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Configuration OpenTerrainGenerator.ini

Aaron B edited this page Jul 31, 2019 · 2 revisions



Located in the OpenTerrainGenerator/worlds folder this ini file has control over global variables that affect all installed worlds. This file contains 6 config settings controlling file comments, logging and the world pregenerator.

Settings Mode

Biome and Custom Object/Structure config files by default contain help comments, settings mode determines how OTG will write these comments. The possible write modes are:
WriteAll --- Write config files with help comments
WriteWithoutComments --- Write config files without help comments but keeping the sections names
WriteDisable --- Doesn't write to the config files, it only reads.
WriteDisable Does NOT auto-update the configs. Use with care!
Default: WriteAll

Log levels

This is the level with which logs will be produced in the minecraft log files. Possible log levels:
Bare --- This will only show FATAL and ERROR logs
Quiet --- Minimal logging; This will show FATAL, ERROR, and WARN logs
Standard --- Default logging; This is exactly what you are used to. Quiet + INFO logs
Debug --- Above Normal logging; Standard logs + DEBUG logs
Trace --- Verbose logging; This gets very messy, Debug logs + TRACE logs
Default: Standard

Spawn log

Shows detailed information about mob and BO3 spawning in the minecraft log files. Useful for TC world devs when set to true.
True --- Logs detailed information about mob and BO3 spawning
False --- No logging of mob and Bo3 spawning
Default: False

Pregenerator Rules

PregeneratorMaxChunksPerTick is the number of chunks the pre-generator is allowed to generate for each server tick. Higher numbers make pre-generation faster but increase memory usage. Recommended 1 - 3.
Default: PregeneratorMaxChunksPerTick: 2 Progress is logged in the server console.