In this place we will deploy our changes in order to be able to work together in the same project.
Be aware YOU HAVE TO read about the following commands before run them in your terminal. However, we will give you those important for this project in order to speed up this stuff.
To download this repository, use a git clone command followed bit the url provided by github.
-- Usage:
- git clone
To create a new branch, use git checkout.
-- Usage:
- git checkout -b 'your-name-followed-by-the-work-you-will-be-doing'
To update yor local branch use:
- git branch To corroborate you are placed in yor local branch
- git pull origin main To download all the changes from our remote main branch
To upload your changes use git push. But before upload anythin you have to make sure:
- your local branch is up to date
- you have commited the change which you have to upload
- you aren't pushing to the main branch
-- Usage:
- git push origin 'your-name-followed-by-the-work-you-will-be-doing'