This module contains a collection of tools that are used to aid in management of an Azure Monitoring environment. Semantic versioning is used in this project and a lite changelog is kept towards the bottom of this readme file.
Normal PowerShell commands may be used to interact with this module. Install this module from your NuGet server or copy the module to the following directory
To view all cmdlets available in this module run the following:
Import-Module AzureMon
Get-Command -Module AzureMon
You may also use the help functionality with the cmdlets...
Import-Module AzureMon
Get-Help Register-VMToOMS -Full
note: This document gives an overview of changes that are made within releases for a detailed view of what changes have happened within the module, refer to the source code repository in the VCS.
- Updated the ExtracyDate field to use 24 hour time.
- Renamed and released module as
- Added Register-VMToOMS runbook
- Fixed an output issue in Send-KVCertInfoToLA
- Added the cmdlet Send-KVCertInfoToLA to send Key Vault metadata to Log Analytics
- Added the Get-SSLCertInfo cmdlet
- Modified New-MetricEmailAlertRules to be more idempotent and update the alert if some key values have changed.
- Implemented the external cmdlets: Set-MetricForwardingToOMS and New-MetricEmailAlertRules
- Fixed an issue where an empty folder in the module causes failures on importing.
- Added the ability to specify which subscription the VMs and LA workspace exists.
- Initial implementation