salesmachine-ruby is a library for tracking events and sending SalesMachine.IO profile updates to SalesMachine.IO from your ruby applications. It's straightforward to get started sending your first events and updates:
gem install salesmachine-ruby
You need to register in, setup your project and issue an API token
require 'salesmachine-ruby'
if __FILE__ == $0
# Replace this with the token from your project settings
SalesMachine.setup do |config|
config.api_token="replace by production token"
config.api_secret="eplace by production secret"
SalesMachine::Track.pageview("contact_id", {
:visit_url => "/home",
:visit_ip => "",
:visit_agent => "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_0)"
SalesMachine::Track.event("<< contact_unique_id >>", :user_signup)
SalesMachine::Contact.set("<< contact_unique_id >>", {
:name => "John Doe",
:email => "[email protected]",
:account_id=>"<< account_unique_id ie 12345 >>",
SalesMachine::Account.set("<< account_unique_id ie 12345 >>", {
:name => "My company",
The primary class you will use to track events is SalesMachine.IO. An instance of SalesMachine::Track.pageview is enough to send events directly to SalesMachine.IO, and get you integrated right away.
gem install salesmachine-ruby
or in Gemfile
gem 'salesmachine-ruby'
create a file config/initializers/salesmachine.rb
require "salesmachine-ruby"
SalesMachine.setup do |config|
if Rails.env=="development"
config.api_token="--> development token <--"
config.api_secret="--> development secret <--"
if Rails.env=="production"
config.api_token="--> production token <--"
config.api_secret="--> production token <--"
For more information please visit:
- The documentation[]