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3D diffusion mpi; buggy 3D subduction mpi
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aelligp committed Oct 28, 2024
1 parent a39bb58 commit 28216ba
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@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
using JustRelax, JustRelax.JustRelax3D

const backend_JR = CPUBackend

using ParallelStencil
@init_parallel_stencil(Threads, Float64, 3)

using JustPIC, JustPIC._3D
# Threads is the default backend,
# to run on a CUDA GPU load CUDA.jl (i.e. "using CUDA") at the beginning of the script,
# and to run on an AMD GPU load AMDGPU.jl (i.e. "using AMDGPU") at the beginning of the script.
const backend = JustPIC.CPUBackend # Options: CPUBackend, CUDABackend, AMDGPUBackend

using GeoParams, GLMakie

@parallel_indices (i, j, k) function init_T!(T, z)
if z[k] == maximum(z)
T[i, j, k] = 300.0
elseif z[k] == minimum(z)
T[i, j, k] = 3500.0
T[i, j, k] = z[k] * (1900.0 - 1600.0) / minimum(z) + 1600.0
return nothing

function elliptical_perturbation!(T, δT, xc, yc, zc, r, xvi)

@parallel_indices (i, j, k) function _elliptical_perturbation!(T, x, y, z)
@inbounds if (((x[i]-xc))^2 + ((y[j] - yc))^2 + ((z[k] - zc))^2) r^2
T[i, j, k] += δT
return nothing

@parallel _elliptical_perturbation!(T, xvi...)

function init_phases!(phases, particles, xc, yc, zc, r)
ni = size(phases)
center = xc, yc, zc

@parallel_indices (I...) function init_phases!(phases, px, py, pz, index, center, r)
@inbounds for ip in cellaxes(phases)
# quick escape
@index(index[ip, I...]) == 0 && continue

x = @index px[ip, I...]
y = @index py[ip, I...]
z = @index pz[ip, I...]

# plume - rectangular
if (((x - center[1]))^2 + ((y - center[2]))^2 + ((z - center[3]))^2) r^2
@index phases[ip, I...] = 2.0

@index phases[ip, I...] = 1.0
return nothing

@parallel (@idx ni) init_phases!(phases, particles.coords..., particles.index, center, r)

function diffusion_3D(;
nx = 32,
ny = 32,
nz = 32,
lx = 100e3,
ly = 100e3,
lz = 100e3,
ρ0 = 3.3e3,
Cp0 = 1.2e3,
K0 = 3.0,
init_MPI = JustRelax.MPI.Initialized() ? false : true,
finalize_MPI = false,

kyr = 1e3 * 3600 * 24 * 365.25
Myr = 1e6 * 3600 * 24 * 365.25
ttot = 1 * Myr # total simulation time
dt = 50 * kyr # physical time step

# Physical domain
ni = (nx, ny, nz)
li = (lx, ly, lz) # domain length in x- and y-
di = @. li / ni # grid step in x- and -y
origin = 0, 0, -lz # nodes at the center and vertices of the cells
igg = IGG(init_global_grid(nx, ny, nz; init_MPI=init_MPI)...) # init MPI
grid = Geometry(ni, li; origin = origin)
(; xci, xvi) = grid # nodes at the center and vertices of the cells

# Define the thermal parameters with GeoParams
rheology = (
Phase = 1,
Density = PT_Density(; ρ0=3e3, β=0.0, T0=0.0, α = 1.5e-5),
HeatCapacity = ConstantHeatCapacity(; Cp=Cp0),
Conductivity = ConstantConductivity(; k=K0),
RadioactiveHeat = ConstantRadioactiveHeat(1e-6),
Phase = 2,
Density = PT_Density(; ρ0=3.3e3, β=0.0, T0=0.0, α = 1.5e-5),
HeatCapacity = ConstantHeatCapacity(; Cp=Cp0),
Conductivity = ConstantConductivity(; k=K0),
RadioactiveHeat = ConstantRadioactiveHeat(1e-7),

# fields needed to compute density on the fly
P = @zeros(ni...)
args = (; P=P)

## Allocate arrays needed for every Thermal Diffusion
# general thermal arrays
thermal = ThermalArrays(backend_JR, ni)
thermal.H .= 1e-6
# physical parameters
ρ = @fill(ρ0, ni...)
Cp = @fill(Cp0, ni...)
K = @fill(K0, ni...)
ρCp = @. Cp * ρ

# Boundary conditions
thermal_bc = TemperatureBoundaryConditions(;
no_flux = (left = true , right = true , top = false, bot = false, front = true , back = true),

@parallel (@idx size(thermal.T)) init_T!(thermal.T, xvi[3])

# Add thermal perturbation
δT = 100e0 # thermal perturbation
r = 10e3 # thermal perturbation radius
center_perturbation = lx/2, ly/2, -lz/2
elliptical_perturbation!(thermal.T, δT, center_perturbation..., r, xvi)

# Initialize particles -------------------------------
nxcell, max_xcell, min_xcell = 20, 20, 1
particles = init_particles(
backend, nxcell, max_xcell, min_xcell, xvi...
pPhases, = init_cell_arrays(particles, Val(1))
phase_ratios = PhaseRatios(backend, length(rheology), ni)
init_phases!(pPhases, particles, center_perturbation..., r)
update_phase_ratios!(phase_ratios, particles, xci, xvi, pPhases)
# ----------------------------------------------------

# PT coefficients for thermal diffusion
args = (; P=P, T=thermal.Tc)
pt_thermal = PTThermalCoeffs(backend_JR, K, ρCp, dt, di, li; CFL = 0.75 / 3.1)

t = 0.0
it = 0
nt = Int(ceil(ttot / dt))

# Visualization global arrays
nx_v = ((nx + 1)-2) * igg.dims[1]
ny_v = ((ny + 1)-2) * igg.dims[2]
nz_v = ((nz + 1)-2) * igg.dims[3]
T_v = zeros(nx_v, ny_v, nz_v) # plotting is done on the CPU
T_nohalo = zeros((nx+1)-2, (ny+1)-2, (nz+1)-2) # plotting is done on the CPU

# Physical time loop
while it < 10
kwargs =(;
igg = igg,
phase = phase_ratios,
iterMax = 10e3,
nout = 1e2,
verbose = true,

@views T_nohalo .= Array(thermal.T[2:end-1, 2:end-1, 2:end-1]) # Copy data to CPU removing the halo
gather!(T_nohalo, T_v)

if == 0
slice_j = ny_v >>> 1
fig, = heatmap(T_v[:, slice_j, :])
save("temperature_3D_it_$(it)_MPI.png", fig)
println("\n SAVED TEMPERATURE \n")

t += dt
it += 1

finalize_global_grid(; finalize_MPI=finalize_MPI)

return thermal


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