to the material or rock type in the simulation)
Phases = fill(3, nx, ny, nz);

# In many (geodynamic) models, one also has to define the temperature, so lets define it as well
Temp = fill(1350.0, nx, ny, nz);

@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ function GMG_only(nx, ny, nz)

# # And an an inclined part:
# lith = LithosphericPhases(Layers=[200], Phases=[1 2], Tlab=1250)
# add_box!(Phases, Temp, Grid; xlim=(0,300).-1000, ylim=(0, 1000.0), zlim=(-80.0, 10.0), phase = lith,
# add_box!(Phases, Temp, Grid; xlim=(0,300).-1000, ylim=(0, 1000.0), zlim=(-80.0, 10.0), phase = lith,
# # Origin=(-1000,0,0),
# T=SpreadingRateTemp(SpreadingVel=0, MORside="left"), DipAngle=20, StrikeAngle=0);

@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ function GMG_only(nx, ny, nz)
Grid = addfield(Grid,(;Phases, Temp))

# Which looks like

surf = Grid.z.val .> 0.0
surf = Grid.z.val .> 0.0
Phases[surf] .= 4

li = (abs(last(x)-first(x)), abs(last(y)-first(y)), abs(last(z)-first(z))) .* 1e3

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