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The source files that are used with the blogdown R package to create the blog site

Currently the blog is compiled using tavis-ci which enables others to add posts by following a few steps:

Some familiarity with using github is assumed for this process

You don't need to have blogdown installed locally but it makes it much easier,

  1. (If you don't already have it) install the R package blogdown install.packages("blogdown")
  2. Fork the repo and then clone your copy to make it local for you
  3. Open the project up in RStudio
    • easiest: Use the "New Post" rstudio addin to open a dialog box to fill in the details
    • harder: create a new Rmd or md post with blogdown::new_post() or copy and rename an old post and alter the details
      • source files for posts are stored in content/post/
  4. Preview your post with blogdown::build_site(local = TRUE)
  5. When happy with content and successfully building do the following on the master branch:
  • git add your post .Rmd, .Rmarkdown or .md file
  • git commit
  • git pull
  • git push
  1. On github create a pull request for your repo to send the changes to otagostudygroup/syskasnippets

An excellent reference for creating blogdown posts is

For reference on RMarkdown refer to