Tahoe enables high-performance GPU inference for decision tree ensemble which can be used in high performance computing, advertising systems, medical diagnosis, financial fraud detection, etc.
sh ./run_an_example.sh
sh ./run_all_15_examples.sh
- Ubuntu 16.04
- CUDA 10.1
# Take the SVHN data set as an example.
# Download trained decision tree model
# Download data set
# In particular, all 15 trained models and data can be downloaded here (not necessary for testing)
# If you want to train the model from scratch (not necessary for testing)
Please refer to our another repo: https://github.com/zhen-xie/Decision-tree-ensemble.git
git clone https://github.com/zhen-xie/Tahoe.git
cd Tahoe;
make Tahoe;
# Run Tahoe with the corresponding paths. The first parameter is the model path, and the second parameter is the data path.
[zxie10@gpu050 Tahoe]$ ./Tahoe /home/zxie10/Project1/model_SUSY.txt /home/zxie10/Project1/data_SUSY.txt;
Performance model choose #1 strategy.
Load forest
Load data
Predict on CPU and get standard results...
Test on GPU...
time_dense is 0.990169 us
results are correct
Using strategy 0
time_dense is 1.082617 us
results are correct
Using strategy 0
time_dense is 3.838786 us
results are correct
Using strategy 1
time_dense is 0.120020 us
results are correct
Using strategy 3
time_dense is 0.212903 us
results are correct
Enumerate al strategies and choose #1 strategy.
Performance model predicts correctly
Tahoe brings 8.25x speedup.
Tahoe also provides a C++ interface to load forest and data from files and computes the prediction on GPU:
# Setup input forest, dataset, and algorithm, and construct the interface of Tahoe framework
BaseTahoeTest* pTest = new BaseTahoeTest(argv[1], argv[2]);
# Launch the inference of tree traversal
# Free resources