Google Play Store link -
For recruiters / people looking to inspect the code - you can find it in Assets/Scripts (.cs files)
A mobile semi-casual game for mom's 50th birthday i made in one month (April 2020, during the Covid-19 lockdown while i was staying in Nelson,New Zealand) using:
- Unity engine for the engine things (navigation, rendering, lighting, physics etc..
- C# to write all the code, with Microsoft's Visual Studio
- Blender for modelling, uv wrapping and animations, using modular pieces method. *animations was probably the hardest part!
- Adobe's CC Photoshop for texturing, 2d art and all the small things ;)
Feel free to reach me out on [email protected]
I hope that one day this piece of code, which is my first sketch to production project ever, will help or motivate someone else to become coders and make fun stuff for himself or his loved ones! Peace <3 Ori, BmanStudio